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The Simple Joy Of Living!

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Mar 12, 2024.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    I go for my 30 minutes early morning walk in the corridor aided by my trusted Walker. The younger lot of the flats go for their jogging wearing Nike footwear. They wish me healthy walk with a smile and hurtle down the stirs. They never use the elevator. Why should they?

    I finish my walking routine and settle down in the balcony in a comfortable chair. I play some enchanting music and go into a reverie. I watch the birds flying in lovely formations unlike our crows! They all appear to be in robust health. Maybe one or two of them are having a bad stomach or trouble with their spouses but looking at them we can hardly make it out. All we see is their joy of flying together and learn a few lessons of life from them.

    Every being may have some physical and mental problems but it will be prudent not to get weighed down by them. The ability to count one's blessings will add a lot of colour and variety to life. Ageing is just a physical process that everyone has to go through. It can severely cripple our life style but as long as we do not let it touch our mind, living will be only pure joy.
    Let's get going as merrily as ever!

  2. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    I remember in olden days in rural Indian villages people men folk from their dwellings with bucket in hand walk in great strides toward a distant rice field where huge irrigation well would be functional. With flooding waters from well and a bucket in hand, they used to enjoy a lot, the morning dawn wash : and the birds including crow flying from south to north as sun Ray's from east clearing the mist. Birds excepting crows will be seen move in a rhombus and collapse into a huge parabola at terrific heights their wings silver like un the reflected sun ray's.

    crows like and enjoy chaos and chaotic surroundings. Their eyes are on sides and naturally the should move in a curve to land on its target. But we see they fly sharp on the target while their eyes may be seeing their left and right if their path.

    after retirement a colleague refuse to believe he has completed 58 years. He was encouraged by jubilant youngsters in their half pants and canvas shoes. He acquired the necessary accessories and next day morning in sprint uniform in summer of May First, He ran with them on a wide free tar- road but after 15 minutes he was breathless. Yes you guessed it right. Before he could be admitted, hospital doctor announced "brought dead". The lesson is that copying others half of or even less than one's age is risky and dangerous.
    Likewise to do give up drinking morning first brew - coffee a habit of seven or eight decades invites sluggishness in day to day activities. Body and mind revolts.
    Last edited: Mar 12, 2024
    Cheeniya likes this.
  3. mangaii

    mangaii Finest Post Winner

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    This thought process has truly liberated me from my self inflicted sufferings. Mind plays tricks and we constantly need to remind our blessings. Thanks for the snippet loved reading it
    Cheeniya and Thyagarajan like this.
  4. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    The title here could be The Joy Of Living or the joy of giving.
    Whatever load on the chest is off the moment you give away your precious little to the needy.
    I collected from temple free dustribution of prasanna venkatesh Perumal 's prasad சக்கரை பொங்கல் in Dhonnai. I was with it walking carefully in traffic ridden street near an intersection of roads in the late evening. Pre-stressed Concrete huge channels of square cross section each 5x5x8 feet ling were blocking the pavements for over 18 months. I wrote to the hindu in Feb 24. Yesterday, to my delight I found the pavement on all corners at this intersection free of blockades. Besides as requested a traffic policewoman too was posted. It was a great t
    delight at this cross road to remain standing g there in awe. To celebrate I offered the prasad in dhonnai to the traffic police woman.

    It was a huge satisfaction to me to see her eyes get widened looking at the prasadam.
    I felt lighter than what I was a minutes before.
  5. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Cheeniya Sir,

    Keep walking to health! I join the younger ones in your flat in wishing you even though I am not young. I walk everyday from 9 a.m. to 10 a.m. and it will shift to 8 a.m. to 9 a.m. as we get into the summar as it will be warm in Florida. The weather here can be so daunting sometimes until we begin to see the rain from end of May or beginning of June. But along with that comes hurricane season that is ready to drain our energy by pulling up the insurance cost higher and destroy the precious nests built by people. We all have learned to live with all that natural hazards as we live in a state that is surrounded by the sea in all three sides just like India. We make fun by saying one can't stress themselves too much in either side of the coast as their feet may touch the ocean on the otherside of the state.

    Your watching the birds is so different than Kamalji's bird watching, a dear friend who lived his life fearlessly and has been a great source of encouragement for all of us. He was so popular in IL that even after he was gone, his name appears in top 10 members.

    You are right about keeping our mind and body not bogged down by niggles as it could result in draining our energy totally. Gratitude for what we have is the best way to keep us alive and kicking. Ageing is part of the living process and we need to adjust ourselves to the new reality. May be that is why the scriptures suggested our spiritual growth from a) Brahamacharya (learning time), b) Grahastha (experiencing time), c) Vanaprastha (assimilating time) and d) Sanyasa (realizing time).

    Expecting nothing sets us free. Que Sera Sera!
    Thyagarajan and Cheeniya like this.
  6. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    Dear Chee niya sir,
    You and others have taken very philosophical views.
    Seeing youngsters in Nike shoes....varied stages of life and as you said every walk of life has its own beauty.The need not be segregated but it is life process.They respect you and you feel happy to see them.
    Birds are beautiful to watch when they fly in a pattern, especially in winters....migrating.
    Personality of crows is different at individual level.They do not mix with each other but if some crisis comes to one birds all other crows throng to it. You must have seen....if one crow dies how other crows react...cry caw caw and hover over it!Unity in diversity.
    As long as mind is active one is not old.....physical changes is a process which all go through.Count your blessings,see a whole lot of world from your balcony enjoying everything and writing a vlog to all of us..It is beautiful! Keep writing Chee niya sir.
    Cheeniya likes this.
  7. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    Whatever will be will be reminds me of the Pareto principle
    (80 % of results will come from 20 % of one's effort)
    which can mainly help us set the right priorities. It can help us to focus on activities that will have the biggest impact in our busy day to day goals in personal lives and other domains as well.

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