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Viswa's thread on nice guy made me think and write this snippet

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, Dec 22, 2014.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Such a nice guy as Viswa is asking whether he is a nice guy when he was such a nice son to his mother, a loving father and a loving husband. Then what will people say about me because before marriage I never helped my mother in the kitchen as already my mother, grandmother and elder sister were there. My mother and grandmother used to finish their cooking by 7 a.m. My grandmother used to say being a woman whole life is there to struggle in the kitchen so enjoy your life now and later you can be there. We both are there so we will take care of everything. I used to help them in outside work like buying things for the house . But that also only sometimes because my father was there to take care. My father used to share his troubles only with my elder sister and used to think I am still young and why to put any burden on me. In my house my parents, grandmother , my siblings all used to treat me like a child even when I was 30 years old. So till I got married I was a child :) thats why I am always young at heart.

    Only after marriage I became very responsible as I was married to a big family with three brothers in law and nine sisters in law. So I became a good daughter in law, a good wife and a good mother and a responsible person after marriage I suppose .
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  2. minjagan

    minjagan Gold IL'ite

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    Hi Viji ma,

    I was surprised to know that u have 3 BIL and "9" SILs.
    I know in this generation ppl who r having 1 BIL or SIL are struggling a lot...
    I know that u should have more patience to handle all of them...
    Hats off to you:hatsoff
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  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Welcome to my thread and glad toreceive your first fb. In this generation there are less kids , in our time there were many siblings. But my brothers in law and sisters n law are very cooperative and loving , sometimes we have difference of opinion also but then we forget and forgive. Whatever functions we hav ein ur house there is a team work and everyone appreciates our family seeing the co operation among us
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