Navaratri is an important Hindu festival. Nava means nine and Ratri means night. During Navaratri, the Goddess is worshipped in Her various forms as Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Though the Goddess is one, She is represented and worshipped in three different aspects, on the nine days. The tenth day is called Vijayadasami. Vijaya means victory, the victory over our own minds that can come only when we have worshipped Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswati. Durga: On the first three days Durga is customarily worshipped. Durga is the one who removes our evil tendencies. She personifies Shakti or divine energy. She is also called Mahishasura Mardini, the destroyer of demon. Mahisha means buffalo. Is not there a buffalo in our minds? We do have the qualities of laziness, darkness, ignorance and inertia. Durga Devi’s killing of the Mahisha demon is, symbolically, the destruction of these qualities within us that is difficult to destroy. By worshipping Her, we invoke that divine Power within us to destroy our animalistic tendencies. Lakshmi: For knowledge to dawn within us, our minds have to be prepared. The mind must be pure, concentrated and single-pointed. This purification of the mind is obtained by worshipping Lakshmi Devi. We think Lakshmi represents only material wealth. Real wealth is self-discipline and the values of love, kindness, respect and sincerity. By practising these values, our mind becomes purified. Only they help us preserve our material wealth. Our wealth of virtues is our true Lakshmi. The six forms of wealth are calmness of mind, self-control, self-withdrawal, forbearance, faith and single pointedness. Our goal is victory over the mind which comes only when the mind is prepared and this mental preparation is the symbolism of the Lakshmi Puja. Saraswathi: Victory over the mind is gained only through knowledge and through understanding. Saraswathi represents this highest knowledge of the Self. Thus we see that the theme of the entire Vedas is reflected in the Navaratri festival. Purify the mind and remove all negativities. Cultivate positive virtues. Gain spiritual knowledge and transcend limitations. This is the real victory-the dance of joy-ritualistically performed at night by some communities in India. Love & regards, Chithra.
I am sounding Like a Parrot...... But as usual a very beautiful expalnation of our most important festival. I loved your meaning of wealth. Now adays everyone associates wealth only with the monetary and materialistic aspects. But the wealth of calmness, self control etc.... are more important to us than anything else. If only everyone would realize this, we would have a much better world. Thank you for a beautiful start to this nine days. Vandhana
I love parrots, my dear Vandhana ! Remember, I do need the parrots to tell me whether I am going in the right direction or otherwise ! We always associate Lakshmi with abundance & prosperity. Just add on the word "emotional" beforethose two nouns. Only that can make our life truly worthwhile. Thanks for your first F b - by this you have made up ! I am sure you know what I mean !! Please stay tuned, not only that, come out in the forum with your thoughts. Love & regards, Chithra.
Kankolla Kakshi! Hi Mrs CV, I was eagerly awaiting this weeks post. When i saw the topic i was dazzled by the photo you have posted. All the 3 Goddesses have come through you to my house! Thank you so very much. You have very artistically and beautifully explained the significance of Navrathri. Nine days( like nine precious stones), the Ambal (in various forms) will be decorated in studded stones and silk attires in many temples.People are happy, they vist each other all fully decked up. Appidiye andha nine days just flies by It is one of my fav functions. Not only the pomp and show-- you have very very beautifully described the power of Durga, Lakshmi and Saraswathi and the significance of those nine days and the purpose of doing those poojas! Words just dont come out of me! Thank you so very much for such wonderful enlightenments!!! Love, Purni
Very delightful appreciation, Purni ! You have used all beautiful words & embellished your post just like how we deck up Devi & also ourselves for navaratri ! Thankyou very much. Love & regards, Chithra.
Dear Chitra, Your wonderful description of Navarathri and the nice picture has inspired me to write this mail. The Golu in our house is appreciated by our friends for its creativity. Do you think I can post some pictures on our IL site? If yes, I would like to know the procedure for it. Regards & Navarathri greetings USHA KRISHNAN
beautiful, chic, perfect...... Dear Chitra, A beautiful start to the festival season with your beautiful picture of the goddesses & beautiful explanation of Navratri's significance. I loved reading the para on Lakshmi wherein you'd pointed the real wealth & forms of wealth, etc. Just fantastic. Love & regards,
Welcome to this forum, Usha Krishnan ! Thankyou very much for the post. You are welcome to send photos in this thread. Please send a P M to Laxmi, our moderator & she will guide you & do the needful. Love & regards, Chithra.
My dear Meena ! I can't help mentioning that I did miss you last week, honestly ! I know you are busy shifting house & making related purchases. This Devi set is permanently kept in my puja room & needless to say, I love to see that first thing in the morning ! Love & regards, Chithra.
Dear Chitra, Just got down to reading his weeks posting...what a tmely post! And so simple and explained so well and differently......enjoyed reading it and made me feel light! we get an opportunity to relearn everywhere and try to make our lives better through realisation during these festivals....only if we all understand the meaning behind all these rituals , can we reinforce this knowledge and gain in our spiritual growth! thanks for the timely post...... i liked these lines a lot..... "Thus we see that the theme of the entire Vedas is reflected in the Navaratri festival. Purify the mind and remove all negativities. Cultivate positive virtues. Gain spiritual knowledge and transcend limitations. This is the real victory-the dance of joy-ritualistically performed at night by some communities in India.":clap