urgent: colostrum gone due to inducing methods and now c-sec how to feed baby????

Discussion in 'Post Pregnancy Care' started by RedRuby, Aug 8, 2014.

  1. RedRuby

    RedRuby Platinum IL'ite

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    Hallo Ladies,

    My problem is that im 10 days overdue (was due 28th july) went through a lot of ups and downs and different opinions of too many docs. They told me about natural inducing methods i was supposed to try as they thought i will be able to give natural birth but was overdue too long. So i was asked to try to use breastpump to trigger contractions as that would release oxytocin. It worked and i got contractions. Unfortunately the milk came out which worried me a bit. Today i was told by chief of physician and assistant medical director after observation that a normal delivery is not possible, due to reasons my uterus would rupture and if not it will be the symphisis so im sceduled for a c-sec for tomorrow morning itself.

    Here comes my main problem: I heard that it will take a bit until the normal milk will come and that time increases after c-sec. Did i really lost all my colostrum or will i produce new one??? How Will i recognise???? Im really scared and feel so depressed and guilty like how could i be so thoughtless.. will my baby starfe now??? What about the immunisation?? Isnt the colostrum working for the immune system? If its true will my baby now get easier sick and its my fault???? I dont know how i could deprive her of this... the contractions where even stopped so i denied her something substantial for no reason....

    So my questions are: Is there any way i can make this huge mistake of mine right again and give my daughter what she needs???? She deserves to be taken cared of and to be fed properly.. how can i get colostrum or how to increase at least if its all gone the normal milk...

    As im already in surgery tomorrow morning im aware i post this far too late, the pumping happend yesterday the diagnosis today, i request all ladies who have experience to please please suggest me anything....I will try my best to get online to check this thread

    ALSO NOTE: non of the ladies here in IL suggested me this stupid thing, it was a medical advice i regret highly, please if this is read by any lady in a situation where she needs to induce think about the consequences if you try this!! I highly advise against nipple stimulation with a breast pump to induce!!!

  2. RedRuby

    RedRuby Platinum IL'ite

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    also if i cannot manage to feed her.. what else can i give to substitute best??? how can i substitute that ingredients of colostrum?? Will she be able to grow normal or will it affect her health badly?????? will she get affected in long term???

    i mean... she will not get her first sip.. so she will be so hungry.. how long will it take me to lactate again? Anything i can do to take this back or hurry lactation up??

    Please dont judge me badly i didnt mean to harm my baby.. i thought it was medical advice.. i know i did wrong and failed as a mother
    Last edited: Aug 8, 2014
  3. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Relax! Your colostrum is not ALL GONE. Your body knows what it needs to do. It knows that the baby is still safely cuddled in your womb. When you have your surgery(Sorry about that), your uterus will still contract, producing oxytocin to help it shrink back and giving a message to your milk glands that they need to start making food for the baby and the baby is out. Once your baby starts nursing, your body will get the cue again and start making milk. Colostrum - I pumped for my DS in the NICU. I got only colostrum for 10 days. So colostrum is not a one time thing, it will keep getting made. I was told that the first few days and weeks have BM mixed with colostrum and high levels of immunoglobins in it. Afterwards, it slowly tapers.

    Btw, since you went full term and are over due, your baby has already got her immunity from you directly. Babies start getting immunoglobins from the mom's blood stream starting at 33 weeks. Every week in the womb after week 33 is a boon to any baby. So your baby is having her share of immunity, don't worry.

    I had a C-section for my second child. At 29 weeks, I was able to produce milk and nurse him for 27 months, so I'm sure you will have enough. Just relax.

    Btw, nipple stimulation is a very commonly recommended practise to induce labour. It does no harm other than the fact that you get really sore pumping and of course, there is no guarantees of going into labour.
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  4. Saisakthi

    Saisakthi IL Hall of Fame

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    Oh Dear Sister Redruby,

    Don't worry, Be :calm: at these moments, keep yourself strong, there is someone above us who has already planned what has to happen.

    You are already in my prayers and have been constantly following your thread, I will pray that you and LO are in the hands of Guru Sayee and get the requisite things at the right time, Mother Nature is such designed by the Almighty, Please give away your anxiety and try to :welcome the LO with utmost calmness, leave the rest to thy holy feet and you will be taken care of.

    May Baba guide you and keep you calm and make you smile as you see your DD

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  5. guesshoo

    guesshoo IL Hall of Fame

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    Darling RedRuby! Is it time already! Relax dear. Don't your worry. Laks has said it all.

    Your little one will do fine. Your body will start producing whatever your child needs. She will certainly not starve; nor will the amount you have expressed have an adverse effect. I've had friends who leaked buckets-full during the third trimester itself.

    Relax, dear, and get some sleep - it will be in short supply once your little bundle of joy arrives. Xx
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  6. RedRuby

    RedRuby Platinum IL'ite

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    oohh my goodness!! thank you so much!! i thought colostrum is just what is already there in my breast before delivery... when i read those words tears came.. really

    that means there is hope i will produce new colostrum to boost babies immune system? right?
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  7. RedRuby

    RedRuby Platinum IL'ite

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    Thanks Saisakthi, thanks so much.. i even thought that you and other nice ladies kept me in prayer protectet me from getting into stronger labor so that no harm caused to baby and me, thanks for those prayers and all those chearing words, its really encouraging me a lot :) and im sure you are right i will smile when i see her, im already excited and try to imagine her face and all
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  8. RedRuby

    RedRuby Platinum IL'ite

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    oooohh really?? They leaked? then its really possible that colostrum gets reproduced. i lacked during i think if i remember right like between 5 and 7th months but not lately so i thought really the production of colostrum has stopped and its safed there somehw and as its gone just the normal milk will be produced and that only later..

    so is it really true and new colostrum can be produced? The milk i lost looked really yellowish what came later was more whitish andof lighter color so i got afraid its all lost and what i produce now is very less nutricient.. i heard today its that if i have to wait some days for proper milk supply its ok as the "first shot" is so high of nutricients and thats the one which is lost now... thats why im scared
  9. RedRuby

    RedRuby Platinum IL'ite

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    im impressed you got such information like about the blood streem! You are in medical field? That reliefes me a lot!
    Im sorry to hear you had to undergo a c-sec as well, hope you recoverd well. It really chears me up to hear you where able to nurse fo such a long time :) thats so great. I hope you lil one is healthy and happy too as you mentiond he was in NICU... that must be a big shock and totally scary for any mother. Hope it wasnt anything serious and he is just fine :)

    Can you please tell how did you know that the colostrum came for 10 days?? I already had the feeling the color changed thats why i thought its all gone and over

    Thanks a lot for the explanations, read them several times, im still so confused, it really helps me a lot, very good explanation you provided :) really great
  10. Laks09

    Laks09 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Yes, colostrum is produced for days not just once. Don't worry.
    No, I'm not a doc. Just a very breast milk obsessed mom who wanted all the immunity for a tiny preemie.
    I knew it was only colostrum for 10 days because I was pumping since my baby was too tiny to nurse. I was getting only a few millilitres of milk for those ten days. I cried after each pumping session because I thought I'll never lactate because of the very early delivery. The nurses in the NICU were so kind. They kept telling me that colostrum was what they needed and looking at it it looked like colostrum(they based it in thickness, not color). So that's how I now.
    C-section is no big deal. I had one induced normal and one C and now I can't even remember what either one entailed, so you will be fine. C-sections have come a long way and you will be up and running in no time.

    Relax and enjoy your baby time. They grow up too fast.
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