Trying to Conceive with PCOS

Discussion in 'Fertility & Trying to Conceive' started by poornimahari, Aug 22, 2007.

  1. poornimahari

    poornimahari New IL'ite

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    need some difference between pcos and pcod patterns

    need some difference between pcos and pcod patterns
    Does anyone knows the differnce between pcod and pcos.explain me i just want to know it

  2. Shobanag

    Shobanag Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: need some difference between pcos and pcod patterns

    Are you referring to Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome - or Poly Cystic Ovarian Disease? I believe they refer to the same thing. You can google to find out more information.

  3. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    Re: need some difference between pcos and pcod patterns

    Hi poornima
    PCOs -Polycystic ovarian syndrome - Syndrome means there r more than one thing together like in PCOs along with cystic changes in ovary there is obesity ( increased wt ) hirsuitis (excessive hair growth ) infertility or subfertility.
    While Polycystic ovarian disesae means cystic changes in ovary but no additional other problams though with polycystic ovarian D. chances of infertilit /subfertility increases.
    Hope this helps u clear the matter.
  4. poornimahari

    poornimahari New IL'ite

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    Re: need some difference between pcos and pcod patterns

    tnxs jaishree but is there any chance to concieve with pcod or chances of fertilty is there can u explain
  5. jaishree9

    jaishree9 Silver IL'ite

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    Re: need some difference between pcos and pcod patterns

    Dear Poornima
    Yes u could concieve with pcod with help of treatment. For Treatment u shud consult a gynec well versed in infertility treatment or some fertility centre.
    If u are overwt. try to reduce, even that can help in increasing chances of fertility.
    If needed with help of treatment & sonography ovum mateurity can be monitor - known as follicle study & when ovum is matured it can be taken out with help of laproscope & fertilization can be done as test tube baby & implanted back in uterus.
    Try to reduce ur anxiety level also.
    With best wishes
  6. coolgirl

    coolgirl New IL'ite

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    I am diagonised with PCOS. Plz help

    Hi All,

    I am new to this forum and I am glad that I found this wonderful place to share each ones concerns.

    I have been having irregular periods for about 8 months and when I went to the doctor, I was diagonised with PCOS. The doctor took a few blood tests and even took an ultra sound. The ultrasound says that there are no cysts in my ovaries and that they are normal with no enlargements. But my blood test says that my testosterone level is a little high (normal - 0.07 and I have 0.08. Even my blood sugar (normal 70 - 110 and I have 126 in fasting) and cholestrol levels are high. I am kinda worried. Has this been the case with anyone? Are your sugar levels and cholestrol levels high as well with PCOS? Can a person have PCOS without cysts?

    The doctor has asked me to take birth control pills and has also asked me to consult a internal and diabetes specialist. She says the pills would reduce the testosterone level. I have been married for 1 1/2 years. We don't plan for a kid now. Though, I am kinda worried with what I read everywhere about PCOS.

    Do you think its good to have Birth control pills for my case? I am terribly upset with this and I am not even able to think. It would really be great to have all of your suggestions. Plz help me.

    Thanks in advance.
  7. Happysoul1234

    Happysoul1234 Gold IL'ite

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    Re: I am diagonised with PCOS. Plz help

    First of all congrats on getting a proper diagnosis. I have PCOS as well, but all my hormonal blood tests ALWAYS came out normal, except for the fasting blood sugar.
    So regular OB_GYN never diagnosed me, only when I saw a specialist did she diagnose PCOS on the basis of the blood sugar levels. So you are definitely not alone in this situation.

    I would advise you not to take birth control pills unless you absolutely have to. If you are concerned about not getting pregnant, use condoms.

    Your fasting blood sugar of 126 is in the lower limit of a diabetes diagnosis (A healthy fasting glucose level is between 70-90, but up to 110 is within normal limits. A level of 111-125 indicates impaired glucose tolerance/insulin resistance. A fasting level of 126+ indicates type II diabetes.).

    To bring the blood sugars under control, you need to excercise and modify your diet to reduce carbs and increase protein. Also, a loss of 10% of your body weight is helpful in bringing down blood sugars, and can even cure you of the pcos symptoms. This is what the diabetes specialist will also tell you. See a dietician if you can to help you plan proper meals.

