One day an old man boarded a bus. As he was going up the steps, one of his shoes slipped off. The door closed and the bus moved off so he was unable to retrieve it. The old man calmly took off his other shoe and threw it out of the window. A young man on the bus saw what happened, and could not help going up to the old man and asking, "I noticed what you did sir. Why did you throw out your other shoe?" The old man promptly replied, "So that whoever finds them will be able to use them as a complete pair." The old man in the story understood a fundamental philosophy for life - do not hold on to something simply for the sake of possessing it or because you do not wish others to have it. We lose things all the time. The loss may seem to us grievous and unjust initially, but loss only happens so that positive changes can occur in our lives. We should not always assume that losing something is bad, because if things do not shift, we'll never become better people or experience better things. That's not to say of course that we only lose "bad" things; it simply means that in order for us to mature emotionally and spiritually, and for us to contribute to the world, the interchange between loss and gain is necessary. Like the old man in the story, we have to learn to let go. The world had decided that it was time for the old man to lose his shoe. Maybe this happened to add momentum to a series of events leading to a better pair of shoes for the old man. Maybe the search for another pair of shoes would lead the old man to a great benefactor. Maybe the world decided that someone else needed the shoes more. Whatever the reason, we can't avoid losing things. Be it your job or business, your love ones, your money, your possessions, and your everything. We can't avoid losing things. The old man understood this. One of his shoes had gone out of his reach. The remaining shoe would not have been much help to him, but it would be a cherished gift to a homeless person desperately in need of protection from the ground. Hoarding possessions does nothing to make us or the world better. We all have to decide constantly if some things or people have run their course in our lives or would be better off with others. We then have to muster the courage to give them away. PS-Dedicated especally to padmatvt.
I agree with you, that we have to let go to let the next come in.... If we are going to hold the past and block the way for the future which is all set to enter, we are not adopting the right path..... Its not so easy, to let go any thing that we had or have, as we are all influenced by MOH MAYA and its coz of this MOH MAYA there is colour as well as darkness in life........... Initially it hurts then we start looking at it from different perspective, slowly we realize that we have got over it..... Thats what life is all about...............
Dear mals i do agree with u. Without let it go past we can't enjoy today. Everyone facing problems but instead of grieve we should learn that this will be happen for some good reason, although for us it takes time to understand. I'm telling u this is frm my personal experience. So Let it go.
No wonder there is a flying bird to represent you.......... You have LET IT GO.... CHEERS TO CHEER................
Dear Cheer, You have to Let go in life. I always learn a lot from ur stories that u post. Thanks again.:yes:
Dear Madhu u always replied to my posts, thanx a lot. I'm glad u learnt frm my stories, but these stories are inspirational to me too. Maybe u heard what u read, what u do, what u think effect to our karma. So i just try to read these stories so indirectly they will effect me positively.
HEY CHEER THIS IS GANDHIJI... One day an old man boarded a bus. As he was going up the steps, one of his shoes slipped off. The door closed and the bus moved off so he was unable to retrieve it. The old man calmly took off his other shoe and threw it out of the window. YES LIFE DOES TEACH US TO MOVE AHEAD AND U WILL ONLY WHEN U LET GO...NICE QUOTES..SUNKAN
Dear Cheer, What you have said is right, all of us need to learn to let go. Sometimes it can be painful, loss does not only mean material wealth, but also the people whom we care about , there is no point in hanging on to soething or someone when you know it is lot going to last and we are just refusing to accept reality. "WHEN YOU LOVE SOMETHING SET IT FREE, IF IT COMES BACK, IT IS YOURS, IF IT DOES NOT, IT NEVER WAS." These are the lines I try to follow, when Iam unable to let go. :yes: