Times You Got Lost...

Discussion in 'General Discussions' started by swarnamary, Aug 25, 2023.

  1. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    Gone are the days when we dont have gps,cell phones, where we cant find a way to particular place, even with all this accessories on hand, i still keep on getting lost because i dont use my GPS, i do all kind of shopping online,pay my bills,handle all my kid school stuff , everything everything all by myself but i dont use my Gps. like 5,6 yrs back i got lost when we move to our new house, my husband,son came all the way for me and finally we got home late...

    There is only one way i know that i come to work and i go to home, if road is blocked in the middle i am all done need to get some help from husband to get to my destination, recently last week,previous week he has to come out to me , to get me home... good thing is he remember all the ways real good he will take me home jiffy like that but for me on the other hand its so hard for me to remember the streets and find ways.sometimes i feel like frustated at myself, sometimes feels pity and my son,hubby keeps on laughing at me talking abt the times i got lost... till now 5,6 times. my husband said next time you need to find the way and come by yourself, i am thinking to start using my gps.and i also heard people using different kind of apps to alert them about any accidents,road closures on the way, do any one of you use those, if so which apps???? i might find some help from those.
    what if you are alone getting dark,driving around?? where do you stop to ask anyone.
    someone say stop at gas station as you see lots of people coming,going and also mostly we see desi people working there

    what are the times that you got lost and how you got home or find the way...

  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    I have only gotten lost in the days before smartphones. Once was when I was newly arrived in the US. I had to take the train back from Queens to Penn Station in Manhattan. I got off at the wrong stop far from my destination. After wandering aimlessly I finally found a policewoman and asked. She put me into a cab and I reached correctly.
    Another time was when I was driving home from a new job and the usual route was shut down. I missed the correct detour by one street and ended going in circles all over town.
    Now I always have the Maps app on my iPhone turned on while driving, even on familiar routes. It will tell you if there’s traffic issues, speed cameras, police checks etc. And it will automatically reroute you if you make a mistake.
    swarnamary likes this.
  3. gamma50g

    gamma50g Gold IL'ite

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    I am really terrible at directions, even with GPS.

    I remember this one time that I wanted to go to a mall when we visited Florida. My husband put me in charge of the GPS. The mall was not so far away. I directed him as per the map. We drove and drove ......and drove some more....till my husband felt something was wrong. I reassured him that we are on the correct path....till.....gradually the city landscape turned into countryside. All we could see were fields...Still I was convinced it was the correct route because maps told me so. We drove on till we reached our destination and guess where we landed up? We reached a cemetery having the same name as the mall in a different city in Florida. Even though this event happened 11 years ago, till date my husband cannot forget that day when we ended up in a cemetery instead of a posh mall.

    Another event that is still fresh in my mind is the time I was taking my dad to the temple. Since it was some time ago that I drove to the temple, I turned my GPS on just in case. The GPS said take the exit immediately after crossing a flyover and go straight. Now, I did just that and I ended up back on the flyover where I started. This happened not once or twice but five times before I realized that there was an adjacent toad on exiting the flyover that went straight and led me to my destination.

    Not just that, I still keep missing exits, needing to overshoot and take a U turn and take the correct exit.

    I and GPS don't have a good relationship after all!!

    And P.S. My husband no longer trusts me with GPS :p
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2023
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  4. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    Good old days when all those happen….
    I think it’s good idea to have maps app on even on our routine routes, I need to get start doing like that . Thank you for your reply here
  5. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    It’s for sure gps is not your good buddy… at times my husband use the one in car we get tired following that till he start using gps from maps app…

    5 times you missed it hehehheehe, I don’t know abt you all but when I miss way i try to find the way but my husband on the phone makes me nervous ‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️‍♀️ he makes my bp go up… thatswhy I want to start using gps so I don’t have to call him next time abt blocked road hehehehw hopefully will try not to call
    gamma50g likes this.

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