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Veda And Science

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Viswamitra, Feb 24, 2024.

  1. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Thyagarajan Sir,

    You have nicely summarized in a simple sentence of what I was trying to say in my whole snippet.

    Which is why science can't comprehend everything that exists and we are limited by the capacity of our brain. Please read the example of "an ant walking on the rug" example given by the author of "Einstein's Enigma".

    I read a book that I couldn't put down until I finished the whole book. It is titled, "Einstein's Enigma" and the author is Rodrigues dos Santos. His book was a fiction but there are many scientific facts he included for the readers to consume and comprehend some inexplicable existence. He said our planet has 32 conditions that can't change for life to exist it is not only the axis in which the planet rotates but also the Sun's rays, atmosphere, Oxygon, carbon and many more. He also mentioned in this book that Albert Einstein and Niels Bohr requested a mathematician in Netherlands to work out an algebraic equation that would explain the existence of the universe but didn't succeed as they found more and more inexplicable facts that invalidated their assumptions.

    This famous author in his blog written on Sep 4, 2010 said the following:

    1) When we search for the scientific proof of God's existence, we first need to establish one crucial thing: what is God? Some people imagine God as an old patriarch with a white beard who looks down at the world, listens to our prayers, and protects us.

    2) But, if you look through the end of a telescope on a starry night, no such entity will be visible. So, the question becomes, is there a different form of God out there and how does science uncover Him? First, science deals with God not as a supernatural entity, but as something natural. Remember: the supernatural is only the natural we do not understand.

    3) Science looks at the universe and searches for two things: intelligence and intention. Is the universe intelligent? Just look around - there are clever things everywhere. See the extremely intelligent way a cell divides in two, and then in four, and so on, in a process that ends up with a human being. Isn't that intelligent? But what if this intelligence is merely accidental? If the universe is accidental, there is no God and life has no meaning - it's just an accident. But if the universe is intentional, then there is God and, yes, life has a meaning. That's why we also need to find intention. How do we do that?

    4) Let us suppose I find a flower lying on the ground. I will think: well, this is a flower, a natural thing, and that's it. But let us suppose that, instead of a flower, I find a pen. I know a pen has a purpose and someone invented it with an intention: to write. I may not know personally who that inventor is, but I know someone invented the pen with an intention. Now, if I can say this about something as simple as a pen, why can't I say the same about a flower? Why do I accept that a pen is an intelligent device created by someone with an intention and I cannot say the same about people, life, the universe? Aren't the trees, and the clouds, and the rain, and the planets, and the stars much more complex and intelligent creations than... a pen?
    Or for example, suppose I ask an engineer: "What is television?" He's going to open up a TV set and say: "Well, television is a device with chips and wires and electrical stuff". He's right, of course. But it's much more than that, isn't it? Television is also about news programs, sports, soap-operas, reality-shows, game-shows, movies.

    5) But, if you ask a scientist: "What is the universe?" He will say: "Well, the universe is quarks, electrons, protons, neutrons, atoms, planets, stars, constellations, galaxies, clusters". He's right, of course. That's the hardware of the universe, but scientists do not examine the software. What is the program that is playing? What is behind the hardware? The problem is, perhaps, perspective. Imagine there's a small ant on top of a Persian rug. If I told the ant that she's walking on a beautiful rug, she would say: "What rug? What are you talking about? This is just the ground." So, if I want the ant to see how beautiful the rug is, I have to lift her from the ground and show her the rug from a vantage point, giving her the full view.

    6) "The Einstein Enigma" is a novel that, through a love and spy story involving a hitherto unknown manuscript by Albert Einstein, addresses God from science's perspective. And it shows, using recent scientific data, that the universe is fine-tuned for life, a discovery with tremendous philosophical implications because it means there is intention in its creation. Because the book is fiction, I get to play with some of these ideas in a way that scientists cannot.

    7) Where does Stephen Hawkings' "The Grand Design" fit in? He deals with these same disturbing scientific discoveries explained in detail in "The Einstein Enigma." He admits they are "odd" and "difficult to explain" without accepting God exists, but he tries anyway. How? He comes up with a theory that explains the strange fine tuning of the universe as something accidental. He says: there are zillions of universes and, out of zillions, one was bound to come up fine-tuned for life.

    The evidence for this? An interpretation by Richard Feynman on a quantic experiment called The Buckyball Experiment, which involves projecting particles against a double-slit barrier. Feynman states that at every moment the universe is splitting in two in such a way that a particle goes through the left slit on Universe 1 and the same particle goes through the right slit on Universe 2 and the same particle goes back to the left slit on Universe 3 and the same particle goes back to the left slit on Universe 4 and so on and so on.

    Hawking discusses Feynman's interpretation of its results by saying that out of these endless possibilities, it was inevitable that a universe fine-tuned for life would emerge - it's just a statistical accident.