    One thing that is extremely helpful in reducing fasting blood sugars is to eat an early dinner, and then have a small snack right before going to sleep. Also, when you see the diabetes specialist, they will probably give you a blood sugar monitor that you can use to keep track of your fasting blood sugar, as well as your post meal sugars. This has helped me a lot in figuring out what foods work for me and what don't. And it's not painful at all!

    If you don't control your blood sugars, and get pregnant, you are at higher risk for miscarriages and birth defects, which is why it is TERRIBLY IMPORTANT to bring them under control. My doc put me on a medicine called Metformin, which is basically a diabetes medication. But what helped me most was walking 20 minutes after each meal and also eating less rice/chappatis and more protein. This regimen works wonders in controlling your blood sugars.

    Your testosterone levels are not too elevated. Check this website - FertilityPlus: Hormone Levels & Fertility Bloodwork

    Also have your doc perform the test called hb-aic test, which measures the average blood sugar over a period of 3 mos. If the value for this test is over 6, you are at greater risk of pcos complications. See the site
    The HbA1c Story

    But dont worry too much. If you follow a proper diet and excercise plan, you can reduce your blood sugars without having to resort to medications. I am living proof that this is definitely something that you can control and conquer! But you will need to devote time and effort to maintain a healthier lifestyle, which is anyways, good for you and your family in the long run!


    Last edited: May 9, 2008
  8. durgees

    durgees Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: I am diagonised with PCOS. Plz help

    Hi cool girl,

    Don't worry for this much. These days most indian girls have this problem. And there are so many ways to solve this.

    Though I have normal blood sugar and normal harmone levels, my ovulation is not proper. So there are so many varieties of PCOS also.

    The birth control pill is to regularise your period cycle. It is not given to avoid pregnancy. So nothing wrong in taking that. Also they will give some tablets to correct your insulin level, which will reduce your blood sugar. These are must to take at this time.

    Once your periods regularise and blood sugar level come downs, they will start treatment for your conception.

    So, as a mental exercise, keep thinking that you want to have a baby. Its not advisable to avoid baby anymore. So get interested in getting baby, afterall it is the happiest thing for a girl. :)

    Dont worry for these, just follow the medicines. There are so many ways to cure these things nowadays. Being mentally relaxed will cure 50% of the problems.

    Hope this helps.

  9. Happysoul1234

    Happysoul1234 Gold IL'ite

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    Re: I am diagonised with PCOS. Plz help

    Hi Durgees,

    I don't mean to dis-respect you in any way so please forgive me if I say that I disagree with you in that relaxing and not worrying works. I know it does in many cases, but in our friend's case, the main cause of worry is not pcos but the fasting sugar.

    Her pcos is caused by the sugar problem, and will also be cured by controlling her sugar problem, as she has no cysts on her ovaries and her hormonal levels are normal.

    The fasting blood sugar of 126 qualifies her as a diabetic and that is not going to go away by not worrying about it. She has to work on her diet and excercise regimen to bring her blood sugars under control, otherwise she will have other health problems besides pcos. As a fellow diabetes and pcos sufferer myself who finally figured out over a long period of time what works to control the issue, I can absoulutely guarantee that relaxing and not worrying is not going to work to cure the sugar problem. Her doctor is doing the right thing by referring her to a diabetes specialist who will help her in bringing the sugars under control.

    Diabetes at our young ages is a cause of concern because it can lead to other health problems such as heart disease, high blood pressure, osteoperosis etc. And if we don't control it right now, it will cause even more problems later. So better to take action now to control it!


  10. coolgirl

    coolgirl New IL'ite

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    Re: I am diagonised with PCOS. Plz help

    Thanks a lot for all your inputs and suggestions. The doctor had prescribed the birth control pills to just decrease the testosterone levels and also get my periods started. I have read in many places that birth control pills has its own side effects..That is what is worrying me.

    I have already started exercising and have also stopped eating rice and the other foods that are high in carbohydrates. Did any of you also take BCP for PCOS? I wanted to know if taking BCP for 6 months will not cause any harm when I plan for a family after that.

    What diet would you suggest which contains more of protein and more fibers?

    The doctor hasn't performed the hb-aic test. May be when I go to the diabetes specialist, they would.

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