The Universal Formula Of Nature

Discussion in 'Education & Personal Growth' started by GeetaKashyap, Aug 3, 2018.

  1. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    (Uncertainties, struggles and transitions in life)

    “Do babies feel the pain of birth?” This was the title of a blog by a very senior doctor on another forum. He has explained the intricacies of childbirth and he says that babies do experience pain at the time of birth. The following article was motivated by his blog.


    All of us start our life’s journey as a single cell and then we become a multi-cellular embryo, and finally, we end up as the sophisticated human beings! There are no quick fixes or shortcuts in this process of development. Everything follows the assembly line precision. If any cell or a process tries to deviate from its fixed path, we know that it leads to anomalies or abnormalities putting the life of the foetus (baby) in danger! During the process of foetal development, the foetus is well protected and nourished inside the mother’s womb. But by the end of the gestation period comes the critical stage, when the mother’s womb cannot or will not protect the baby anymore. That is the way nature works: beyond a specific time period our very own heaven turns hostile! Then the birthing process or labour sets in. The first stage of labour is divided into three phases: latent, active, and transition. At the time of birth, babies go through tremendous shock and stress. Their safe heaven is no longer safe for them! Unless and until they submit themselves to the law of nature and go along, their survival chances are almost non-existent in the natural world!

    First of all, the baby has to ‘position’ itself in preparation to take natural birth.

    In our life also, we have to educate and/or learn some skill and be ready to face the life’s challenges.

    Next, as the uterine contractions begin and the amniotic sac breaks, the baby should be prepared to lose its protective environment and take the risk of entering an unknown territory.

    In life too, we have to be prepared to leave the safety of our familiar surroundings or comfort zones and be willing to adapt to the newer situations and circumstances in order to succeed.

    The next stage, transition, is again a very difficult phase. After passing through the narrow birth canal, the baby is born! The baby’s environment changes immediately from a well protected warm womb to the cold delivery room! Now the child struggles for oxygen and takes the first breath which escapes as a cry!

    Similarly, our first foray into the outer world is often stressful and it has to be so to harden us for the struggles in life. Our initial struggles strengthen and arm us with methods to cope better; we struggle, face the newer challenges and emerge victoriously!

    Now can you see the similarity in the birthing process and our struggles in life? I find this similarity between the birthing process and our struggles against the odds in life, very motivating. Without any conscious effort, if we could survive the birthing process, it would not be wrong to call ourselves as ‘the certified survivors’ and believe that we have what it takes to fight against the odds in life and succeed!

    There is a very interesting story about the struggle of a young butterfly. A man looking out of his window spots a young butterfly emerge from the chrysalis/pupa. He stands there watching the young butterfly struggle. Taking pity on the butterfly, he releases the butterfly from the imprisoning pupal case. When he does that he feels a sense of pride for having helped the butterfly but instead of flying away gleefully the butterfly struggles for a while and then starts preparing for its imminent death. Feeling sorry for the butterfly and being unable to understand what went wrong, he questions the butterfly and it says, ‘my struggle was my way of strengthening my wings, pumping blood and getting ready to fly. By releasing me prematurely from my case, you weakened my strengthening process and now my death is imminent. (When the butterfly first emerges from the chrysalis, both of the wings will be soft and folded against its body. This is because the butterfly had to fit all its parts inside the pupal case. As the butterfly comes out of the chrysalis, it pumps blood into the wings in order to get them working and flapping – then they get the strength to fly. Usually, within a three or four-hour period, the butterfly will master flying.)

    Similarly, we are aware that a diamond cannot be polished without friction, gold cannot be purified without melting it on fire and without chiselling a rock an intricate statue cannot be made. A phase of some knocks and stress is inevitable before an ugly duckling becomes a beautiful swan! All these make me believe that nature is a tough taskmaster; she seems to have one single formula for almost all the natural processes in this world.

    When we are young we are attuned to nature and we are a part of it. But as we grow, we grow apart from nature. We would like to have a different set of rules for ourselves and nature. That is when the trouble begins and we are plagued by undue uncertainties and stress. When we become aware that struggles, disappointments and some stress are essential parts of our passage on this earth and it is according to the universal formula of nature, acceptance becomes easier and we can easily embrace the changes that come along. Our stress is directly related to our resistance to embrace the new or changed reality. The regular and ongoing practice of the philosophy of equanimity helps us to accept changes and challenges more easily. Everything falls into its place the moment we accept that ‘Change is the only constant in life’ and also, ‘Nothing is permanent in life’. The important key here is to keep the patience and minimal expectations. This is the profound reality of nature!

    Instead of fearing our bad phases and challenges, we have to believe in the universal formula of nature and face our challenges bravely. My favourite motivational line that keeps me going is, “Darr ke aage jeet hai i.e., "Beyond fear lies victory!"

    Last edited: Aug 3, 2018
    jskls, Star25, Viswamitra and 12 others like this.

  2. Gauri03

    Gauri03 Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Inspiring piece Geeta! You are right. Life is in the struggle. If we aren't constantly pushing our limits and transcending them, are we really living? Without the challenges the rewards would lose their luster. In order to savor success one must first taste failure.

    Your quote on fear reminded me of this much-quoted “Litany Against Fear” from Frank Herbert’s book Dune.

    “I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.”

