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True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious moment

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by subbutr, Sep 8, 2007.

  1. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    A True Story to share with all our friends.....
    Life is not full of Roses or Miracles..

    This incidents happened during 1978-1985 and how the Life got changed when two friends met....
    I have just changed the names...

    Somu is a middle class buddy and had his earlier days of schooling, had only few pairs of cloths which he used to wash and keep it under woodenplank under the pillows and sleep.

    The next day the pants will look like ironed and use to wear. As those days only cotton pants are available and terrycot pants getting introduced...

    Attended the collage and first time wearing the shoes, a second hand watch of his uncle in his hands and always concentrate on studies. finshes his engg and went to masters in most prestigious institutions.

    He came out successful in his studies and joins in a SSI unit as an apprentice..for 5 months & learned the trade and started his own small unit.

    He came across a north indian customer Ashok ( who came from an affluent family and while he was at the UG,he lost his father and has to take over his fathers trading business )shortly they become friends.

    Somu and Ashok used to spend their evenings together.

    Tragedies struck one by one in to his friend Ashok's Life & his friend somu stood with him all through Ashok's Life time.

    One fine day Ashok lost his son ( 16years) in an accident and Somu was with Ashok till the funeral, within 5days Ashok's wife found missing and she was picked up at a highway 15 kms from the city by evening and pacified her to bring her home...as the poor lady couldnot bear the loss of her son and Ashok was a worried man.

    Somu was the only person to console Ashok and within 2 months somu closed his unit and assisted Ashok in his business

    ( as Ashok was duped by his manager and the company was under severe financial crisis, the company turnover nosedived to few thousand rupees, just 36000 INR from their previous sales of 12 lakhs in yester years & it needed rejunevation )

    One fine day Ashok told Somu that he is moving his family to Mumbai as his fatherinlaw & motherinlaw can be of assistance to his wife and she is also so much mentally & physically upset due to lose of her son.

    Their only hope is their daughter who is 16 years by that time...

    Hence Somu took it as a challange to re-built the organizations, and Ashok will take care of business at northindia..

    The steps taken to revive the business by inductucting few more employees taken by Somu ...started giving results.

    The turnover rose up to 38 lakhs INR within 7 years.

    The new manager Ravi who is an youngster and he took pains to handle all work during Somu's endless business tours allover the country.

    That time they outsourced the products from a local vendor Paul and that team started rolling the business flourishing.

    During that time Ashok made a frantic call to Somu that again a disaster took place in Mumbai. Somu was out of station attending a customer call at Karnataka..

    the news of Ashok's wife demise reached him by evening, Somu went straight to Mumbai and attended Ashok's wife's funeral...

    Took them to Allahabad for immersion of ashes and final rites.

    They returned back and Somu has to stay back in Mumbai with Ashok's family as Ashoks daughter couldnot digest the loss of her brother and mother within 2 year & Somu has to speak to her, console her stating that she has to take care of her father Ashok....

    Somu tried his best and stayed with them for 3months.

    Meanwhile Somu's parents gave a call asking somu to come back home as they have finalaized an allaince for Somu and felt that it is time he should get married..

    Then Somu asked his parents to wait for some more time for the proposal, but Ashok said, No my dear Somu,you have to take care of your family and future too, so go ahead with the proposal and go home, see the girl and finalyze (after making an alternate arrangement by deputing a office boy from office to attend to Ashok's daughter during somu's absence at Mumbai)

    Somu then went home( prior to his reaching home he went to Guruvayoor to offer a prayer for the welfare of Ashok's Daughter as she is very much upset over the incidents ) and by the time Somu came back to Mumbai Ashok's Daughter went to an extreme step by attempting a suicide ( she was a science student and powdered the testtube glasses in to powder form and had plans to consume with some chemicals ) saw her admitted in the hospital and got her treated, told her the pro's & con's of her actions and explained her to remind about the plight of her father Ashok...

    ( Ashok couldnot control his emotions and took himself to drinks...Somu has to take care of Ashok and explained the consequences of his drinks could lead to disaster for his daughter...)

    Ashoks daughter recovered soon and she started attending her collage, took care to accompany father.

