The Universal Formula Of Nature

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by GeetaKashyap, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you, @Srama, for being in my space and sharing your thoughts. The quote and the thought behind it are beautiful.

    This article was inspired by a doctor's blog about the pain babies endure at birth and how it is beneficial for them. Since I have his permission now, I am sharing the link here:

    We, Indians believe in the higher power and destiny and accept whatever happens with the quotes, 'Jo bhi hota hai acche ke liye hota hai' or 'aagiddella olite aayitu'. Using the same mentality we should be able to understand and accept that certain difficulties are inevitable in this journey and each such experience is invaluable as it has a lesson for us. This acceptance makes us resilient and strong.
  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you for sharing a very well thought out snippet for us to enjoy reading and understand the principles behind our lives. Whenever we endure pain, we experience something new and learn a new lesson. The depth of pleasure is learned only when we understand the depth of pain. The pair of opposites are like twins. Frankly, residing inside the womb and growing in size itself is a pain the child endures to understand in order to grow, one has endure pain. There is an unwritten law of nature exists in this world and observing and experiencing is preferred instead of understanding it.

    Self-confidence to achieve growth, right efforts to perform actions and attitude to accept the outcome, whatever it might be, are essential ingredients in life. It is human tendency to remain inside the comfort zone and resist changes but change is inevitable as eventual birth of a child from the comfort of security of mother's womb to the existence in the world independently with initial care of the mother, evolving to become independent until one realizes the need for interdependence.

    Every river that begins as a tiny spring has to eventually merge with the ocean of love. As long as it travels within the banks known as pleasure and pain, it will reach the destination. Every life has an unlimited urge to reach the source and will continue to flow towards it. It is the processes implemented during the journey that matters the most.

    If we change ourselves, the world around us changes substantially. Equanimity to accept the pleasure and pain, implementing a ceiling on our desires, holding everything as a trustee, understanding the purpose of life from our thoughts, synchronizing our thoughts, words and deeds, etc. are some of the steps one can take to make progress.

  3. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Well said.:clap2: Thanks for your erudite feedback.
  4. jskls

    jskls IL Hall of Fame

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    Geetha, very thought provoking blog. I am late here. So much to learn from all the responses above. Now I was wondering what about the babies born in C-sec? Do they go through the same pain?

    As for fear, one and only once I experienced recently that too because I was least prepared which I am usually not. Early incidents in my life has taught me to face any situation.

    Somehow I feel we can introspect all these fears and successes after we cross them. Learn from them. But braving them when in eye of the storm is a skill that’s inborn. I maybe wrong too.
    GeetaKashyap likes this.
  5. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice to have you back after a long time.:)

    Babies born of C- Section are the privileged ones like our VIP's children, born with a golden spoon and lady luck by their side!

    "Braving them when in eye of the storm is a skill that’s inborn."

    Maybe. What people call as altruism, bravery, quick thinking and courage are, I guess, mainly inborn and partly learnt based on one's life experiences. Slum children are more street smart than the rich kids or the well protected kids of our homes! Only a few will have the presence of mind; very true.
    jskls likes this.

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