I was triggered by horrible footage of a baby being tortured. According to the article the video was posted on FB and moderators refused to take it down because it was considered "baby yoga". Baby was crying and then eerily stopped. (If it wasn't for the need to see what is happening in my building I would have deleted FB long ago. It's a piece of sh1t.) Video was likely in Malaysia. Don't know if it was baby sitter --- definitely worst than the devil. Lot of thoughts came in my mind - who does this? - is this post-partum depression - is post-partum depression real (one Aunty says that it is a phony illness) Then I remembered reading in an Indian newspaper that a woman who tried to have baby for 7 years was finally successful - only to suffer post-partum depression and shake her baby to death. WTF? I am no longer angry, just feel like crying. I remember thinking there is no greater love than taking care of a baby. More than all the wealth in the world. Better than having a husband quite frankly (after seeing this video I felt love for that baby and I didn't want anyone or anything else). Of course I never had the experience of taking care of a baby (I miscarried at 3 months due to emotional and physical abuse). Take your time to digest this and reply.
PPD is real. Anyone who tells you otherwise doesn’t know what they are talking about. The vast majority of of women who suffer from this do not harm their children. However it is a serious issue that can impact quality of life. Pediatricians and OB-gyns will usually screen for PPD at the scheduled after-birth visits.
I'm gonna clarify with my Aunty - she has two kids and a bunch of grandkids. I was surprised when she said this. Perhaps I misunderstood her. Right now I'm like WTF ---- whole world seems worse than topsy turvy! I'm relieved that most women don't hurt their children, but still!
It doesn’t matter what your aunt thinks. If she didn’t experience it she may not believe it but it doesn’t make it any less real for those who do suffer.
There are some decisions parents take about the care of their children. Baby yoga, male circumcision, piercing a baby's ears and the "letting the baby cry itself to sleep" method are among the ones that are commonly debated. Female circumcision is almost universally accepted as a cruel and inhumane act. None of these practices has anything to do with postpartum depression. PPD is very real and sadly underdiagnosed. Linking PPD to controversial baby care practices does not help. It benefits neither the babies nor the mothers suffering from PPD.
"Torture" and "eerily stopped crying" are disturbing to read but thankfully inaccurate. : ) If it helps, the baby in the video grew up into a healthy toddler and must now be a teenager or older. The woman in the video is a baby yoga guru. Parents pay such gurus to swing their babies/children's as shown. All from here: Video Shows Woman Torturing a Baby?
AMEN! And often at a time when a new mother is most vulnerable and struggling people are quick to dismiss her feelings and concerns and instead pile on guilt trips instead of being supportive. Even the ones who should know better.
PPD is so so real,sadly a new mom and near ones dont understand what they go through.There are some luck moms who dont go through this but women who had seen the worst after delivery never forget that phase in life
PPD is very real. I havent had a heart attack (yet) so does that make it a phoney disease? But PPD isnt an excuse for injuring a baby. Often PPD desnt get diagnosed because of ignorant people pooh poohing a new mom's complaints , they just making her feel guilty , and worsening her ppd. so she delivered two kids , her grandkids she didnt deliver- Great that she didnt have ppd. Women in older gens had a lot of family support /confinement period which I believe helps alleviate the struggles of a new mom. Quite the snoop Rih ji
Post partum depression is real and more common than you think... Unfortunately in India there isn’t much awareness of it... Most women suffer silently and instead of getting physical and emotional support they’re only criticised for having negative thoughts and not doing what is expected of them..