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Time to Resilience !!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by katochsimi, Sep 8, 2015.

  1. katochsimi

    katochsimi Gold IL'ite

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    We keep changing our clothes, hairstyle, wardrobe, interior and shoes..
    but how often we think that its time to change ourselves??

    we say that stagnant brings negativity in life so we keep changing house stuffs, renovate, modify with material things. but have we ever thought that the stagnation of mind need some modification, purification too..without that how come positivity will come in life??

    To my surprise this thought was raised in my mind by my DD who is just 7 years. she told me mama we keep changing color of house and stuffs but when will we change ourselves?? this was just a single line for her which she spoke of her innocence but was U Turn in my life.

    Since past few months we whole family have gone thru many ups and downs. The fact which i have learned is nothing can be changed by just worrying, complaining, nagging, venting. if i really want to do something, I have to put positive vibes on people and think constantly that everything will be fine. it is just a phase of life which will pass too nothing is constant neither happiness nor sorrow..

    it was very hard to keep mind calm when i was seeing everything against me but i was sure of my father’s thought "if it happens as per our wish it is GOOD, but if it does not happen as per our wish then it is "BEST" because it happened as per GOD's wish"...and this i remember when i really dont get answer to my questions.

    I was wondering how negative people and situations are affecting and changing me inside, but I got to read somewhere that if negativity in people and situation can change or affect us ..can’t our positivity change people or situation?? Wow what a thought!! That means we treat ourselves weak that is why we allow them to change us…but no we should think that we r stronger than them and let them change not us…

    The way to live our values is to integrate our inner thoughts, awareness, attitude and feelings with our outer expression. By empowering our values from the inside, we can live them, even in the most challenging situations. By taking time to reflect or meditate, we can begin to understand that we have all that we need inside our own being. Internally we all have the treasures of peace, love and wisdom. Reflecting deeply allows us to touch a deeper part of ourselves, which gives us the inner strength and resilience needed to live by our values, no matter what. Living our values realises our true humanity.

    A single positive change in ourselves can change a lot!!! Try it…
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  2. daisy2015

    daisy2015 Platinum IL'ite

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    My parents too say this when I start worrying about something that hasn't happened according to my expectations. We are after all humans, a mixture of positive and negative thoughts. Yes, at times when I am sad/upset/angry/disappointed and hear someone say a positive word or try to give hope by their deed I realize how powerful positivity is. It effects both the bearer and the receiver with immense peace of mind.
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  3. katochsimi

    katochsimi Gold IL'ite

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    @daisy2015, yes it is like a silver line in dark clouds!!

    i was wondering how/why so many negative and wrong things happening in life..it is because i was attracting all that. I was looking for wrong and negative in life hence it was what i was getting. now i m just saying "STOP" whenever my mind going in some negativity. after all I am(Soul) ruler and owner of body and not his servant to listen to him.
  4. daisy2015

    daisy2015 Platinum IL'ite

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    So true katochsimi. We must say STOP before it is too late. Once we go completely into it's clutches then there is no way back. I mean we may come back a bit even then but there is a possibility that we might go back to negative thoughts easily as we got used to it for years.

    This is just my feeling/opinion.
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  5. Akanksha1982

    Akanksha1982 IL Hall of Fame

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    Hey, Simi. Hope that's your name. Change is the only constant and we do change every moment but do not see it. So it is not that we are not changing, it is just that we believe that we have not changed. How many times it happens that if someone meets us or when we meet someone there is always a talk about how much one has changed. Maybe gain/lost weight, hair style different or dressing different, etc.

    Just like we feel that the earth is not moving, we feel that we are not changing but in reality we are changing. We adapt new technology, new words everyday. Our taste, interest changes and we don't know about it.

    I am not sure what you mean by negative thinking. But, it is always good to think about what if scenarios and worst case scenarios and prepare ourselves to deal with those scenarios. If one has thought of worst case and is prepared for it, any outcome will look positive.
  6. katochsimi

    katochsimi Gold IL'ite

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    @akanksha1982, yes i accept for all those changes which you said that takes place everyday. but all those are materialistic change. i m saying about the internal changes (within ourselves/thoughts). this is what is important. other changes are all external.

    and regarding negative thinking, it was like if a daughter has gone out and mom is worried for her and she will keep thinking about all negative thoughts she is encountering at that time. but if her hubby says "she must have met with accident" (just and eg. m giving) she will immediately say "dont say this ...never say wrong things" . So, he cannot speak wrong, but she can think wrong...

    likewise we should not speak and think also some negative will happen. instead think all positive will happen.

