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Vitamin D Deficiency - Any Support Group?

Discussion in 'Health Issues' started by SGBV, Mar 7, 2023.

  1. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    My hysterectomy surgery has done more damage to the body than good. Since the past 8 months, I've gained more than 10 kgs, despite on a strict diet and no sugar. Besides, I've recently joined the gym and started all the pains.
    Initially I thought it was the exercises that is causing me the pain, but despite of doing rigorous exercises, I ended up gaining one more KG this month.

    That's when I've noticed something else was wrong in my system; hence the diagnosis.
    I had several health complications, but never thought one problem can cause this much of problems in my body.

    My vitamin D level is 19, according to the report it is severe deficiency.
    My endocrinologist prescribed 200,000 iu injection every 2 weeks for 2 months along with different other tests to rule out other problems.

    I was blaming my gym training for all the exhausted feeling and body pain so far. But now, after knowing the culprit, I am taken a back. Feeling more sick and down.

    Is there anyone with this problem among our Lites, who can share their journey or success story here?

    Since Vit D deficiency needs more awareness, let's keep this thread alive to educate each other.

  2. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Thanks for this thread. I am sorry you are dealing with this too. I don't have any inputs since I am having the same issue for the last since 2017.

    I have read and tried many things for my vitamin D deficiency and still no improvement.

    I have got few health issues which becomes chronic pain and I have been running back to back to specialists and doctors.

    I found my d value as 11 in 2017 when I tested for the first time during my annual physical. I never tested vitamin D before that. I moved to US in 2016. So I assume my D becomes low after moving here.

    I have given 50000iu /week prescription for this and been taking it since then. I used to take that for three months and they told me to continue with OTC strength vit D.

    I checked again in 2018 and it was 12. I was totally shocked that it just increased one value irrespective of taking high prescription pills. Given the same routine again and that's repeating till now. Mine never crossed 30 yet which is normal range. Mine is in 20s.
    Dr said I should have mine up to 60-70.

    I saw a rheumatologist and she said my body is not absorbing D for some reason. She put me on active form of D medication along with vitamin D pills. No improvement yet.

    I have had lots of health issues since 2018. Don't know if all because of vit D. Chronic knee pain and chronic jaw and neck pain. All imaging done and no reason found for the pain.

    I have noticed one thing since 2017. Hairfall. That's when I went to my GP and found that D is low. I have severe hairfall since 2017. I changed so many things like water filter, shampoo etc. I lost almost 70 percent of my hair. I even did bob haircut for few years because of this issue.

    I have seen doctors and they end up telling me d is low. I did check thyroid and other possible causes for hair loss. But nothing evident yet.

    Since your d is low too, do you notice any hairfall? Any symptoms which troubles you?
    SGBV likes this.
  3. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Vitamin D deficiency is very common and can also be hard to correct. I had a reading of 8 when I went for checkup before starting IVF.
    For many years now I have been taking a daily dose of vitamin D3+K2. I also go outside without sunscreen for 15 minutes every day. I wear a hat that protects my face. Finally I have a value between 30-40 but it took a very long time.
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  4. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    @gknew There is a recent article in NY Times about how oral minoxidil (active ingredient of Rogaine) has helped some women tremendously with hair loss. It’s something I’m planning to ask at my next doctors appointment.
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  5. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    @SGBV is your HbA1c normal?
    I used to see a Bangladeshi endocrinologist and she was familiar with insulin resistance among South Asians. She recommended intermittent fasting and keto diet.
    SGBV likes this.
  6. DDream

    DDream Finest Post Winner

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    Yes. It is something I have always mentioned here. My vitamin D level was 9,when my endocrinologist suggested test to explore thyroid plus hashimoto issue

    Low vitamin D levels can trigger auto immune response. Thats why she suggested it. I have started taking prescription 50000D2 daily for one month then switched to one perweek schedule. But it was still in low 20s for a while. Even though I didn't have obvious symptoms all of a sudden another autoimmune IBD and its complications occurred. My body was not absorbing vitamin D well. Also, I have to take B12 injections to fight its low values.

