Hey chitu That was a very good explanation. I now understand the meaning completely. One doubt - Mine is a joint family and there are people who are in a hurry and cannot wait for any neivedyam etc. So, I have just settled to offer the morning boiled milk to God. At that time, there is no arathi etc. done. I just light the lamp, show the boiled milk and take it back within seconds ...as people are waiting for the coffee .... Any suggestions here ? thanks Ramya
That is fine enough. Don't bother if it is good enough etc! When you cook, think "Krishnarpanam" in your mind. Attitude is more important, Suman! Love, Chithra.
Hi chitra mam, I am a very big fan of you chitra. Thank you soo much for naiveyam slokas.And about "krishnarpanam"., i will surely follow it. I am having a doubt abt the offering naivedhyam when we go for vacation. when i was in india ,i normally didn't face the problem. But after marriage ,when we for vacation nobody will be there in home.,I feel a little abt it .Till now, while i am having food ,i juz remind the God, Whenever i can't offer.Is it right or not? srilu
Dear Srilu, thanks for your first line! :-D What you do is fine enough. Yes, just remember, whatever you eat, wherever you eat - dedicate to him, thank him & eat. Love, Chithra.
Chithra madam First of all my best regards and also a big thanks to you and also to IL..as most of the topics you discussed here are so useful and so informative and give us an understanding why we do things and how to do things. After doing pooja we do offer prasadam to god but never understood or realised the background of it..thanks again and once again you are doing such a divine service to people by sharing your knowledge, wisdom and experience. I still have to go through lots of posts here am feeling really overwhelmed to read and understand about our customs and traditions.please keep doing the good work you are doing..we all need you to share your experiences and knowledge.. Thank You
Thanks. I do not want our cultiure to be "taken lightly" as superstition-oriented. There is so much of significance attached to every thing, we do. Love, Chithra.
I am wondering, what is the right way of offering Naivedyam. Do we place all the cooked food in front of the God/Deity or just place everything in to one plate and offer that.