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The Real Meaning Of Earning!!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Rith, Apr 15, 2016.

  1. Lathasv

    Lathasv IL Hall of Fame

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    My kids voted for first one that is a Mom who stays at home. They don't want to end up their life in daycare/ after school programs. Whatever we have they are happy with that. Now they are grown up so I started doing part time job from last 8 months for my sake.Still they feel missing me when come back from school and tell no maa don't go for work.Everyone has own choices .
    Amica, Scorpio707 and Justanotherwife like this.
  2. Agatha83

    Agatha83 IL Hall of Fame

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    As long as there is financial stability in a family, there is a choice of whether a mother can opt for a career or stay at home. But what about scores of people below poverty line where they have left with no choice but share the burden in running a family- only by working together. A look at any construction site, one can see scores of children playing under hazardous conditions, with no school to educate or parents to supervise them. What choice do these people have, crib, complain or pray- to whom. Anyway a thought provoking snippet from you.

    shyamala1234 and Lathasv like this.
  3. poovai

    poovai Platinum IL'ite

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    Some times, it feels like a hamster on wheel. Crossed that stage of thinking back or what if I stay at home scenario. More or less every one in the family expects that hefty paycheck and counting on their shares of bonus every year. Of course, it is spent on non-essential things in life. Once started on the roller coaster, many of us cannot stop it or no other option than keep running while your doctor increases the medication dosage. 4-major surgeries, after loosing few organs, still keep running....on those wheels. What would I do, if I stopped working? Now days, it feels like, I am paid to keep myself active/busy.

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    Last edited: Apr 21, 2016
    KashmirFlower and jskls like this.
  4. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Rith dear first of all congrats for being nominated, a worthy nomination, you have expressed nicely the feelings of a working women. I also worked for 38 years, Till I got married it was fun working because no responsbilities. But after marriage it was not the same had to balance office and family, especially after the children were born. I got my first child after 3 years of marriage and immediately two more children with a gap of one year nine months. That time we did not have a phone also , so had to take the help of the neighbours to enquire if anything urgent. The lady who looked after them also used to create problems, she was jealous because I was a working woman , having a loving husband. Her husband had left her so she was unhappy. My elder daughter could no get along with her. I was working in Accounts section, joined as a Typist , then promoted as Steno and then Senior Assistant in charge of bank reconciliation of whole company. Being in Accounts department month end had to come late home and during audit.

    I could manage home and family because of the support of my husband. He had Wednesday weekly holiday and myself Saturday and Sunday . He used to go early to office and come back early and me later and come later. Could not leave the job because money was important. But I enjoyed my office life and family life but could not be witht eh children when they were kids and see their day to day activities. It was a challenge to bring up three children and felt happy when they settled in life. In between twenty five years back I had hip bone fracture ,I continued working withGod's blessings and help from my family. Glad I worked till I was 59 yrs and took VRS.
    KashmirFlower likes this.
  5. periamma

    periamma IL Hall of Fame

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    Rith well written snippet .I felt sad after reading your post.I thought of my dil who is a working mom and my grandkid goes to daycare after school hours.I was much upset but i am helpless . some may say we must change according to time and we earn to give a good future for my kid. True what they say but a kid needs more care at that age.when He/She returns from school if they see their mother they come and hug shouting Amma. Nothing can be compared to that happiness.But today many parents have to work for a better future and they struggle hard.I think about the days when i was waiting for my children with delicious snacks and how they enjoyed.
    Lathasv likes this.
  6. shameema

    shameema Senior IL'ite

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    Very interesting and true article.
    Nothing can be replaced. Sadly, what u wrote is the fact. Due to increasing pressure for sophisticated living many of us forget to notice the small enjoyment that come across our way. By the time we realise, things would have gone a long way.
  7. shobhamma

    shobhamma Gold IL'ite

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    Good write up and life queries for many of you working full time!

    What I find that these Time saver devices are the most time eaters.
    Previously a working person could leave work at the office, but now with mobiles, laptops and other gizmos now you are 24 x 7 on the job. Even holidays are not exempt.
    It is up to people to organize their lives and control the tyranny of gadgets.
    Take some time off everyday/ week / year from the addiction of your mobile, laptop, ipads. Will de stress and add spice to life!

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