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Veg And Non Veg

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Veg and NonVeg

    I have been inspired by Dimwit's wonderful blog " Veg v/s Non Veg",and it is a thriller, in the meat sense

    My mom,dad,Granparents were all meat eaters, so by the fault of Genes,I too became a non veg.And my mother tells me, that when she was pregnant with me, she had the urge to eat lots of Fish.So its not fault of mine that i am a fish lover.My whole family and ancestors conspired to make me a Non Veg,and put me at loggerheads with my wife who is a veg.It seems my forefathers used to fish for a living.

    A Saint told me around 15 yrs back told me not to eat non veg on Mondays and Thursdays,and i have kept that vow as much as i can.there are 52 mondays in a year, and 52 thursdays, so that makes it 104.Now breaking 4 out of 104, is a very small percentage,and this margin is allowed in all spheres of life.

    The Best case came in Spain where i had gone to book orders.Me and my mumbai brother went out for dinner with my buyer.It was a Monday,and around 10 in the night.He asked me and i told him i will non veg today,keeping the 4 days to break my vow.My brother did not want to eat Non veg, i coaxed him,but to no avail.So we ordered boiled potatoes and bread for him with some butter and cheese.And i dug into my chicken like a Hungry fellow.Well he was watching me,suddenly he says Ok, I will also join u guys.Maybe he got put off by the bland food staring at him.I asked him what made him change his mind.He said Spain is 4 hours behin India,so since it is Monday 10 pm Spain, it must be 2 am India,and we are veggies by Indian days and not by Spanish Days !Wah kya argument hai.I was bowled over by his judjement.And we ate with a neat consience,and even in indonesia, i followed the same policy,and had a ball and loads of cholestrol maybe.

    My mom is getting on in years.She seems to forget what she told me as a child.She used to tell me,if we dont eat fishes, they multiply so fast, that ships will not be able to sail.and these days she keeps calling me to say ,dont eat today, it is Satyanarayan, or today is Diwali etc.I have to tell her, Mom , i dont eat 104 days a year.And u want to add more days to that torture.Either i will eat everyday,and follow yr Satnarayan, or dont pls ever remind me what day it is.So these days she dosnt tell me anything.

    My wife, poor thing misses out on such lovely food.She has a hard time to decide what to tell the maid to make.Arre,Toori to kal khaiye thi, bhendi to parsoo khayi thi, and she is at a loss to know what to eat.For me there are so many things.Mutton has legs, liver and kidney, brain,and the regular meat, in fish we have fish, prawns,lobsters,chciken is chicken, i love pork,ham and sausages.No wonder my skin is so oily,and hair black.And my wife has white hair,bad back,and other aches.But she wont listen to Kamalji.
    As Ive heard, Hitler was a veg,and Mother Teressa and Dalai Lama are non veg.So i dont want to be a hitler dear friends.(but neither a Mother Teressa for sure too)

    I dedicate this small silly poem to my non veg friends.Here goes.

    Those who eat Meat,
    Are always neat and clean,

    When down comes the Rain,
    And Water flows down the Drain,
    Try eating a Goat Brain.

    I Drool at the sight of a Chick, ( its chicken Stupid
    After i eat it, my finger and paws i lick.

    And lovely looks the Dish,
    which is adorned with the lovely Fish.

    So guys and Gals,the choice uis yours.If u are in Spain, be a Spanish,and eat Every thing that moves on 4 legs.the choice is yours.Ive already made mine.Amen

    ( this is a repost of my blog published on another Blogging Site )

    Last edited by a moderator: Jan 24, 2012
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  2. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji
    While editing I just couldn't resist from answering this post. A die hard non veggie person...hehehe
    That was a nice logic of Spain by your brother...hahaha
    That is very true Kamalji preparing what to cook for the veggies is a big examination for me. I just can't understand what to cook for veggie friends. But still I have to do it. My DH prefers veggie food more then non veg. But for him anything is ok. You cook same veggie everyday and the poor guy will have it. But unfortunately I can't see him eating everyday the same food. :)
    Enjoyed your poem. So meat eaters are neat and clean ehh....
    Goat brain tastes like paneer burji, what say Kamalji. :)
    I always do that just eat what you get it.....hehehe yes it has to be tasty offcourse....
  3. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    I agree wwith the last twwo lines of the poem 100% But Goat brain yuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  4. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aruna,

    u have done a great job of reviving old blogs including this, which had no comment, i had to read it again to understand what i had written.And i write poems too, ehj , i forgot that.HAHA

    You eat nonveg eh ! Good next time i will take u to Niros , a fine restaurant here, which serves great nonveg, neat and clean restaurant i mean.HAHA


  5. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Balaji,

    u never had goat brain ? its a damn delicacy, and paya the goat legs.Man one day i will treat u to both, and u will say what i have missed all these 70 or is it 80 year s of my life.HAHA


  6. kelly1966

    kelly1966 Platinum IL'ite

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    so good ole Kamalji's post are getting revived!!!.. i never thought you would have a post which was 0 FB..
    well this one is a treat for all non-veggies like us as most of the time these days we are made to feel like monsters who are gobbling up sinful meat.. and now with the vegan trend its getting even worse..
    never knew dalai lama is also nonveg.. so there all the veggies who claim that non veggies will never get to see heaven.. what do you say???..
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  7. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kelly,

    yes even now i came to know that this went without a FB. So thanks to Aruna.

    So u and me are in the same boat kelly. Both nonveg and both outcaste eh ! Dalai lama eating nonveg, how come i have never read about it. Mother Terresa was also nonveg, but hitler was veg.




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