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The Most Granny Thing In India

Discussion in 'Healthy Living' started by Thyagarajan, Feb 11, 2024.

  1. Thyagarajan

    Thyagarajan Finest Post Winner

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    The Most Granny Thing In India
    Drinking hot water.

    Case 1:

    Grand daughter: Granny! I think I catch a cold!

    G: Drink some hot water and you will be fine!

    Case 2:

    : GD ! I’m having a runny belly!

    G: Drink some hot water and you will be fine!

    Case 3:

    GD: granny ! I’m on period, it hurts!

    G: Drink some hot water and you will be fine!

    Case 4:

    Once upon a time, an Foreigner who lives in India got sick, and he went to the homeopath for help.

    Doctor: You have a fever, and probably catch a cold. It’s no big deal, go back home and drink a lot of hot water and have a fine rest.

    Foreign guy: Uh………….but I never drink hot water before………

    Doctor: You must do it, it’s very helpful.

    Then the foreign guy went home and got under the shower, heads up aiming his mouth at the sprinkler, doing this…….


    Simple living High Thinking
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