Time Block Challenge

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by sankara1, Jun 22, 2021.

  1. sankara1

    sankara1 Silver IL'ite

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    ⭐ Are you a natural planner or do you “wing” your daily schedule, letting things unfold naturally?

    If you DON’T prioritize the things that are really important to you … they somehow find a way never to get done.

    For a lot of people … this ends up with missed workouts, eating out at the last minute, and added stress because you feel like you’re always falling short on your goals.

    That’s why this week, we’ve got a TIME BLOCKING CHALLENGE.

    MAJOR BONUS: it will not require you to add yet another thing to your schedule.

    Instead, your challenge is to make the most of the time already existing in your day by making it USEFUL time!

    Here’s how it works: Sit down with your calendar and set aside specific blocks of time during the week to focus on the things that are your highest priority!

    Block in time for your workouts, your meals/food prep, family time, appointments, errands, self-care, etc., as well as work-related activities. Don’t forget to add some buffer time in case things don’t go according to plan. (hint: they never do!)

    ✅ This is so much more effective than “winging it” and leaving the things that matter most to chance!

    You’ll also feel a lot less stressed because you know everything will be handled in due time and not fall through the cracks.

    ⚡So, are you going to join us? What’s the FIRST thing you’re going to block off in your schedule this week!?

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