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Uninvited Sibling's Wedding - Issues Around/confused

Discussion in 'Parents & Siblings' started by BeingSoulful, Dec 28, 2016.

  1. BeingSoulful

    BeingSoulful Silver IL'ite

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    This is just not a vent but also a request from all you.

    Need your valuable inputs/thoughts around this whole thing. I am 27 yrs old, married for 1.5yrs with no kids. Now I married before my elder sister who is 2 years elder to me. It wasn’t my decision, not my choice. My parents wanted her to get married right after collage and for almost 5 years she kept giving reasons to put off and also stated she is not interested in getting married. She was in a relationship since her collage days and it was always on and off, they had their own problems and she wouldn’t want to marry nor solve issues with him. She was always confused about what she wants and how she wants it in her life. This caused a lot of pressure at home, at one point my parents decided to start looking for alliances for me since I am aging too.

    Amongst all this, my best friend proposed me for marriage (we were never in love). I agreed and bought this to the family and clearly stated I will marry only after my sister. My parents were not very happy but they knew him well and were ok with time. Now when families met, lot of drama happened between the families. My husband was in love with me and hence his mom made sure we got married the same year (2015). I was not ok marrying before my sister but my parents were also like having two girls is more a social pressure and were ok getting me married.

    After everything was set, the discomfort between families grew with various topics related to menu for wedding, location, dates, etc everything was an issue. To make it worse, I was not involved in anything (not even basic stuff). I let go things, I let everything happen. Just 3 days before the wedding I & my mother had a very bad argument. I was quite until then, spoke nothing thinking it will be disrespectful and understanding their perspective, struggle in life. But at one point when my mother spoke ill about my to be husband, myself, our characters, called us names, our future and said we both will never do well in life. I couldn’t take it. :(

    My mother has always been extremely abusive right from our childhood, but she meant the world to me. No matter what I did or she did I would apologize even when it wasn’t my mistake. But at the stage of getting married/ starting a new phrase when my very own wished bad, used words I couldn’t take it anymore. I yelled back first time ever in life. I told her no mom would ever wish things that she is wishing for me.

    Long story short – My family broke all ties with me. My mother being very influential and bossy stopped my father being in touch with me, brother blames me for spoiling the peace. Only sister would talk to me, keep in touch with me. I moved to US after few months of wedding. Despite knowing I am not wrong I still apologized to my mom, said I was angry and I still love her the way I did ALWAYS. “ALL MY LIFE”. She dint care, no matter what I did. Eventually dad stopped talking too. My aunt said I spoiled my sister’s life and what not.

    I was too hurt, lonely like an orphan. No friends, no family, no one to ask if I am dead or alive. But I was always strong, stood and still continued doing everything I could for them. Nothing has changed them. Since I was in touch with my sister I knew what was happening in her life. I supported her in many ways when my parents dint, because I always cared, I loved my family more than anything. Just because I married someone else out of the community they named me abusive words, questioned my loyalty towards them. Last 1.5 years haven’t been easy for me. :(

    Now last weekend I get to know my sister is finally getting married to the same guy after all the drama and fuss she created in the family over these years. But all are happy with it, they are checking for dates for the wedding. I was thrilled to hear that, I was glad she was settling down, sign of relief for my parents and sign of relief for me in many more ways.

    My family broke all the ties with me & my husband’s family right after my wedding. According to my conversation with my sister, they have no plans to invite us for the wedding. I have been thinking what I should be doing here. I feel I should still fly to India and attend the wedding. My husband being very selfless person thinks I should still do my part and I shouldn’t worry about not being invited.

    My only concern is what if they really don’t invite my husband’s family. My MIL is not going to be very happy about it & the fact I will be attending the wedding. Yes it’s my family & my sister I don’t need an invite but between families it different and I don’t want to spoil anything for myself with my ILs. Already things haven’t been very pleasant.

