The Light of the Enlightened – Bhagavad gita verses 2.67-2.72

Discussion in 'Chitvish on Hindu Culture & Vedanta' started by Chitvish, Jun 26, 2008.

  1. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Malathi
    Bashyam is nothing but what comes out when we evaluate our experiences against what has been stated in the Scriptures. Unfortunately, a person undertakes such an exercise only at a stage when he is confined to his home most of the time! Any lesson that he learns at that stage becomes virtually meaningless as he can not apply them to his life.
    It is so heartening to see that a lot of younger generation is evincing so much interest in understanding the essence and spirit of Gita. I am doubly happy that the lessons that I have learnt are found useful by people who are half my age. I am beholden to Him for this opportunity given to me to share my experience.
  2. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pavithra
    My maternal grand mother always used to tell us that the way to pray to God was not to ask for anything but His Grace. She would tell us that the people who go to Temple to submit a list of things they need for the consideration of God would not remember even a single item of their requirement if God really manifested Himself before them! His overpowering Presence would simply blunt our mind to ask for anything and we would simply stand in total awe before Him. In support of this, she would tell us several stories too! When you say "The more we keep asking God "Please give me this...please gvie me that...", instead of saying "Thank you God for everything. Please guide me with your Divine Light", the more we will end up longing for material things rather than being happy." I am reminded of that great lady who taught us Spiritualism the way she practised it.

    That 'Gratefulness diary' is very typical of Reader's Digest. It is nothing but what people refer to as 'Counting the blessings'. Many of us have simply lost the art of counting our blessings. When we go to bed, we carry all the unpleasant memories of the day in our sleep and these memories consolidate as hatred and other malicious feelings. When we wake up the next day, we are even more determined to 'settle scores'! But if counting blessings is our last activity before falling asleep, we wake up feeling a lot better and more positive.
  3. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aishu
    That song 'Kallai mattum kandal kadavul theiriyadhu' is based on the famous 'Tirumanthiram' of Thirumoolar that says,
    'Marathai maraithathu maamadha yanai,
    Marathil maraindathu maamadha yanai'
    What we choose to see is left to us. This also implies that there are two levels of looking at a thing. We may either look at its spiritual content or only the temporal one. For the latter we need to follow only our physical senses but the spiritual content becomes visible only when we examine it under the Inner Light.

    When we master the use of Inner Light, nothing will disturb us because at this level, we may perceive the Divine Correlation in everything that happens to us and others around us.
  4. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sudha
    The term 'Maya' is very difficult to understand when we shop in a supermarket or gloat over our new limousine. Such solid things which we can touch and feel, things that make us momentarily happy, how can all these be 'Maya'? Adi Sankara gives a beautiful answer to explain this. Suppose we dream of something dreadful happening to us like a tiger chasing us in a dense forest. For those few minutes, we go through all the physical and mental torture as if the tiger-chasing is real. Then we wake up and are relieved to find that it is only a dream but then our psyche took it as so real and not a dream that we find ourselves soaked in cold sweat and our body still trembling.
    Sankara says that when we wake up from this dream called life, we realise what 'Maya' is all about.

    There is an interesting difference between the importance that we attach to this myth called life and to the serenity of a spiritual dream. When Raja Raja Chola completed the Big Temple and fixed an auspicious day for its consecration, Siva appeared in his dream to tell him that He would not be able to come on that day as He had committed to be present at another Temple being consecrated. As no other Temples were being built around that time, the King came to understand that it was a Temple that a Sivanadiar had built in his dream brick by brick for several years!

  5. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri
    The Maya part of our life can be seen from many examples of our own life. For example, what at one stage of our life appeared as the most indispensible part of our life, gets totally forgotten as we progress through life. What appears as the source of all our happiness is not really so. Ramana Maharshi explains this beautifully. A dog bites at a dry bone and starts bleeding in its mouth because of the injury caused by the sharp ends of the bone. But the dog imagines it to be the blood coming from the bone and drinks it happily. He says that all the happiness that we derive from external objects is already inherent in us. It is a myth to think that we get it out of external things.
  6. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Corallux
    That is a great teaching of Sai. Being at the evening of my life, I am able to relate to it better. Hundreds of people have come into my life in my last 65 years. It will be preposterous of me to classify them as good and bad but I have no doubt that every one of them came into my life for a reason. I must confess that the negative ones had a greater sway over me for a while and it was during this period, I started ruminating over the life I led. Then my focus shifted from the people who had a negative influence over me to the ones that had a positive effect. It was an enchanting experience that the negative ones slowly faded away with the emergence of positive ones as light dispelling darkness. And I am happy that it was not the other way!
  7. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Lux,
    You write your posts with such involvement and devotion that I thank God more and more that youngsters like you are enjoying our Gita posts.
    Now, about, gaining knowledge and changing one's perspective:
    A curse was placed on King Parikshit that he would die in a week. He went to a jnani, Sukha, Vyasa's son & told him, he had just seven days left on earth. Sukha laughed & said " you are lucky to know that you will be alive for seven days.Seven days are more than enough to change one's perspective and become a jnani. You can gain moksha or liberation. Whereas, I have no such guarantee".
    A person about to die can gain liberation with just the knowledge of Brahman.When the ears hear, the eyes see, the mind is thinking and memory is a possibility, knowledge can definitely be gained..
    So, we conclude the second chapter that a wise person is one who gives up all desires, being happy with oneself in oneself. This is the ultimate human end and what is meant by moksha or liberation.

    Now, Lux, after all this writing, I have to doubly make sure that all your nice words do not "get into my head". I offer them at the feet of the Lord!!

    Last edited: Jun 28, 2008
  8. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chithra,Once again, great verses filled with the manthra to attain bliss in this life itself. Only, is it possible for ordinary mortals?

    Today's world spends millions to play upon one's sensual temptations. Aim is to make people spend their hard earned moneys and energies just to enjoy all the worldly pleasures be it in the form of holiday resorts, bungalows or motorcars--the list is neverending. And the man spends willingly, hoping to capture that elusive happiness.

    Reminds me of the much told story of an ordinary fisherman who was walking around the beach when a rich business man asks him why he did not catch more fish and make more money so he could retire and enjoy a peaceful life....For which the fisherman answered that he was already doing that!

    Happiness is really elusive till we realize it is not something we get from outside, it is within you, it is you!
    Easily said of course, than practiced. The day I can deny myself a pretty sari happily, I would achieve a miniscule win and then, there will be still hope for me!

    L, Kamla
  9. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Cheeniya sir,

    How true!

    The darkness that envelope us does not seem so as we seem to light a one hundred different types of bulbs to give us that artificial light. When the bulbs die, we still are engulfed in darkness. Instead of going out into the bright sunshine, we are too lazy and stay within hoping to win over the darkness and also perish in that darkness.

    Lucky are those who attempt to get out and it is my constant prayer that even if I may never land in the sunshine, I atleast know and realize that the sun is out there for me if I want to discover it.

    Thank you for your wonderful post, wonderful as usual!

    L, Kamla
  10. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Kamla
    That's a beautiful summing up of what is sought to be conveyed in these verses of Gita. Yes. The Light is there waiting for us to open our eyes to it but we are busy combating our darkness with more darkness!
    Thank you Kamla for that superb line which falls in the category of 'Quotable Quotes'

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