Trying to Conceive with PCOS

Discussion in 'Fertility & Trying to Conceive' started by poornimahari, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. Love84

    Love84 Bronze IL'ite

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    Please suggest me

    Hi ,

    I am writing this with utmost confusion and depression. I am suffering
    from PCOD for the past 5 years and am still under medication. I always
    had to take tablets each time to induce periods and also tablets with
    low dosage fail to induce periods . I have to take high dosage tablets
    to induce tablets. Before my marriage in June 2009 i went to a doctor
    in october 2008 and she gave me krimson 35 to regularise my periods.
    she suggested me to take it for 6 months till March 2009 . Then i went
    to a endocrinologist he took sugar test and cholestrol test and Lsh and
    FSH test .. He also gave me the same krimson 35 and Glycomet-500 mg
    till my marriage in June 2009 . After marriage i went along with my
    hubby next month and he suggested me to take krimson 35 till i want to
    conceive and asked me to stop once i wished to conceive . So i
    continued till September 2009 . Then wanted to conceive after 4 months
    of marriage so stopped taking krimson. I had no periods in the month of
    October and November 2009 . Then once again went to a different doctor
    (gynecologist ) in the month of december 2009. She asked me to take LSH
    , FSH test . Asked me to take a pelvic scan , blood sugar test and
    cholestrol test. I was diagnosed with nil sugar , a slightly high
    cholestrol and PCOD . She gave me withdrawal tablet susten 200 mg for 5
    days and then the periods came. In the month of January i was given
    Novelon tablets for two months till march 2010 . Then once agin blood
    test was taken . I was normal , LSH levels came down , cholestrol level
    went down. She gave me letrozole tablets for follicular study. My
    follicles ruptured on 16 th day and the size of the follicle was 32x25
    mm and ET -7 mm. She gave me HCG shot but nothing happened. She gave me
    susten 200 mg to take from 16th day of periods. Periods came correctly.
    In the month of April we thought of leaving it naturally , she gave me
    susten 200 mg to take it from 16 th day of periods and glycomet 500 mg
    alone. Periods never came , i waited for 50 days ,periods never came
    and also took pregnancy test which was a failure. She gave me susten
    300 mg for 5 days after which periods came . I took blood test on the 2
    nd day of periods , LSh was 4.25 and FSH was 2.25 . In the month of
    June 2010 i was given Letrosole once again for follicular study but i
    couldnt take up blood test since my in-laws came and also my husband
    went to US. I was given duphaston from 16 th day of periods. periods
    came correctly. I changed the doctor in the month of july -2010 . she
    gave me nacfil for 3 months and chrominac and deviry 10 mg. Now i am
    expecting my periods once again periods never came. It is like more
    than 37 days now.... :( I have to start to US by september 25 2010 and
    with this condition what can i do... I havent told my in-laws about
    this as they will get tensed and will scold me...I cant delay my trip
    to US too as they already urged me to go by this month.. But somehow my
    husband convinced them that he will take me next month...
    Please ladies suggest me , advise me ... what can i do now... I feel my
    life has become doomed... I cant stop crying about this... My in-laws
    pester me with the thought of kids everytime , my periods not coming ..
    what can i do now ???? Shall i delay my trip or wat can i do ... will
    i conceive ???? why is it my health not reacting to tablets... should
    i have to take tablets everytime for inducing periods... I have stopped
    laughing .Pls suggest me , save me ...shall i tell my in-laws ? can
    this be cured ? Help me sisters :drowning
  2. radhaparth2000

    radhaparth2000 Platinum IL'ite

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    Re: Please suggest me

    Dear Love84,

    FIrst please relax and calm down. PCOD is a very common problem for women these and there are lot of our IL friends who over came PCOD and conceived naturally. You did not mention your age,height and weight. You need to reduce your weight if you are overweight. Few pointers for PCOD

    1. Reduce carbohydrate intake and switch over to whole wheat grains.
    2. Reduce caffine,Sugar intake.
    3. Do some exercise/walking compulsory every day for 30 minutes
    4. Soak Methi seeds the previous night and take the water early morning in empty stomach.
    5. Go thru the PCOS threads in IL and it can be overcome naturally.