    If anyone has issues with vitamin D absorbtion , one of the main reason is unhealthy gut, you should start from there, especially gut flora makes a huge difference.

    Instead of taking immuno suppresents I have started diet, mostly like keto inclined diet to fight IBD. I used to eat only rice plus fish or egg for two years( not easy, not for everyone, my case) to give rest to my gut. Still my vitamin D levels were low in 30s. So I started taking cod liver oil capsules every day in addition to vitamin D. It has mainly D, A and omega 3 that fights with inflamation. Slowly my body started absorbing it elevated to D. In my case, inflamation plus Vit D has cycle effect.

    I had long thick beautiful hair and due to haifall and migraine ( I couldnt tie hair as it triggers it) I cut it down . Once vitamin D increased my hair health also improved.

    During this time, I was anemic, so I was taking slow release iron( to avoid constipation when using normal iron). Also probiotics, folic acid, b complex, multi vitamin... Etc.. Included iron rich foods too.

    If anyone has skin, stomach issues, I suggest to go for gluten free, avoid omega 6 foods, natural as much you can. Use natural oils to cook ( coconut, ghee, olive oil), avoid packaged foods, preservatives go for fresh food. Be mindful of what you apply on your skin, especially certain chemicals in makeup products are harmful.

    It helped my stomach, vitamin D increased to 70. For healthy gut it should be well above 60.. When I stopped D for a while vitamin D dropped to 22 and my IBD inflamation symptoms came back . Again I started it and its normal . But I have to increase it to 70

    As my body dont absorb it well from food due to IBD, I need to take it once in a week atleast. Now I take vitamin D3 plus all I mentiomed above.

    Also, if there is no vitamin D, there is high chances for osteoporosis as calcium wont be absorbed. Recent studies shows that magnecium is also needed for proper calcium absorbtion along with vit D.

    So, I suggest from my experience, suppliment the above. we need all, A, B, C, D. So, add multi vitamin D. Improve gut health. Also, reduce carbo, more protein, probiotics.
    @SGBV, I suggest not to do a lot in gym.. Go for mild excercise, stress reduction, more supplements.
    Like you I am also a strong advocate of D. It is happinesss vitamin. It is important for mental well being too. Helps fight depression due to its positive influence on serotonin.

    Recently intermittent fasting has emerged as a technique to fight many issues even though it has been practiced in India. But it also depend on the age and need of a person.
    This youtube channel will be useful if one like to know functional medicine approach.

    Science of fasting and rejuvenation effect is known for centuries in India. But, "autophagy"
    is the science behind it

    The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2016

    @gknew. Have you tested for R.Arthritis? As you have inflamation, you may consider antiinflammatory diet. Consult a functional medicine doctor for finding root cause. In my case ayurvedic plus functional medicine doctor plus GI helps.
    Stress reduction and lifestyle change helps a lot. I am on supplements except thyroid medication.
    Last edited: Mar 7, 2023
    SGBV likes this.
  7. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    If you can I would look for a physician who follows a holistic approach. I was very lucky to have one such doctor for almost 18 years until she closed her practice last year. I paid a somewhat hefty annual membership fee but the advantage is that she could limit her number of patients and give a lot of time to each appointment. She would always stress on treating the whole person, not just the given symptoms presenting at a particular visit.
    My daily routine involves taking a multivitamin, vitamin D3+K2, heme iron, biotin, vitamin B12, magnesium, zinc,quercetin and myo-inositol. The only medications I take are Synthroid and metformin. I will be starting a new job soon with 80% telework compared to the 100% in-person I have right now, so I hope to up my exercise routine and wean off the metformin completely.
    SGBV likes this.
  8. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Do you remember how many years did it take for D values to become normal?
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  9. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Do you have hair fall too?
    I will check about this pill.
  10. gknew

    gknew Gold IL'ite

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    Is hba1c related to hairfall and VIT D deficiency??
    SGBV likes this.

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