Too posh to push

Discussion in 'Pregnancy & Labor' started by rosenav, May 20, 2011.

  1. rosenav

    rosenav Silver IL'ite

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    Celebrity C-sections

    I came across a lot of articles on the net abt Celebrity who prefer C-sections, some of them have C-sections to avoid stretch marks or tummy stretch... weird na.

    Reports say that 80% of American women get some form of medical pain relief during childbirth. A growing number of women are requesting delivery by elective cesarean section. This trend is due in part to celebrities such as Victoria Beckham, Eilzabeth Hurley, Britney Spears, Claudia Schiffer and Christina Aguilera, making the elective C-section the "it" activity of the decade.

    The media has dubbed the movement "too posh to push," after Brooklyn, Romeo and Cruz's Spice Girl mama. The British beauty, like some of the other celeb mamas in question, claimed that her C-sections were under doctors’ orders.

    But were they simply trying to avoid abdominal stretching? Or the pain of natural childbirth?


    I was curious to know Ladies who had section did you have many stretch marks or were they bare minimum?

  2. Rakhii

    Rakhii Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Rose, I have not had a delivery yet but I thought I would share my views on this, hope you dont mind. I think its unfair on the media's part to judge a woman for choosing a c-section.

    I am thinking loud here...all these people like Victoria Beckham, Britney and all are celebrities who need to be on the TV as part of their career. They do wear revealing cloths as part of their career too.
    Now, I am into banking...if I go for a normal delivery, if they say that they would remove my, say, trading license, then I would sure go for a C-section. Does this mean I love my baby any less? No. It means that my career is also important to me.

    How is this different from them getting a C-section to make sure their career is also intact? Lets face this, most of us cover our stretch marks and tummy stretches. But they cannot due to their lifestyle and career.

    Just because a woman chooses a C-section over normal delivery, for what ever reason, media should not be judging them and say "too posh to push". At the end of the day what is important is that they care for thei baby like they are supposed to.

    Personal opinion...
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  3. rosenav

    rosenav Silver IL'ite

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    I agree with you Rakhii , I recently had a Section, but it was the best thing that happened to me ... :thumbsup

    Not only celebs i know many women who have had section out of they wish , well its our body and every one has right to decide weather its section or normal ... I was so scared of having a section thinking of scars ,pain and all but it was a piece of cake.:)

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