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Uyare (malayalam)- Very Disturbing Movie...

Discussion in 'Movies' started by anika987, Oct 29, 2021.

  1. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    Saw this malayalam movie and was very disturbed..actor is parvathy..

    story of a young gal who dreams of becoming a pilot being acid attacked..

    what is the matter with people! i mean how can anyone imagine throwing acid and destroying a person's physical and emotional state...putting them in permanent trauma..

    this could have been a movie but it happens in real..

    How can one stop acid attacks?how does the pharmacy easily sell them?hope there are strict rules...

    if anyone is very sensitive,refrain from watching this movie..
  2. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    So may unfortunate incidents...so many people suffering..brings out stress..

    Honestly,I do not want anything more in life..the above incidents just makes me feel gratitude towards life..

    I have a good family,a roof over my head,good health and some money.Happy with what I have...

    Offlate I even stopped hoarding stuff which I do not need,practicing contentment and helpful when I can..

    thats all..
    chanchitra and KashmirFlower like this.
  3. Anusha2917

    Anusha2917 IL Hall of Fame

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    Lakshmi , an acid attack survivor relentlessly fought and the sale of acid is now banned in India.

    However illegal sales happen because the person who sells it illegally wants to make that meagre amount (150-200 bucks) of money at the cost of someone's life!!

    Sad state.

    I remember many years back my neighbour ,a daily wage worker- (there were a lot if houses built by the govt and many such houses were Unoccupied by the owners n over a period of time the houses were occupied of daily wage workers , beggars etc) was acid attacked by her husband . I witnessed that incident of a human burning, her case face n body burning within seconds. I was getting back from school n witness this. Immediately ran to neighbour's house who were bachelors n they helped her get admitted n give immediate treatment . She survived but more than 60% burns.
    Most horrific incident I ever witnessed. It took me many months to venture out alone n cross their house. She used to try n talk to me as she used to talk to me before . (She was working as a house help for us) but I used to run away seeing her.
    I wish I had treated her with more empathy. But I was just in 6th 7th std - too young to understand anything. .
    meepre likes this.
  4. anika987

    anika987 IL Hall of Fame

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    I am feeling verY bad for your neighbour and sorry you had to witness this at such an young age..it must be scary for you...

    I guess it is not empathy but its more like u were confused on how to react..you can forgive yourself..It is stressful

    Hope that guy was arrested
    Anusha2917 likes this.

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