    And you said that we should prepare for worst, no dear i will disagree..when u will prepare yourself for negative how can you expect positive dear. It is law of nature ..u will get whatever u wish..so wish good and will get good :thumbsup
  7. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Madam katochsimi,
    What a great idea conveyed in a snippet couched in simple narrative style!You have hit the nail on the spot.Definitely It reminds me of one of my favourite quotes from Mahatma Gandhi.

    “You must be the change you want to see in the world.”
    “As human beings, our greatness lies not so much in being able to remake the world – that is the myth of the atomic age – as in being able to remake ourselves.”
    If we change ourselves ,we can change the entire world.While we get away from our old pattern of thinking, start viewing through the changed lens, we will see the results pouring forth.

    But when we start changing the outer world without changing ourselves,we will be still the same'we'with our flaws, anger, negativity, self-sabotaging tendencies etc. intact.Even if the desired change peeps in, we may may not fit in.

    The effort to change of course is a persistent process.Our worry is about others.

    Listen to Gandhi again

    “First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.”
    In time the opposition around us will fade and fall away.
    Then you’ll find the inner motivation to keep going, going and going. .

    Success or victory will seldom come as quickly as we would have liked it to. On many occasions people give up too soon. many people begin to change themselves. But they misjudge the time it may take to achieve the desired results.
    Either they underestimate the time and give up before the tangible results start coming up or overestimate and don't get started.

    Some amount of persistence, perseverance .,determination and self confidence will definitely quicken the process.A simple common sense approach of understanding one's own weakness and mistakes and an introspection " Are we blameless'( as stated by Satchitananda)by each and everyone will definitely take one and all to victory stand.
    Madam, a great idea conveyed. Your snippet has been nominated for the finest post of the month.Congrats.
    Jayasala 42
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  8. katochsimi

    katochsimi Gold IL'ite

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    wow jayasala....thanks for that..i never thought in dreams also.

    but i must say i have gone thru hell to come to this conclusion which i thought should share and will help many to come out of their problems if they just give a serious thought and adopt this.

    to simplify further i will give example of god vishnu which i have read somewhere.
    he has three shastra 1) swadarshan chakra 2) gadha 3) Kamal and all those have some deep secret behind

    1) swadarshan chakra - means self analyzing..we have to see within ourselves what loopholes/weaknesses we have. the energy we waste in pointing other's mistakes and concentrating on their negative parts, if we use the same energy to see within ourselves will see that there are so many weaknesses and it will take full life to correct it and avoid to carry forward in next birth. all relations for whom we fight and become bad will leave in this world and in next birth all relations will be new. then for whom are we fighting and making us weak.

    2) gadha - this is use to destroy or kill enemies. once we realise what negative or what are our weaknesses are have to be use gadha to destroy that (as those are our real enemies)

    3) kamal - sign of purity in impurity. kamal is the only flower which grows in muddy water but we never find stain of mud also on it. likewise we have to make our life. we have to be in this world full of wrong and impure people but once we know our weaknesses and have destroyed it we are like that flower pure and shine.

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  9. Rith

    Rith IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Katochsimi,
    Well said. Even I wanted to throw literally away the negative thoughts of those disturbing relatives and try to be cool. It is an art and comes only with practice.

    I remember Dr. A.P.J's quotes
    "When we tackle obstacles, we find hidden reserves of courage and resilience we did not know we had. And it is only when we are faced with failure do we realise that these resources were always there within us. We only need to find them and move on with our lives."

    How true it is...
  10. Archana11

    Archana11 Silver IL'ite

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    Hello Katochsimi, Good Snippet. I just now posted something in In-Laws forum and then got to see this one. This will help me a lot to get out of what right now I'm in.

    Your's father's thought made me realize something good is waiting for me because nothing is happening as per my wish now :)

    Ohh I already started being positive:thumbsup and I will try to be positive to see myself in treasures of peace:-D
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