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The love of a joint family is a great blessing especially after marriage

Discussion in 'Relationship With In-Laws' started by iyerviji, Jul 29, 2015.

  1. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    We can always lose something for someone..
    But we should not lose someone for something.
    Life can return that something but not that someone.
    No person in this world has ever been Rewarded
    for what he has Received..
    He is always honoured for what he has
    Given to others.
    ‘Everybody knows how to build a Beautiful House But
    ‘Only A Few People Knows How to Live Beautifully in the House.’
    In any relationship, the essence of trust is not in its bind, but in its bond.
    The best relationship in the world is the one in which a SORRY and a SMILE can make everything back to normal again….

    When I got married I was married to a large family who were all loving and caring. My husband and his brother were like Ram and Lakshman. My brother in law always respects his brother that is my husband and takes his opinion for everything. Even after marriage that continued and in the same way as he respected his brother , he respects me too till today. We had indifferences in some things but that did not hinder our relationship. After he got married, his wife and me were very close . Their children and my children were very close and when the children were kids they used to spend their holidays either in our house or in their house and used to enjoy each others company. Till today their children respect my husband and me and treat us like their parents only.

    When I delivered my daughter , my brother in law was the happiest person and that time we were in a chal and he went and conveyed to everyone there and gave them sweets. That time he, my husband's two nephews were staying with us and I did not go for delivery to my brother's house and delivery was in my in law's place only. My brother in law used to make methi dosa for me and used to send through my nephews to the hospital. I am so blessed to be part of this loving family.

    My brother had married my sis in law(husband's sister)'s daughter and she was also with us as she was pregnant that time and she , my brother in law, husband's nephews all used to help and also take care of my daughter. Actually more than me my brother's wife used to take goodcare of my daughter as I was a working women. Being pregnant she used to have mornign sickness but still she used to take good care of my daughter. Even during her Seemandam when we were going to buy saree for her she told I will take care of the child and you go and buy.

    It was so sad when my brothe rin law lost his wife after living with her for 25 years. My husband's family members never made his feel the loss of his wife and was always there for him for any function. His daughter's marriage was after his wifes death same year. Most of our husband's family members attended the marriage with their children and we had a jolly time. All my husband's sisters came for the marriage.

    Whenever I was in hospital my brother in law brings food for me even if I told him not to bring because he stays far . Recently also when I had a fall he was saying I will bring lunch from home, even at this age .

    A great relationship is essentially about two things,
    First… Appreciating the Similarities and
    Second…. Respecting the Differences.
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  2. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    @kashmirflower thanks for the superfast like
  3. VaniVyas

    VaniVyas Platinum IL'ite

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    Happy to read this post. Unfortunately I don't believe in this system as my relatives have proved each and every time that I am correct, " They will never change"....
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  4. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    Vani dear thanks for your like and immediate response which made my day. Though you are not fortunate and dont believe in this sytem, it was so nice of you to have given fb tomy post.
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  5. newIL

    newIL New IL'ite

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    Aunty - I liked this part very much. Though I dont regularly give Likes/Feedback to all your posts due to my tight schedule, I do read most of them. this one I forced myself that I should thank you for sharing your wisdom with all of us.
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  6. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    @newIL dear thanks for giving fb to this post of mine and glad you liked the quote and to know that you read all my posts. .
  7. harinikanthi

    harinikanthi Silver IL'ite

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    thanks for this post.actually i wanted to know the experience of the elderly people regarding the problems they faced with their relatives whether inlaws or siblings or anyother persons and how they solved them and maintain the relationships.and your post throw light on this issue.what u said is true.we know how to build a house beautifully but dont know how to live beautifully.and i am sure you are among those few who live beautifully.and i want more such posts on relationships from you.
    thank u.
    with love
    1 person likes this.
  8. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    @harinikanthi , Harini dear welcome to my thread. Glad to know you liked the post and wanted to know our experience in this matter. Thank you for your compliments and m experience on this you can see in my other posts in married life forum. Thanks for your compliments
    1 person likes this.

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