The Macro-Vision of the Gita:

Discussion in 'Chitvish on Hindu Culture & Vedanta' started by Chitvish, Mar 29, 2007.

  1. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    The mental and physical debility of the modern man, though called today’s problem is not new to the history of mankind. The same problem has already been discussed in the Gita and the solution is also given.

    Let us take the case of today’s industrialist. He can be equated to the troubled, confused Arjuna when he first faced the opposing forces. The difficulties one encounters are defined differently, but facing the challenge is the same . Arjuna almost thought of retiring from the war. If today’s industrialist, under great pressure from the bank for loans and the government for permits, withdraws from his project, his vision to produce wealth for the society or nation is wasted !

    When Arjuna confronted the same situation, Krishna admonished him saying that he should not run away, but boldly face the challenges.
    In order to face challenges, a lot of courage is necessary. For this, the mind must be strong and poised enough to discover its own efficiency, ability and above all, how beautifully, it can perform even under stress. This ultimately ensures success in life – not running away from problems !

    This equipoise comes about only when the mind acquires a macro-vision. The man understands his importance in life and the contribution, he owes to the world. He recognizes his own importance and learns that his duty is to do that particular job.

    Micro-vision is often shallow and the views are self-centred. When the expansion leads to macro-vision, man understands, he is not a solitary individual, but one with the whole Universe and one with the Lord. He understands, the whole universe arises in Him, exists in Him and disappears in Him, just as the waves rise in the ocean, play and disappear again in the ocean. In macro-vision, we realise that all individuals are inter-related, each one of us has individual responsibilities besides duty towards society. It is as though the whole world is a harmonious tapestry !

    Let us take the example of our body. The body has different parts and each part has a function. But still they are a part of you. Harm befalls even if one part is injured ! We live in our body which houses different parts with different functions. The same way, Life should be seen as One, expressing through diverse forms.

    This is the necessary philosophy for today. We are no more in a safe world. An isolated incident happening in one pat of the world has repercussions all over. The tragedy in the U S on Sep 11<SUP>th</SUP>, has proved this to us in no uncertain terms ! All nations seem to be woven in one fabric !

    The macro-vision does not come automatically to an individual, but has to be cultivated.
    Krishna had to teach the Gita to Arjuna to help him throw off his indecision and mental confusion. Arjuna rediscovered his efficiency and potency when his mind became calm and serene. We must note that Krishna did not alter the situation nor help Arjuna with new forces or allies. He talked to Arjuna to lift him out of mental confusion.

    Situations do not ever change. The change has to be brought about in us by us ! The problem no more exists, it becomes a sport or a challenge. The attitude of mental equanimity is necessary if one wants to become an industrial visionary or a developer of macro-economy. The micro-age is gone and now we talk of macro-economics. It is in us to make this change in our minds, in our view point and in our vision. For this we seek the help of the Gita!

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  2. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    This was too macro for me to understand!

    Chithra, you have written beautifully. My respect for you keeps increasing. The hand that has just made a ragi dosai seems to be shaping a future Ambani!

    I don't know if I can see me as a part of the universe, my Macro vision needs to be worked upon. But I readily agree that learning Gita surely builds up one's equipoise. With such encouraging write ups, one surely is in the right path, thanks to you.

    L, Kamla
  3. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamla,
    Thanks for leading the F B posts !
    I am surprised that you find it macro to understand !
    Let me tell you, how the idea came about to write on this. When we went without I L for a day, it struck me, how much Malathy must have struggled initially to think , create & give shape to an Indusladies website !
    With all the initial teething trouble she must have gone through, just imagine what would have happened, if she had thought " OK, enough is enough !".
    Would we all have been so well connected globally ? Now, we call this a healthy addiction which has literally seeped into our daily life.
    It required a great conviction on Malathy's part to develop this website more for the benefit of all of us, inspite of a new life in the US, newly married etc. Now, do you not agree that she did have a macro-vision ? Inspite of the recent, minor brickbats, she does go ahead more vigorously with a New HomePage etc ! This is the point I want to drive across - the Gita teaches us that we must contribute our share to the Universe, like a drop in the ocean.
    I do hope, you agree with me.
  4. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Sweet Chithra,

    True. The Induslady is definitely blessed with a Macro vision . So are you for seeing things in their right perspective. One has to think beyond one's immediate concerns.
    It has to come to me yet. That is why I say that the concept is still very Macro to me. I need to come out of all my tangles and shell to see how micro little me is. After all, He is an ocean and we should be swimming back like the waves into Him.
    Sounds lofty, I should start 'feeling' it, just not make the sounds:)
    Perhaps, one day....

    L, Kamla
  5. vidhi

    vidhi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Chithra

    Yet another excellent piece of write up from you this week. Macro vision is a beautiful concept. Yes indusladies is a good example for that. If it not for Induslady we would not have known each other. So I think we already are practising macro vision in a micro level. But still we have to grow a lot.

    Another quote of vivekananda which I read often is "Behind everything the same divinity is existing, and out of this comes the basis of morality. Do not injure another. Love everyone as your own self, because the whole universe is one. In injuring another, I am injuring myself; in loving another, I am loving myself."

    Yes situations never change only our attitude towards a situation has to be changed in such a way to achieve the goal. And I have to mention that all your posts in this thread does makes the changes in us for the right attitude. Thank you.

    The new home page of Indusladies is very nice. The centre page with the lotus gives it a divine look.

  6. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vidhi,
    Thanks for the beautiful feedback.
    That you read a lot of books, particularly of Vivekananda is very good. Once before also, you quoted very aptly, I remember.
    It is not easy to develop a macro vision; but it has to be consciously developed by practice over a period of time as we say
    யாதும் ஊரே யாவரும் கேளீர்.
    The same is conveyed in sanskrit as Vasudeva Kutumbam !
    Yes, the lotus is our national flower & aptly stands for Indusladies !
  7. Hamsadhwani

    Hamsadhwani Senior IL'ite

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    A very nice post with relevance to everyday life. Thanks.
  8. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Radha,
    Thanks for the cute, sweet F B.
  9. gayathriar

    gayathriar Bronze IL'ite

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    An excellent write-up and an important thought to ponder upon. The cycles of life, crisis management and the macro-vision all serve the one purpose of acting and bringing the best in a person and to achieve the purpose in one's life.

    You have responded in your own way to the brickbats IL received recently and have cheered her up very well. Yes, the new home page with the lotus is very nice.

  10. gayathriar

    gayathriar Bronze IL'ite

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    Missed adding this in my response:

    Kamla's statement 'The hand that has just made a ragi dosai seems to be shaping a future Ambani!' so aptly brings your versatility!!!


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