    Within 2 months Somu's parents asked Somu to come for the engagement & finalysed the wedding in another one month.

    Somu has to oblige the parents requests.

    He reached home, engagments are over, he went again to Guruvayoor to offer his prayers again for Ashok's daughter. went to business trip,returns home and was shocked to hear his wouldbe mother-in-law's sudden demise during his tour, he went to his wouldbe's home, expressed his grief and asked them to reconsider the marriage proposal if they felt hurt...but the family members said, not neccessary to post pone or cancel the wedding..it can take place as by the time it will be one month over and Somu got married.

    Ashok could not come to marriage as he has to take care of his daughter.

    Within 6months Ashok was to come back to meet Somu and office assignments.

    Somu was waiting at Airport to pick up Ashok, he could not locate Ashok, the same flight Somu's friend Ajit came, he asked about Ashok and Ajit said at the time of take of a northindian was sick and was taken off to hospital...

    Somu smelled some bad news, he contacted Ashok's house, at that time Manager Ravi was at Mumbai and he said Ashok was sent off at airport and Somu was nervous, calling Mumbai contacts and by the evening got the sad news that Ashok died of heartattack on the way to hospital from airport.

    Somu went to Mumbai that night, attended his friends funeral too..accompanied the ashes again to Allahabad with ashok's daughter..couldnot spare his emotions, with deep silence, he attended his daughter doing her father's last rites and went back to Mumbai,stayed with Ashok's daughter for one month..( Stopped all transactions of business, even the cheque given to rotory club for a donation prior to attending Ashoks last rites )

    By the time Somu went back home and the funds collected on behalf of Ashok's Firm, deposited....

    Meanwhile the Manager Ravi played his dubious games and looted the companies funds & Somu was able to smell this only after some of the customers stating that they have not recieved their dues, somu checked up accounts and found that entries of cash paid vouchers in the name of clients & asked manager Ravi for clarifications....found him missing from the next day...called up Ashoks daughter and explained.
    ( But the Customers who gave materials to Ashoks firm started asking their payments.Rs.12 lakhs outstanding bills ..)

    Somu requested them the incidents and asked them to wait for some time,by the time Somu started his own firm and settled all liablities of Rs.12 Lakhs in 2 years...and cleared all debts of his friend Ashok's firm.

    This efforts of Somu to commit for his friends firm, shall we call it as a destiny or fate or the gratitude somu had for his friend..

    Let the readers assume whatever they want..

    Ashok's daughter came back and sold her properties and took all money along with her fathers companies funds & not the liablities...

    Even Ashoks daughter was not bothered to inform or invite Somy for her marriage.

    Her wedding informations was intimated to Somu through his friends in Mumbai at a later date......what a world..

    Somu cleared all his commitments and within 3 years he managed to come up successful and dedicated to social welfare projects some of his earnings and led a peaceful life...

    That Manager Ravi is now a parasite, pauper and his wife is managing the family with her earnings as a tailor.

    The Vendor Paul also ditched Somu by contacting the clients of Somu and took the business,

    The old sayings that God will punish in his own ways on the wrong doers.

    That made Somu to start the Manufacturing and he excelled in his efforts and remain as a leading supplier.

    There are still some people live in this universe, when every one seeks the oppertunity to make fast bucks of the other and take advantage of situations.

    What made Somu stick to moral and ethical values to his friend Ashok , I Left it to viewers choice.....

    The purpose of writing blogs is to highlight such acts of selfless services are a part of our life.

    Hope to see such selfless sacrifieces to humanity by the noble acts.


    Note : I must confess that it is my personal experiances in my earlier years I went through And the character Somu is Subbu...
    As I felt that time to offload some of my stress & Strain I went through during 1978 - 1985.
    By God's Grace, I am able to lead a comfortable life and spend part of my earnings towards social causes, and associated with childrens home for the needy poor..

    I am Thankful to all our friends for their encouragements and care.
    curiousgals78 and vaidehi71 like this.

