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The Riddle of Buxom girls and brawny men

Discussion in 'Cheeniya's Senile Ramblings' started by Cheeniya, Jul 5, 2007.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamalji
    It's amazing how apples act differently on different people. The general perception of the fruit is that 'An apple a day keeps the Doctor away!'. This refers to its wholesome nutritional value.
    Apple was a Forbidden Fruit in the Biblical days and Adam egged on by the Snake and of course Eve, touched it and got damned for life, not just his life but our lives as well!
    Lovers always get reminded of their loved ones when they see an apple.
    Newton on seeing a falling apple propounded the Theory of Force of Gravity.
    But the explanation of the Apple given by Abha and endorsed by you explains many riddles of our life! I too was a good apple for a long long time and was shunned by all as rightly pointed out by Abha. Then one day I fell down and eversince , my phone never stops ringing!:lol:
    Last edited: Sep 10, 2007
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  2. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Veda
    Though I can not see a direct connection of the episode quoted by you to my leader post, I should say that I was moved by it. To be honest with you, I too was one such boss during my entire career with State Bank of India. Whenever a question of accountability came on account of any lapse, I always shielded my employess very effectively. Thus I could earn the affection of everyone with whom I had the pleasure of working.
    Do you know I did my PUC (That course has since been abandoned) for a year in Vivekananda College in 1957, it used to be referred to as Pandaram College? For Graduation and post graduation, I shifted to the Presidency College for obvious reasons!
  3. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    I hope the phone never stops ringing.HAHA.REgards.kamal
  4. kkrish

    kkrish IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri Sir
    I was really curious about what you had to say on the above topic.
    Well I certainly was waiting for that moment when a buxom girl throws a glance at you finally. Felt very cheated when the topic took a quick philosophical bend to extol the virtues of imagination.
    Coming to think of it, what you said in the first half of the article must be true. Now I get the answer to the question that had bothered me since I was a college-bound teenager. Alone or in a crowd I never earned even a remote glance from either serious looking or the macho young men.
    Now I know why; that’s because of my below average looks coupled by below average brains! Problem solved!
    Reveling in the imaginary world: I wish I had known about it then – I could have spent hours in imagination instead of spending them and my dad’s money on beauty concoctions!
  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamala
    Looks have nothing to do with the attention people get. I studied in Presidency College which was the only co-educational college those days besides Madras Christian College in the distant Tambaram. I stepped into the college on the first day with dreams that you normally see in Bhaarathiraaja's films, girls clad in white dancing gracefully in slow motion around me. But nothing like that happened. I found that even plain looking girls being mobbed by my classmates. As a matter of fact, the popular belief was that 'plain looking girls' could be an easier target considering that they might not have much demand but my belief got shattered on the very first day!

    I wonder where are they now. Must have become like first cousins of Mother Teresa at least in looks!
  6. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Cheeniya sir, this is one post that had me in peals of laughter - be it the thought of being chased by a leopard, jumping higher than a kangaroo or the way you have described the girls and guys of the nerd club!! I cannot but only feel happy that this narrator had such vivid imagination and I am sure despite the laughs he might have got behind his back, I am sure many would have understood his need to do it actually and might have felt it themselves too!!

    Very true, imagination can become our best friend and ally in situations that are beyond our capabilities - now being that imaginative calls for a different breed though!
  7. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Srama
    Thanks a lot for the wholesome appreciation. Making people happy and laughing is my cherished objective in life. When I hear that my post made you laugh, I felt happy too.

    Imagination is certainly our best friend particularly in moments of utter stress. It is a great and dependable stress buster. But then as you say , it calls for a different breed. I know a lot of people who imagine the wrong way and end up more stressed! Hypochondriacs are the worst of the lot in this category. They are the type who browse the net for the side effects of every medicine they take. If one in a million dies of an overdose of Anacin, these people get ready to kick the bucket every time, they pop an anacin into their mouth!
  8. PriyaKat

    PriyaKat Silver IL'ite

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    Yeah, that's right.So what if others snigger. If our fantasies sing a lullaby to us, lets embrace them ! God knows life is not a rose filled path, there are thorns aplenty. But we cant go raving and ranting about things that we cannot change . A little soothing creme can make us forget the thorns and remember the rose petals.

    That aside, I sped through your lovely article to locate the eponymous "Buxom girls" . Exactly two sentences in a 1000 word article ! Foul -Foul ! You are one of the greatest Marketing men i know.
    You must have heard of the fancy cafe that served a soup named " Sunny's Shrimp Surprise " . When the eager diner looked in his soup bowl, all he found was vegetable broth. " There's no Shrimp in here ! " he shouted, whereuopn the waiter patiently replied " Thats the Surprise !"
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  9. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Priya
    In my case, a 'little' creme was hardly adequate to protect my bruised soul and I required a whole tube of it every time! The buxom girls part of my story of anguish was, as you have rightly guessed, just to push it in a market where sob stories hardly interested the people. That's a surprise undeniably but I could camouflage the absence of shrimp with it, couldn't I?All is fair in love, war and narrations!
  10. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Visualization technique is good to vent the feelings of hurt. I heard Japanese executives have a room in the office where they could punch on a punching bag at least for 10 to 15 minutes to release their work stress.

    This thread of yours brought me a old Tamil movie, "Manmadha Leelai" where Kamal acts as a womanizer and chooses his employee to confess all his extra-martial relationships. This employee after hearing each Kamal's adventure, takes a cold shower to remove the sin of hearing such adventures. Once Kamal makes a confession standing on the roof top and the employee feels that he should push him down but simply responds, "Sir. God will forgive you for your sin."

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