    Sincere apology for the long post. I will look forward to hear from all you ILs here. :)

  2. Gaiya3

    Gaiya3 Gold IL'ite

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    We girls always think its our parents home and never mind about being invited. We think we will be a part of family of our origin. But our siblings hardly think the same. Once we get married they expect all formalities from our side (husbands) side and one slip from us gets blown out of proportion... when such is the case, If it was my sibling's wedding I would not go without invitation. Husbands family need to be respected too
    Last edited: Dec 28, 2016
  3. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I would not show up uninvited. Do you really think they will treat you well at the wedding?
    sindmani, BeingSoulful and anika987 like this.
  4. blackbeauty84

    blackbeauty84 IL Hall of Fame

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    I'm just answering from what I would have done if I were in your shoes:
    I will just go and show up for the wedding. It's your sister's big day and she would like you to be there.
    But it might throw up on your face badly:
    1)Your mom might do a drama
    2)Your relatives might gang up against you
    3)Your sister, brother, dad, mom might not speak with you and it will create an awkward situation

    So be prepared emotionally and also check with your sister. Since it's her day she might want a drama free wedding or want her sister to be next to her during wedding.
  5. SGBV

    SGBV IL Hall of Fame

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    Hugs to you dear. Remember, this too shall pass. You will live a long happy life. My prayers are with you!

    I can't tell you anything, as I have not personally faced or experienced such a problem in my life. But I would try to put myself into your shoes and see how would I behave.

    If I were you, I would not attend to the wedding. Well, if at least my sister invites me and my H for the wedding, I would still consider flying to India for the wedding, regardless of no invitation from the parents. But if no one invites at all, it means no one wants me there too. I would respect their wish, and stay away from it.
    I would rather buy a very thoughtful and useful gift for my sister, and pack it with love and send it to her as my wedding gift.
    I wouldn't be so worried about whether they have invited my in laws or not. It is their personal, although i know it would create some hiccups between myself and in laws down the line. But it is a must to get an invite for my H.

    As blackbeauty rightly said, check with your sister whether she likes you at the wedding or not. If she really wants you to be there, ask her to convince your parents for a proper invite. If not, at least an invite from her. If not, I mean, if she is not interested any dramas during her wedding, let her tie the knot in peace.
  6. Shreema86

    Shreema86 Platinum IL'ite

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    It's very hard to believe that parents can ever cut off completely from their own child. Is it even possible. I mean that's heartlessness to a very high extent . I think you should talk to them over phone first before landing at their doorstep. I am actually at a loss what to suggest as I think you are going to get hurt if you don't go and get even more hurt if you go there also. But I think you should go , just be mentally strong .
    BeingSoulful likes this.
  7. rajatsingh

    rajatsingh Silver IL'ite

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    Please don't attend the marriage.

    At a later date, talk to your sister. Go and meet her at her place (with no other folks of your parents home nearby) and convey your wishes to her.
    BeingSoulful and momsky like this.
  8. dimhere

    dimhere Gold IL'ite

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    If I were in your shoes, I would not go. UNLESS there is a specific invitation / phone call from your sister asking you to come.

    Going without an invitation is just adding drama to an already stressful situation. I think it is better to maintain a respectful dignified distance than going without being invited and facing direct / indirect insults unnecessarily.
    sindmani, yellowmango and rajatsingh like this.
  9. Meghaa

    Meghaa Silver IL'ite

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    Hugs to you. I am so sorry to hear that. I know how hard it can be when you feel alienated from your own family. But try to count your blessings - a supportive partner.
    There really is no right answer to this situation - it all depends on how you will feel. Play the various scenarios and see what will leave you with least regrets. Its extremely personal. Only you can answer it for yourself. All others can do is point out various possibilities , to help you choose.

    a) It is really important to you personally , to be there at your sister's wedding. Make a quick appearance. Dont linger around for anyone to be mean or rude to you. Breeeze in , breeze out. You may even be able to placate your inlaws because you only spent a few minutes. Personally , I would feel at least my sister needs to be keen on me attending , for me to put myself out.

    b) You might feel even more miserable - if they ignore or mistreat you . Then like others have said , meet your sister later personally.
  10. BeingSoulful

    BeingSoulful Silver IL'ite

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    @Gaiya3 Thank you for your response! Yes, its always different with women. Sometimes I feel like there is no place called "Home". Our families don't remain the same after wedding & with in-laws its a different story all together. :sweat:
    Gaiya3 likes this.

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