Very interesting comparison!!

Discussion in 'Jokes' started by juhi_sri, Sep 9, 2005.

  1. juhi_sri

    juhi_sri Junior IL'ite

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    [font=Arial,Helvetica,Sans Serif]Very interesting comparison!!

    New Orleans vs. Mumbai*

    I couldn't' stop forwarding you this comparison...

    Inches of rain in New Orleans due to hurricane Katrina...18
    Inches of rain in Mumbai (July 27th).... 37.1

    Population of New Orleans... 484,674
    Population of Mumbai.... 12,622,500

    Deaths in New Orleans within 48 hours of Katrina... 100
    Deaths in Mumbai within 48hours of rain... 37

    Number of people to be evacuated in New Orleans... entire city... wohh
    Number of people evacuated in Mumbai... 10,000

    Cases of shooting and violence in New Orleans... Countless
    Cases of shooting and violence in Mumbai... NONE

    Time taken for US army to reach New Orleans... 48hours
    Time taken for Indian army and navy to reach Mumbai... 12hours

    Status 48hours later...
    New Orleans is still waiting for relief, army and electricity
    Status 48hours later... Mumbai is back on its feet and is business is as usual

    USA*... world's most developed nation
    India*... third world country...

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  2. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Juhi, I have already posted this info in the snippets section

    Click here for more discussions about it

    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 12, 2005
  3. meenaprakash

    meenaprakash Silver IL'ite

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    The Steady Buildup to a City's Chaos- KATRINA

    Confusion Reigned At Every Level Of Government
    [size=-1]By Susan B. Glasser and Michael Grunwald
    Washington Post Staff Writers
    Sunday, September 11, 2005; A01

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    Walter Maestri had dreaded this call for a decade, ever since he took over emergency management for Jefferson Parish, a marshy collection of suburbs around New Orleans. It was Friday night, Aug. 26, and his friend Max Mayfield was on the line. Mayfield is the head of the National Hurricane Center, and he wasn't calling to chat.

    "Walter," Mayfield said, "get ready."

    "What do you mean?" Maestri asked, though he already knew the answer.

    Hurricane Katrina had barreled into the Gulf of Mexico, and Mayfield's latest forecast had it smashing into New Orleans as a Category 4 or 5 storm Monday morning. Maestri already had 10,000 body bags in his parish, in case he ever got a call like this.

    "This could be the one," Mayfield told him.

    Maestri heard himself gasp: "Oh, my God."

    In July 2004, Maestri had participated in an exercise called Hurricane Pam, a simulation of a Category 3 storm drowning New Orleans. Emergency planners had concluded that a real Pam would create a flood of unimaginable proportions, killing tens of thousands of people, wiping out hundreds of thousands of homes, shutting down southeast Louisiana for months.

    The practice run for a New Orleans apocalypse had been commissioned by the Federal Emergency Management Agency, the federal government's designated disaster shop. But the funding ran out and the doomsday scenario became just another prescient -- but buried -- government report. Now, practice was over.

    And Pam's lessons had not been learned.

    As the floodwaters recede and the dead are counted, what went wrong during a terrible week that would render a modern American metropolis of nearly half a million people uninhabitable and set off the largest exodus of people since the Civil War, is starting to become clear. Federal, state and local officials failed to heed forecasts of disaster from hurricane experts. Evacuation plans, never practical, were scrapped entirely for New Orleans's poorest and least able. And once floodwaters rose, as had been long predicted, the rescue teams, medical personnel and emergency power necessary to fight back were nowhere to be found.

    Compounding the natural catastrophe was a man-made one: the inability of the federal, state and local governments to work together in the face of a disaster long foretold.

    In many cases, resources that were available were not used, whether Amtrak trains that could have taken evacuees to safety before the storm or the U.S. military's 82nd Airborne division, which spent days on standby waiting for orders that never came. Communications were so impossible the Army Corps of Engineers was unable to inform the rest of the government for crucial hours that levees in New Orleans had been breached.

    The massive rescue effort that resulted was a fugue of improvisation, by fleets of small boats that set sail off highway underpasses and angry airport directors and daredevil helicopter pilots. Tens of thousands were saved as the city swamped; they were plucked from rooftops and bused, eventually, out of the disaster zone.

    But it was an infuriating time of challenge when government seemed unable to meet its basic compact with its citizens. After the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks, an entirely new Department of Homeland Security had been created, charged with doing better the next time, whether the crisis was another terrorist attack or not. Its new plan for safeguarding the nation, unveiled just this year, clearly spelled out the need to take charge in assisting state and local governments sure to be "overwhelmed" by a cataclysmic event.

    Instead, confusion reigned at every level of officialdom, according to dozens of interviews with participants in Louisiana, Mississippi and Washington. "No one had access. . . . No one had communication. . . . Nobody knew where the people were," recalled Secretary of Health and Human Services Mike Leavitt, whose department did not declare the Gulf Coast a public health emergency until two days after the storm.

    Despite pleas by Bush administration officials to refrain from "the blame game," mutual recriminations among officeholders began even before New Orleans's trapped residents had been rescued. The White House secretly debated federalizing authority in a city under the control of a Democratic mayor and governor, and critics in both parties assailed FEMA and raised questions about President Bush.

    That Friday, as Maestri prepared for the Big One, he had known that his region's survival would depend on the federal response. After Hurricane Pam, FEMA officials had concluded that local authorities might be on their own for 48 or even 60 hours after a real storm, but they had assured Maestri that the cavalry would swoop in after that, and take care of the region's needs.

    "Like a fool, I believed them," Maestri said last week.

    more to come if this interests you
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