    Fear clouds our minds and impairs our ability to make rational decisions. To hold on to reason in the face of overwhelming fear is the mark of a resilient mind and a successful one too. As you said everything worth having is on the other side of fear.
  3. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks a lot for this wonderful feedback, dear @Gauri03. As you rightly pointed out fear is the first stumbling block on our path which makes us lose the race even before beginning. Then is the irrational expectation to have a trouble free path. Acceptance of some rough patches and having minimal expectations definitely makes us more resilient and focus better.
    signature and kkrish like this.
  4. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Hi Geeta
    I truly do not know what feedback to provide.
    As I was reading my head was bobbing up and down in acknowledgement.

    While visiting the Wright Brothers museum in Kitty Hawk, North Carolina, I was really marveling the pioneers who "just did it".
    Coming to the Wright brothers, they already were battling sever winter, and cold winds - they could have easily given up. They knew that they could fall from very high and that would be the end; but that did not stop them.

    If they had succumbed to their fears, today we may not be jet setting.
    Then there are those test pilots who risk their lives.
    Each of our countries' armed forces, men and women, who fearlessly protect our borders.
    If Gandhiji and our freedom fighters feared for their lives we do not know where we would have been.

    Sometimes fear is based on assumptions and also instilled by others.

    There is small anecdote on how fear stumps and stunts our growth:
    There was a little frog who happens to be deaf.
    One day, in frog land all the frogs had gathered and were watching some other frogs climb a tall pole. This little frog also joined and started climbing.
    Halfway through, some on the ground started shouting, "do not go higher, you will fall down". Hearing this, some of the frogs jumped off.
    Some still persisted.
    A little higher and the crowd were shouting in fear, "oh no, that is too high" and so as they were shouting, all the frogs except out little hero either fell down or jumped off.
    This little frog who never heard anything climbed to the top of the pole.

    When I was 21 I had to make a major decision. My only "fear" was if society misunderstood my intentions and spoke poorly of me, will I be able to handle that. My father said, "As long your actions do not hurt anyone physically, emotionally, and mentally, do not fear others. Only you and God need to know the truth. Also those who matter will not talk, those who talk do not matter".

    Another fear.
    The first time when when my husband was on travel and I had to be alone and expressed fear, he asked me."What is the worst do you think will happen? Put your faith in God."
    That took me to another level.

    Sorry, I seem to be going off at a tangent, especially after saying I do not know what feedback to give.:facepalm:
    Others surely will give better and apt feedback.
    Last edited: Aug 4, 2018
    jskls, Viswamitra, Srama and 5 others like this.
  5. Tamrakshar

    Tamrakshar Platinum IL'ite

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    This inspiring, motivating blog was such a good read that the moment I finished it, I thumped my own thigh forcefully, and cried, "This is what a blog should be! Give me this kind of blog every day!" When my excitement subsided, I began to think philosophically. I have been a science student, and never ever in my life believed in either God or ghost. But, when I think about different number of gestation period, life span and number of chromosomes of different species, my astonishment knows no bound. For example, a cow and a human have almost the same gestation period. But, a cow on average survives just about 10 years, while the average life span of a human is around 65 years. While a cow has 60 chromosomes, a human has 46. The gestation period for an elephant is almost 2 years, while it doesn't survive more than 35 years on average. The number of chromosomes in elephant is 56. Despite scratching my head very hard, a few wisps of hair came out in the process, I could not find any scientific relationship to establish among these three variables ( no wonder I am not a scientist).

    You have compared the process of baby birth with our life struggles in such an apt manner that for a moment I thought that we are nothing but big babies swinging in the cradles of life! Yes, we should not expect fruits overnight. Life is not a case of cooking a 2-minute Maggi Noodles. You have to put hard toils in a planned manner, and wait patiently to expect success. Our smartphone using, WhatsApp addicted young generation tends to forget about the virtues of struggle and patience!

    The feedback of Kamala ji is as good as the original blog! Cheers to both of you!
    goldenhoney87, signature and kkrish like this.
  6. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank you very much @Tamrakshar .
    You made my day!
    Tamrakshar likes this.
  7. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Lovely fb, dear kkrish. Thank you. The example of Wright brothers proves "Darr ke aage zindagi hai" perfectly. Recently in one of the World Cup Football matches, a member of the team with low scores was crying even before finishing the game. I pointed to my son that this player has lost much before the finish and he will definitely throw away any chance that may come his way! Many times we too do the same due to preconceived fears or negative thought patterns.
    This statement is so so true.
    signature and kkrish like this.
  8. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks, Tamrakshar for the enthusiastic fb. :) It is all in the genes! Usually the larger (Elephant, Whale) and also the slower (Tortoise) animals have longer life spans. Then how did humans get comparatively longer life spans? I love that story which says when God was assigning age limits to various animals, they chose shorter life spans and the man wanted longer life span. So the God gave the refused live spans of the dog, monkey and donkey to the man. That is why man behaves/lives like these animals at various stages of life!
    You are right. Life is a journey with multiple goals and responsibilities. It can never have instant or tailor-made solutions. As Lord Krishna says in the Bhagavad-Gita, we must do our duty and be not affected by the results, in short, reduce expectations.
    Last edited: Aug 5, 2018
    signature likes this.
  9. GeetaKashyap

    GeetaKashyap IL Hall of Fame

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    SinghManisha and messedup like this.
  10. signature

    signature Bronze IL'ite

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    Awesome lines to believe in one's self and grow.

    Good analogy. you are right, we are all certified survivours who have forgotten to live and fight their situations.
    GeetaKashyap likes this.

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