The Law of Karma - Part 2

Discussion in 'Chitvish on Hindu Culture & Vedanta' started by Chitvish, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. radhikrish

    radhikrish Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra mam,

    I just chanced upon this old thread as it has become active with a recent entry. I read all the posts in this thread and found that it is touching upon many of my doubts for which I was searching answers. One specific thing which is still not clear in me is somewhat in line with what Revathy has asked.

    There is a saying, Na ham karta Hari Karta - loosely translated it reads, I am not the doer, it is He who is the doer. Though I agree it should not be used as a shield to get away from any wrong one does. However this should be used in the following context, that if any thing positive happens, it is due to his wish or it is he who made this happen for me. Similarly if we feel anything bad has happened, we should console that he wanted it to happen this way, that is why it happened (maybe due to previous birth's papam or whatever). Ultimately everything happens as per his wish only. This is the tharaka mantra I strongly believe in . Supposing even if a bad thought comes in my mind, I console that he gave that thought to me, may be because I was lacking in my bhakthi towards him that is why he is giving such bad thoughts to my mind. So I pray more to him, and ask his forgiveness and request him not to give such thoughts to me. I will ask him to show the correct path. It is like my every action is prompted by him.

    But your post says, that our future is in our hands, as it depends on our present conduct and is based on our free will. Pl pardon me if my understanding is wrong and enlighten me.

    In that case, how to interpret the above quote?
    Last edited: Jul 16, 2009
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  2. tuvila

    tuvila New IL'ite

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    Hi all,

    I would like to present a few of my observations or doubts about karma here,might sound like iam an atheist but its just that i desperately need answers for my sufferings.

    If karma and bad deeds of the previous birth determine our life/future what role does GOD play,if everything is predetermined how will praying to GOD help me.

    As far as i know, i have always been a good person with neat ,pleasant manners ,the kind of person who is the first to give up a seat for a pregnant or handicapped person.Never hurt or harmed anybody in fact most of my elderly relatives quote me as an example for their young daughters.But i have suffered so much in life,I have had around 4 surgeries,a major life threatening disease ,knee problem,back problem,migraine problem,a failed love,a bad marriage all before the age of 30.I will just recover from one prob and will sink into the next.At one stage i was hospitalized 4 times in 4years.
    I consulted 2 different astrologers who told me that the family of a guy whose marriage proposal we had rejected(for valid reasons) had done black magic on me and was the cause for my sufferings.A lot of pariharam was done but nothing is working well.
    The family responsible for my suffering is now happily settled in US in a good job with me suffering away!!

    So where does GOD fit in here,why am i being punished,wht abt the family who made me suffer??
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  3. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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  4. radhikrish

    radhikrish Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra mam,

    Thank you so much for taking the pains to choose as many as 4 posts to clear my doubts. Each one was a pearl. But being an ignorant soul, :drowning I am still having doubts. Let me try to put it:

    In one of the 4 posts you have said " But when we make our own destiny by our thoughts, desires & action, how can He be blamed ? We do not realise He is merely the substratum of all activity. He does not have anything to do with the nature or quality of the activity. " .

    My doubt once again is - is He not the power who creates such thoughts or desires in our mind? Suppose some one invented some thing, who gave his creative mind that thought or spark? Is it not God? Can he say it is me with my own thoughts and action that this is invented?

    Similarly when we are meditating we get so many thoughts -some good and some bad in our mind, is it in our control.? for eg. suddenly we may get a thought of some one who studied with us in school or college, we would not have even remembered about that person for many years. Who is giving the thought in our mind. Is it due to any of our actions? Is it not controlled by Him?

    Similarly you have said We meekly or conveniently attribute our success & failures to God.

    But are we not supposed to attribute and surrender all our successes and failures (that it is His wish) to Him?

    Hope you wont misunderstand that I am questioning or arguing. Pl clear my mind .
    Last edited: Jul 17, 2009
  5. radhikrish

    radhikrish Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra mam,

    In another of post you have mentioned " If our karma is very bad we will go through various births such as animals, insects etc. Thus we exhaust all our negative karmas. If there is still good karma in our account, we will be born human again. "

    Even after exhausting all negative karmas, why are we born again even if it is as human being ? Then when will we be liberated ? or Rather what do we have to do for getting liberated?

    In the context, I have heard some discourses by Shri Velukudi Krishnan, who preaches / practices Vaishnavism. In one of his discourse, he talks about Pancha samskaram and Ramanuja sambandham as means for getting liberation. What is your opinion? Though I found it difficult to accept that as the sole means of liberation, I would like to know your opinion on the subject.

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