  2. sandhya19

    sandhya19 New IL'ite

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    hi subbu,
    welcome to indusladies!
    that was such a selfishlessness on you part,its very hard to find in today's world.
    really wish i could also try to be like you but i know i cant:| and have such a wonderful friend.
    hat's off to you!:clap
  3. honeybee

    honeybee Gold IL'ite

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    Hi subbu sir
    Nice post about the touching incident in your life.:clap
    Sir, it's difficult to find a friend like you and MR. Ashok was blessed to have you standing by him during trying times.
    In a world that revolves around money.. and only currency power you proved that "Humanity rules!".

  4. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    Hi subbusir,

    A friend....in need is a friend indeed..you stand tall for the example.
    When you are true to yourself..you get whatever you deserve in your life.
    You reap what you sow.....so

    It is a nice post... thanks for sharing it....
  5. Nivedi

    Nivedi New IL'ite

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    Hi Subbu,

    Welcome to IL!

    You must be a person with a strong will-power. Inspite of all those set-backs and tragedies that you saw and encountered, I think it was your faith in humanity that got you back again.
  6. balamotwani

    balamotwani Bronze IL'ite

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    Good Morning Subbu Sir,

    Your story reminds me of my dad.

    My dad was selfless and used to do a lot for his friends and one friend who was almost a family friend and known for 30 years and above ditched my dad. My dad had lot of friends and he had a very disciplined life. He always kept his words. He was duty consious. He doesnt gossip. So many of his friends respected him a lot and our house was always busy with his friends visiting us, day and night.

    My dad was just 60 when he was diagnoised with a rare disease called Motor Neuron Disorder. One by one all his voluntary actions stops, he cannot wear his own clothes, cannot eat on own, walking stopped, hand got paralysed, stopped talking. Except his brain and eyes nothing worked for him. He was almost on the bed for 2 years at home. Many of his friends visited, but some who are quite close did not come to visit him saying that they cannot see him in such a bad state. We had financial crisis as my dad was the only bread earner. My dad was working as administrator in a charitable institution and till date we feel grateful for the founder of that institution who resides abroad and he paid salary to my dad till my dad's death, even though my dad was not able to do his job actively, my younger sister who has polio attack did his work on his behalf. I helped as much as i can towards his treatment. But only his own brother came to help us. He kept so many prayers, he tried to find from all corners for a cure for this disease. actually it was everybody's prayers that my dad's life prolonged for 2 years. Doctors said he was actually in a last stage when he was diagnosed, but it is surprising that he survived for 2 years. He wanted to live atleast until he settles my youger sister. But death snatched him away from us.When he died many of his friends didnt turn up. We donated his eyes as per his wishes.

    From that time i decided that i shouldnt have friends, friends may come and go, but my sisters, mom, uncle were there with my dad when he was really in need. So i always feel blood is thicker than water.

    I am glad you were a really true friend who stood with your friend Ashok in thick and thin. There are very few people like you in this world.

    May God bless you with all Happiness, Success, Prosperity throught out your life.:clap
    Last edited: Sep 9, 2007
  7. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    :thankyou2: Dear Balamotwani for sharing about your father's delightful contributions to the society and glad to read the same.

    There are such selfless sacrifices by many in our society, whose efforts to create the other's life to prosperity left unnoticed.

    Thanks for the appreciative and encouraging words.

    Sheer Good will and strong will power makes a person to excel.

  8. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    :thankyou2: Dear Shanvy, Nivedi, honeybee and sandhya for the kind visit to this thread and encouraging words.

    This incident occured nearly 17 years back and as i felt to share with the world of friends that there are such friends who commits their part of life for others welfare.

    Obstacles and pain are not the cause when one has the determinations and good heart to see that his friend or family enjoy the benefits.

    Let us imagine our parents who sacrificed their time, energy and money to keep us as what we are today...

  9. Jananikrithsan

    Jananikrithsan Gold IL'ite

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    Great work from you, Subbu. How many people will do so much for a friend without expecting anything in return? May there be more people like u.
  10. subbutr

    subbutr Senior IL'ite

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    Re: True Life Story - An "Incident where friend commits his life's most precious mom

    :thankyou2: Dear janani for your encouragements,

    :exactly: to say there are still many such people around us and many has gone unnoticed from our vicinity.

    Sacrifices are our traditions in this great country and history has taught us many lessons.

    Being a selfish person, he cannot see the world...my personal opinions.

    Do highlight some of your experiances too...


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