    Convincing? You decide. Hawking's extravagant theory is all there is to explain the discoveries in a way that does not link the universe to an intentional intelligence. What I say to you, as the author of "The Einstein Enigma," is that the universe is a strange place.


    In fact, quantum theory tells us that things are so bizarre that particles only decide in which place they are when we look at them. If we accept these weird concepts, why don't we accept a simpler evidence: that the universe is intentional?

    Remember, we are really ants walking on top of a rug. What I try to do in my novel is to give you a new perspective to see the universe. A vantage point. The solution to Einstein's last enigma.

    Regarding man finding divinity inside of him, the Avatars, Saints and Seers of yesteryears have told us that once we experience who we really are, we go beyond the tools of body, mind, and intellect which is what they call as Turya state. We can't find divinity using our cerebreal power but by experiencing it by going inside of us to the exclusion of Maya that exists around us. It can be done through Jnana, Bhakthi or Karma Yoga. Meditation helps us to discover ourselves and how to control the senses and mind that prevents us from going inside.
  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you Viswa for elaborate elucidation. The subject however i find is beyond me. It is esoteric.

    Chat GBT4 said to perform at astronomical speed and in few seconds it analyses our question with all knowledge available in the internt and coughs out answers in a jiffy.

    Let some one try and find the missing answer and solution to the puzzle about divinity in humans and other species.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Hahaha. Already humanity is afraid of ChatGPT4 as it could surpass the human brain. Earlier, clowning became a major subject matter of discussion and now it is ChatGPT4.

    Rodriques when debating about the purpose of humanity, he said may be life is created as replica of divinity in general, the humans with discrimination in particular, so that future colonies can be created in other planets with humanity joining the mission of the divinity. May be God wanted humanity to do His job. :)
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Posted pages from a report evidencing vedas include all science but science doesn’t include all in vedas.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Thyagarajan Sir, Thank you for your second response.
    Thyagarajan likes this.
  6. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    I am reminded of scientists who were earlier firm in their atheistic principles changed their minds later.

    Albert Einstein who dismissed the theory of God initially was forced by the scientific evidence to conclude"There is a transcendent source of rationality called a SUPERIOR MIND or ILLIMITABLE SUPERIOR POWER or a MYSTERIOUS FORCE"

    Paul Dirac, a pioneer in Quantum Physics observes"God is a mathematician of a very high order.He used Advance Mathematics in constructing the universe"

    Physicist Max Plank says" religion and science are fighting a joint battle in an incessant crusade against skepticism and unbelief concluding with a rallying cry -"ON TO GOD"

    Anthony Flew, a well known atheist philosopher who was at his age of 80, transformed to a believer in 2004
    writes"The journey to my discovery of the Divine has been a pilgrimage of reason.It has led me to accept the existence of a self-existent,omnipotent,omniscient Being"

    Collins, a genetic scientist,the head of the Genome Project says"God is more plausible than atheism.In my research I have identified several pointers to God which dragged me
    towards the MIND that created the universe,more remarkably,life.This MIND has a mathematical bent beyond imagination.The universe has been finely tuned to produce and sustain life."
    He further states"There are exact numerical value for certain constants which make the planets exist. If you interfere in any of the constants,the universe will not have a complexity needed for evolution.If the gravity had been weak,matter would fly apart & there will be no
    planets. If the gravity had been stronger ,BIG BANG would have been followed by a BIG CRUNCH and there would not have been evolution of intelligence in stages..So I believe there is a God who loves Maths,wants a universe ,keeps a balance of complexities in specific mathematical proportion which enables living beings to evolve into intelligence and more intelligence to understand His complexities better"
    To conclude,scientists who have arrived at the door steps of God ,have not taken a route illuminated by religious faith,but have travelled a long distance by sticking to evidence, by looking into very small and very large things,exploring DNA and quantum particles,and puzzles of the universe and in the BLUE PRINT they see the hand of GOD.

    So GOD may not be,as the atheists believe,a DELUSION but a definite CONCLUSION.
    The INFINITE INTELLIGENCE that maintains all the planets in the orbits and maintains the molecular chemical composition of air which all the living beings breathe,may not be the product of narrow fundamentalism but a great truth accepted by rigorous scientific minds .

    Thyagarajan likes this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Thank you adam sister @jayasala42 .
    I still wonder how scientist arrived at the value of Plank’s constant which is also a part of quatum physics.
  8. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Sorry for that typo. It is madam not Adam . ( am reminded of palindrome - madam I'm adam)
  9. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Smt. Jayasala:

    Thank you for sharing that wonderful insight of scientists why there is an omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent being that derived the equation needed for life to exist. They derived their answers through reasoning whereas the religions derived their answers through belief system of their holy books.

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