Vintage Vivek Ramaswamy

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by Thoughtful, Nov 10, 2023.

  1. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Curated 5 minutes of Vivek's talk from the 3rd Republican debate. He went after democrats, republicans, RNC, other hypocrites on the debate stage, and the debate moderators included.

    This dude has guts, is honest, clear thinking and energy which none of the old American politicians have and I am proud to see an Indian American standing up in American politics and setting great direction for others to follow.


  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    He sounds deranged.
    Rihana likes this.
  3. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    How so?
  4. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Have to agree. He is all over the place and even after looking hard for substance in his responses, there's not much to be found.
    From around 5:00m till the end of the video you posted, it becomes more obvious.

    Further, the thing that decided for me was when around 1m50s in the video, he says:
    That's the choice we face. Do you want a leader from a different generation who's
    going to put this country first or do you want Dick Cheney in 3-inch heels?
    We got two of them on stage tonight.​

    The 3-inch heels reference is not cool. Be it to Nikki Haley or DeSantis. Ramaswamy further dug in his heels and posted the comment on X too. He kept saying in the speech that we need a CEO in the White House. I wonder if any CEO in these times would dare use words like "in 3 inch heels" to refer to any woman.

    I've watched that part of the video a few times. Ramaswamy clearly slows down for effect as he delivers that high-heels punch line. Makes me cringe to think he must have rehearsed that line, and it was not something he came up with on the spur of the moment.
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2023
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  5. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    For me, it is terribly depressing to watch anything related to U.S. politics. To check out this Indian name I keep hearing, I googled Ramaswamy's stance on abortion. Got this recent video as the first result. Check out the way he answers the news anchor's straightforward questions. Agreed that politicians take every question and turn it around so they use their canned responses and avoid a direct answer. Even then, the inanity of his responses took that politician trait to a ridiculous level of banality and obfuscation.

    To check if the rice is cooked, we check only a few grains. Ramaswamy rice dish is not well cooked. Next ...
    MalStrom likes this.
  6. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Will write a quick response and come back and write more so I can watch this video and respond.

    There is a difference between rice and human beings. If we don't have the patience to vet the candidates in a proper way, these leaders take us to war, decide how we and our children live and thrive.

    All these other candidates are super pack puppets and are part of the same establishment who will not make any change. Vivek can't be bought, can't be threatened and can't be restrained.

    Find his hour long talks on each of his policies from war to how to handle china, to border security and so on. The other candidates have promptly taken note and and are parroting him and one might forget that Vivek brought all of these to the table.

    There is a lot to like about Vivek and it is truely ground breaking, Why do people find uncooked rice here and there? Because Vivek lets you. All of the other republican candidates will not go to cnn, nbc, msnbc or the most hostile environment ( democrats do the same ). Vivek will go to any channel and speak to anyone both on policies and off the cuff. He will never turn down an intelligent conversation. Most people don't give him his due and want to cut it short. If there is an hour or two of video one should watch, see Vivek's interview with Tucker Carlson. Women might disagree with him on abortion, but most of the policies he is rock solid and ground breaking.

    Coming from an Indian background, as an Indian I think most of us will be able to tell more about another Indian than a white. We know his values, how his parents were brought up and how he was grown up and what he is talking now. Vivek himself has said, somethings are his policy statements and somethings he will talk off the cuff ( instead of career politicians who will not tell anything after listening to them for hours )
  7. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    Okay watched the video, I don't know how you decided Vivek is uncooked rice based on this. Have you listened to any of the other republicans on this same questions and how they won't answer or will force this down the peoples throat. ( This is not unlike the democrats evading the issue which they don't want to address ).

    Vivek however has more clarity on the issue and has said how he voted in Ohio for Abortion but he has clearly stated that as President this is not his policy and will not do anything federally ( which is not different from what democrats policy is on this ). There is no reason to turn away from Vivek due to the Abortion issue .
    chanchitra likes this.
  8. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I think at this point Ramaswamy is just trolling. He’s clearly not an idiot, but seems to relish behaving like one.
  9. Rihana

    Rihana Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    LOL. I can form my response just with words from your post: Ramaswamy's stance on abortion will decide how my children live and thrive. That is the most important point on which I vet candidates.
    I don't even where to begin on the "Women might disagree..". If anyone disagrees with him on abortion, it has nothing to do with their gender. Would have preferred to read "Some might disagree..." I find the reference to gender of a disagree-er as insulting as Ramaswamy's reference to high-heels.

    This guy or any presidential candidate hopeful is not my child's art drawing that I will go to great lengths and try my best-est to find something worth praising. I watched the video you posted, his interview on the Ohio abortion vote, and more parts of the Republican debate. I would love for an Indian name to shine politically, but, this one has too many negatives to overlook.

    It is a really slow weekend for me. Long weekend and no Diwali parties. I stooped to reading the YouTube comments under that Ohio abortion vote video. One summed it up nicely: "Amazing how a guy can say so much and so little at the same time!" From what I understood of all his long-winded statements, Ramaswamy says abortion is not a federal issue, and in his state he voted no. That combination is of no help to couples who need an abortion.

    I should stop typing, my ignorance and preference to not go deep into candidate study is showing through. But suffice to say anti-abortion and slows down on national TV to remark about a woman's high-heels... No No.
  10. Thoughtful

    Thoughtful Gold IL'ite

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    You can find anything to support your stand no matter what it is, in YouTube comments.

    Most people make a big deal about pro life vs pro choice that they are scared enough to vote based on it.

    Most are pro life, no body wants to get pregnant and abort for the sake of it. The left wants to threaten that if somehow you get pregnant you will not be allowed to abort if you wanted. The Christian Muslim beliefs which are made to propagate their religion are against abortion. In reality it does not happen as much as one is threatened on it. It gives a false power of choice where there is no choice in most aspects in America.

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