    If you are below 30, work on your weight factor, once weight comes in control then periods will come automatically. No worry girlie, it can be overcome :thumbsupIf you are above 35, go as per your doctor's advice and go to one doctor who you are confident with.
  3. Love84

    Love84 Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Please suggest me

    Thanks Radha... :)

    I am 25 years old and weigh 63 kgs... I am putting up lots of weight for the last 3 months due to various tablets.... I am regularly walking and am trying to lose my weight ...:)

    My question is why is my body reacting only to high dosage tablets and not the low dosage ones... and can i take up treatment in America ? will it be costly and can i be successful in the treatment... ? :drowning
  4. kinjal

    kinjal Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: Please suggest me

    India and USA both doctors will follow same line of treatments.
    I dont see any difference here.
    Cost of the treatment in USA will depend on your insurance coverage. My insurance coverage does not support fertility treatments so i have to spend everything of my own which is huge...almost 5 times more than indian expenses.

  5. radhaparth2000

    radhaparth2000 Platinum IL'ite

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    Re: Please suggest me

    Dear Love84,

    25 Years you have loads of time. I am not sure of treatments in USA, but teh line of treatment is same. As Kinjal said it may be an issue, if your insurance is not covering your treatments in USA. Why don't you religiously try weight reduction and try naturally atleast for 2 years? If your weight is brought under control periods will come automatically and after that conceiving should be easy. You can check with your doctor and takae medicines foe next 6 months to an year and then fly to US. Then reduce your weight, have the medicines and things may work out naturally also.

    My gynec says if wea re less than 25 years we can wait try naturally for 2 years, 1 year if below 30 and 6 months if below 35. So be stress free and relax, I pray god that everythign works naturally for you.

    With regards to high dosage medicines, it works differently for differnet people. I did not respond to clomoid at all even at 200mg, I produced multiple follicles only after 200mg clomoid in conjunction with 4 injections!!

    So take it easy and my wishes for you to succeed.
  6. Vasumathy

    Vasumathy Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Several people have pain before commencement of periods. I feel its normal. Not sure about the reasons though!
    Hope your heamoglobin count is good too! Suppose you are not weak!

    Hope you see your OPK positive soon & hope thngs turns fine with that!
    Baby dust to you.
  7. Vasumathy

    Vasumathy Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: Please suggest me

    Hi Love84,
    I am going to say the same which other ILs said...
    With PCOS, you should control your weight. Do whatever you could to control it. Maintain it to idle range, hope rest everything fall in place.
    Control your food intake, no to junk foods. Do regular exercise, at least 30 min of walking each day! More vegetables, fruits, fiber & protein rich food. All these helps you to control your weight.
    If you have idle weight, hormones in body will return to normal, hence may give you bright chance to become pregnant naturally.

    Finally stick to one doc. If you are not satisfied with the response or the treatment with the doc, then consider changing else, try to stick with one. You may not need to repeat the same test again & again!

    Baby dust to you.
  8. Love84

    Love84 Bronze IL'ite

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    Thanks Radha so much :) . No wonder do we get so much of confidence after reading the posts.... Thanks so much for instilling confidence in me...I have to got to doctor today for asking her why periods have nt come... I am gaining so much of weight despite exercise which is of concern to me.... may be instead of 30 min i will increase to 1 hr of exercise.. I am thankful to your radha for ur soothing words...:) I cant be here in India after september as my MIL is already pestering me with child and asking me to go immediately... she does nt understand what pain i go through....daily over the phone she talks to me abt a grand son... so may be because of all these worries i am not getting cured...

    If someone could suggest me abt the insurance policy for fertility treatment in US... I will be so happy... Pls advise....
  9. Love84

    Love84 Bronze IL'ite

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    Thanks Vasu.. :) It was so kind of you for advsing me on my condition .. yes i am trying to stick to one doctor but the previous doctor was unable to explain me why i dont get periods naturally which was the reason i went for another doctor considering my position where i had to catch flight to US. I will have to exercise with more enthusiasm and hope to have a cute baby in my arms :)
  10. Vasumathy

    Vasumathy Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Love84,
    Work harder on bringing down your weight. Hope it will resolve the troubles & hand you the wounderful baby!
    Baby dust to you!

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