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This April 2023 Is Precious And Memorable

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by iyerviji, May 5, 2023.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    This April 2023 is very precious and memorable for me. I was in Amchi Mumbai for 20 days. Though.i enjoyed meeting all my friends missed my.husband very much.

    I went on 8th April to Mumbai. Started my visit with bajan and Sita Kalyanam in Temple which I would have missed.

    From 10th to.14th.visited my local.friends. on 15th went to Guruvayurappan temple for Vishu then went to my brother in law's house and had vishu lunch there. Thanks Jaysree, Rama,Vasavi, Vidya whose twins call me biscuit patti

    Had a gala time in my brother in law's house with.Swathi , Sunil.Om.Karthik Komal Kanishka and Kiyansh. Thanks to my brother in law and others

    On 16th my office friend took me to four of my colleague's houses Borkar ,Mohit, Preeti and Arun. put of that one's friendship.was 58 yrs old in the office .Night my friend took me for dinner.Vidya my friend has always helped me in many ways. She used to drop.me home when we used to.go for get together in office. She has taken care of me as a daughter

    Gave gift to some of my friends and also got gifts from them.

    On 17th and 18th.stayed in a friend's house who is from Indusladies site. She looked after me as a daughter though.she herself was not well. She is Lord Krishna bakth and her name is Mira. Name suits her very well. She gives food to a group of crows and talks to them. Early morning she bathes her Krishna does pooja and neuvedyam and night she puts Him to sleep in a bed specially made for him

    On 19th and 20th stayed in.relatives house. They looked after me very well.and had yummy food and felt.at home and they dropped me where we stayed. Thanks Uma and Sundar.

    My daughter and son in law came that day with their daughter and we were busy in.other functions my brother in law's 80th.Birthday and sis in law's grandson's thread ceremony

    Enjoyed the functions with relatives and friends

    Stayed for 5 days in my.sis in law's dil's house
    Which was very wellkept with all facilities

    Met my contract bus friends too Jyothi Mala and Shekhar.

    Thanks to everyone each day was spent merrily
    Waiting for my next visit to Mumbai. IMG-20230505-WA0018.jpg IMG-20230505-WA0017.jpg
    Yumna, Mistt, mbharani and 5 others like this.

  2. swarnamary

    swarnamary Gold IL'ite

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    viji maa, you made us walked all thru your trip..well written..very very joy to meet friends from those good old days.. those feelings are beyond the words..
    iyerviji likes this.
  3. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks dear
  4. Swetha52003

    Swetha52003 Gold IL'ite

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    So happy for you, Viji Aunty, I love your narration so much! I was able to visualize all your excitement and happy get togethers, soul filling satisfactory moments.

    Brought back so many childhood nostalgic memories of mine. The fun of being with aunts, uncles and cousins and oh the good old days of banana leaves lunches.Though the get togethers are still there when we visit, it is never like those glorious days.

    Your post is so beautiful, it reminds me of hang on to your moments and be present there with all your mind and be grateful and cherish it because it will never be “now” again ! Thanks for sharing Aunty!
    iyerviji likes this.
  5. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks dear. Glad my post brought you nostalgic memories

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