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Uncertain about what to study, don't want to waste DH's hard earned money.

Discussion in 'Married Life' started by mehtaradhikam, Oct 1, 2015.

  1. mehtaradhikam

    mehtaradhikam Bronze IL'ite

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    Hello All Ilites!

    Sorry as I am posting my studies related confusion in this forum, don't know where else to post.

    I have very unique kind of confusion. This confusion is not new for me, but now I am facing difficulty as I am feeling more responsible.

    I have done MSC in CS and IT. Was working as a lecturer in college before marriage. But due to marriage I needed to resign from my job as my DH was living in another city. Then two years passed without doing anything at home due to some difficulties.

    I always wanted to pursue higher studies. DH has always been supportive of whatever I have dreamt of. First I wanted to give GATE to do PHD. He paid for my study related material, but I could not even start it because of over stressful situation at home.

    Then last year on DH's constant positive pushing to study something I started CA(Chartered Accountancy). I made it through initial IT and Orientation programme and then suddenly as fate was not in favor of my studies we got shifted to Gurgaon.

    Here it took 3-4 months for me to manage shifting and settling down, and then when we started to look out for internship and classes we couldn't find any. I gave interviews for internship but they told me that I am too old to study. It was unbelievable for me to hear. I mean I am only 27 not 67, and what age has to do with studies? I have seen people studying CA after retirement even.

    Forget it I thought and then just started diverting my mind in managing household chores, etc. But this whole thing makes me think I am just wasting my DH's hard earned money, as even enrolling in CA took many rupees. Please forgive me if I seem to be a money pinching person, but I am that way as I don't want to waste money meaninglessly.

    Since last month or so I am again thinking about giving GATE exams, but I need coaching to crack that exam, DH is as always wants me to do what I am interested in and coaching is too costly here. I like both CA and doing PHD in further studies, I know both have scope of development in fututre, but I am more inclined to give GATE. Can't se;lect anyone of them. Ladies please guide me on this problem.

    I know I may seem like a tenth grader who is confused in deciding her stream of education. Let's see if I can see some light through you all.

    Love to all!

  2. sonal1611

    sonal1611 Gold IL'ite

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    ohhhh.. Dont feel bad.. there is no age for study ..

    Start like we do in school time.. Prepare time table.. I mean what suits u..

    For Gate , next exam will be in feb 2016 ( i believe) .. U can start studying for 6 - 7 hrs daily n increase as per ur schedule .. n believe me u dont need classes to crack any exam .. Its just matter of Focus n dedication.. All d best with ur studies..
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  3. catwalk

    catwalk Gold IL'ite

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    You may follow your mind, as DH says.. There may be hurdles..Setbacks..But do not stop your journey until you strike at your goals..

    ( Regarding the comments about your age for CA internship, please ignore them..They may be looking for trainees with a commerce undergraduate background, so they pay nothing...you are highly qualified and they will have to pay more to motivate you..Don't worry..pursue your search..Use your contacts too..never give up.. )
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  4. YoGirl

    YoGirl Gold IL'ite

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    I think you should look for colleges\universities which will have separate entrance exams and not something like GATE\CAT.
    It will be easy to get into those colleges without wasting money on coaching and other entrance exams.
    Or distance education programs have relatively simpler process to get into.
  5. sslkgpaa

    sslkgpaa Gold IL'ite

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    Dont think about money now. 10 year down the line you would realize how silly you were to have stopped pursuing your dreams for few thousand rupees and that would be your biggest regret. Even if you do not succeed you will have the satisfaction that you tried and chased yr dreams. Moreover you are spending to make a career, there are people who dont care spending even lakhs on hobbies/partying etc.
    And regarding choosing between GATE and CA. PhD is a long term commitment and you may find yrself doing lot of study. Infact it may take couple of years to just start (you have to clear GATE, find institute where your husband is working, Find a research guide, choose a topic), but advantage is you can choose your own pace. Doing CA would be rigorous and requires a lot of dedication and hardwork.
    But most of all pick what interests you.
    And if you are looking at higher studies just to make better career prospects, then rather than investing more time and money I would suggest you to do some software course and start giving interviews in IT companies.
  6. indoc

    indoc Gold IL'ite

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    Cracking GATE with MSc back ground will be tough.. get some coaching, preferably class room based, not correspondence.. you need to work very hard.. all the best

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