I offer what is yours to you!!!!!!! Dear Chitra, I enjoyed every bit of your post today. I always offer Annam and paruppu as neivedayam since I have no need to taste them. You have explained each slokam so well Chitra.Knowing all this our entire attitude towards food changes.We do not complain,criticise the quality of food.When we have this attitude it goes beyond food and pervades our entire life. Sorry I got carried away with this week's post. Waiting for next week Thursday. Love,
Dear ChitVish, I really enjoyed reading about Neivedhyam. A wonderful writeup as usual from you! As kids we used to wait for the Neivedhyam session because we know delicious food will be waiting for us after this. I have a question though. I offer fruits and badam/raisin daily for neivedhyam because I don't cook rice daily. Can we offer whatever we cook? We do have the customary habit of "kann la othikkaradhu" before we eat anything, that my husband makes fun of because that habit is stuck to me and I do it even in restaurants, however I wanted to know if I make Phulkas/ sabji with onions can I offer as neivedhyam?? I am kinda scared to do that though!! Thanks Vidya
My dear Radha M ! Your caption bowled me over !! It is customary to offer annam & paruppu everyday for naivedyam. Then we feed the crows. That is the routine for us here. But there, whatever you cook,can also be offered. Even a simple thing like milk is good enough. It is more a sort of thanksgiving & thinking of God for giving us " our daily bread" ! Thankyou for the F B, Radha ! Love & regards, Chithra.
My dear Vidya ! Let me first tell you, that your becoming a "regular" in my forums makes me very happy & I thank you for the same. My only request is, please continue with me, I need you all for " my survival" ! Yes, you can offer anything - nuts, sugarcandy, any freshly cooked food etc. As I wrote Whoever offers me with devotion a leaf, a flower, a fruit or even water, I accept the pious offering offered by him with love. நீ எனக்கு ஒரு இலையைக் கொடு; அல்லது பூவைக் கொடு; இல்லை ஒரு பழத்தைக் கொடு; அதுவும் இல்லை கொஞ்சம் தண்ணீர் கொடு; எதைக் கொடுத்தாலும் பக்தியோடு கொடு; சுத்தமான மனம் உள்ளவன் பக்தியோடு கொடுப்பதை நான் சாப்பிடுகிறேன். only the attitude counts. In North India, they usually buy Milkpeda from shops & offer in temples as naivedyam.Here in Chennai, on Adi sundays, many people have the custom of கூழ் ஊத்தறது when they offer N V food to Mariyamman ! It is a very nice habit - கண்ணிலே ஒத்திக்கறது - I can also understand Sri M teasing you about it ! But why should we give up any habit ingrained in us from childhood ? Thankyou for your F B, Vidya. Love & regards, Chithra.
Thanks Chitra Hi Chitra, Thanks for posting the shlokas with their meaning.... I liked the "Krishnarpanam" .... will do it from now on.... I just offer rice and paruppu with nai(ghee) for Naivedyam, mainly because I am in the habit of tasting food to check for the spices. Ifeel we should not offer anything to God which we cannot eat... so adding on salt, pulli after offering to God sort of puts me off.... to be on the safer side just rice and paruppu for NV... Also roti... But the custom close to my heart is placing some part of Annam for Kaka... I think its the best way to share a little of our food with other jeevan, who are basically not dependent on us...... Kakaku vaipen..... but in our house, a pair of Maina , sparrows and Annil are regular visitors...... Its fun to watch them eat.... The pair of Maina's are now so used to me, they are not even scared of me even if I stand just two feet away.... Chitra, while ur on the subject of shlokas.... I request u to post some short shloka with their meaning.... which have a direct bearing with our lives... like health, peace of mind and ability to control our emotions etcs... Hope am not asking too much... Bye. Priyum
My dear Priyum ! Welcome to this forum. please go to http://www.indusladies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2947 http://www.indusladies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2946 http://www.indusladies.com/forums/showthread.php?t=2394 Topic 10. That is what you are doing - Bhutha Yagna. I thank you for your F b, Priyum. Please continue with me. Love & regards, Chithra.
Good practice .. My dear Chith, Ur elaborate explanation about 'naivedhyam' is very nice . Thinking of God & uttering his 'naama' before taking our daily food is a good practice which everyone of us SHOULD do regularly. U r getting lots of ' punniyam' by teaching us such good things which will definitely add to our good qualities . I enjoyed reading what Priyum said about the 'mainaas' visiting her house daily & taking the food she gives them in front of her ....we could even visualise God through these beautiful creations of HIM ! Is it not ? .... With regards & love , Indhu.
My dear, dear Indhu ! You did touch my heart with your words "U r getting lots of ' punniyam' by teaching us such good things ' ! I cannot ask for aything more !! I cannot forget the basic point that I write all these topics, only because I have a good " viewership", thanks to everyone of you. Thankyou for the FB, my dearest friend. Love & regards, Chith.
Thank you!! Dear Chithra, What a beautiful explanation about naivedhyam.....Thank you for enlightening us on offerings made to god and the slokas for them....:-D. Best Regards, Aishu
My dear Aishu Baby ! I am very happy to read your F b. Now that you are shifting to your own house, start all these practices from the beginning ! God will bless you very much. Love, Chithra.