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The Rusting Moon

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Balajee, Jul 27, 2018.

  1. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    The Rusting Moon

    The phone rang and it was a women relative from my wife’s said. After the usual exchange of courtesies she asked me why I have not been seen ( meaning seen by hjer ) for long )Psst don’t tell anyone but she is my idea i of bubonic plague and I have no intention of getting infected)

    “I must hace been eclipsed” I quipped.

    “Thanks for reminding me why I called. What are you ding about the eclipse?”

    “”What the hell do you expect me to do. The eclipse will come and go. I can’t stop the ec lipse can I?”

    “No but I just calle you to remind you to put some darpa grass into your drinking water , some more on the bolts and eat well before eclipse and do not forget to perform the necessary rituls tomorrow”

    That was a scream . I never performed any rituals in my life. The lady further impressed upon me to observe all due procedures to ensure that the demon planet Rahu regurgitates the moon after swallowing it. This time it seems Mr.Rahu’s influence is particularly malignant as the moon turns rusty she said. So to remove all rust on the surface of moon rituals were necessary thje lady stressed.

    Yes the moon will turn red , almost rusty and all that darpa grass bit is to ensure Mr. Rahu does not enter our house and pollute the food and water.

    You bet put darpa grass into food amd water (Does anyone care for darpa burgers or pizzas?) so that they are not polluted and before eating and drinking take a dip in a polluted river.and of course d perform rituals so that fat priests get obscenely obese with little help from the cash you pay them. I am sure by tomorrow morning pollution in rivers will increase exponentially as lakhs dip themselves in the rivers like teabags . Well, teabags at least add flavours to th water but homo sapiens don’t.

    But the guy I love in the whole scenario is this Rahul. He never gives up does he? His persistence is admirable. He is either after the sun or moon. Even when forced to spit out the star of our solar system or earth’s solke natural satellite. By now the poor chap’s mouth must have swollen by swallowing a red hor ball of burning gas. Well, some like it hot.SWallowubg tghe moon is okay. I suppose loonie (I can’t think of another pet name for the moon) is a coll guy.

    Aw forget all that science stuff about eclipse. If everyone starts believing that lot of people will be jobless an entire industry will collapse. I mean the religious industry of spinning yarns that feeds the priestly class and mendicants demanding alms to butter up Rahu.
    teenulahari, kkrish and satchitananda like this.

  2. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Balajee,

    Rahu(l) embraces NAMO and nothing changed. Let Rahu do whatever it feels like doing with the Moon. How is it going to change our lives? As long as the food production remains healthy and we continue to battle obesity in the country, why should we eat grass?

  3. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Balajee, I am deeply upset on two counts:

    1. The eclipse is happening at an unholy hour when I am most likely to be floating somewhere beyond the stars in a constellation called lalaland. I am given to believe that there are no cameras where I shall be going and hence it is unlikely that i can take pics of the red moon, the red planet and so on.

    2. Even if I choose to stay on ground zero, I doubt the clouds are going to let me take any pics.

    So tell that Mami to just chill. Nothing's likely to happen. The clouds are going to ensure that Rahu is not allowed on this side of the fence.
  4. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Enjoyed it @Balajee
    Hope you got to witness the longest lunar eclipse. Also we had someone curious to see this eclipse I guess... Mars who came closer.

    Truly, eclipses provide you a lot of fodder to write about I guess. :beer-toast1:
  5. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Viswa, Modi is suffering from Rahu (L) dasa that will be visible in next year's parliamentary elections.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  6. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Saatchi, Rahu could be a fence sitter and he could have jumped over the fence. That lady (who unfortunately happens to be a teacher and must be filling her students' heas with the rubbish she believes in) has a very clouded intellect . When the skies are clouded and so is the brain, Rahu has an easy passage.
    satchitananda likes this.
  7. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Kamala what will we do without all this mumbo jumbo? They provid us fodder for blogs and laughter/
    kkrish likes this.

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