The Law of Karma - Part 2

Discussion in 'Chitvish on Hindu Culture & Vedanta' started by Chitvish, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Kamla, Thankyou for joing us.
    Do not ever think, you are a bad Hindu with less love of god. Not at all, my dear friend.
    The phenomenon of world is an endless cycle of cause & effect. The incessant play of the law of causation. This has been functioning from the very beginning " anaadi".
    A coconut seed always produced a coconut tree & a coconut tree always produced a coconut seed ! A chicken produced an an egg & an egg, a chicken. When there is no cause & effect, there is no world.
    I repeat the idea - the constitution of each human being is a cumulative effect of his past thoughts, desires & actions.
    His past activities are the cause.
    His present personality is the effect.
    The effect is called destiny.
    Your destiny at any time is therefore the result of your past. This should explain to you my first para in the post. God has nothing to do with it. We shape our own destiny - please read my post to Latha.
    If one has had a proper course of education, he would be a literate now. If not & he had neglected his study, he would be an illiterate now. Your past activities are Fait Accompli.
    It is best to accept this imposing law of nature. In our ignorance, we believe destiny is saomething which is predetermined. Some accept it as a plan ordained by God. Some presume it as a play of stars & planets. Few hold it as a strategem of luck & accident. These are all preposterous presumptions.

    God is kindness personified, no doubt. But when we make our own destiny by our thoughts, desires & action, how can He be blamed ? We meekly or conveniently attribute our success & failures to God. We do not realise He is merely the substratum of all activity. He does not have anything to do with the nature or quality of the activity. God is like the sun above. Both sinner & saint draw their visibility from the same sun ! But they both act according to their independent nature. The sun stands clear from the sin & the virtue. So does God, through suppporting everything remain immaculate, free from happenings in the world.

    I have no plan of confusing you, Kamla. I only want to convince you about the subject.
    Hope, you wll not decide to run away from this thread & forum!!
    sindmani, Chilledsteam and Sindhurao like this.
  2. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sowmya,
    Thankyou for your F B.
    Just because we are in kaliyuga, the Universal Law does not change.
    To think on those lines is to suit our convenience & due to our ignorance.
    Death & birth are merely a change of state. A movemnt from one experience to the other.
    It is nice to know that you enjoyed this post.
  3. vidhi

    vidhi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra

    I was expecting your Part 2 with much eagerness. I am also waiting for the doubts and clearing session. I find it very easy to understand you when you answer to a doubt.

    The problems come to you as an opportunity to strengthen you and move towards the right path. When we face a difficulty we try to blame others for the situation. That is we try to find the source from outside from where it came. It is like comforting us. Telling to ourselves it is not our mistakes. We are not at all responsible for the things happened. But instead if we take a turn towards us and analyse the problem we can see some of our mistakes also. But most often I compare my mistakes with the outside source. So when I compare my mistakes with the outside source it is negligible. So I do not take any steps to correct that negligible mistake of mine. As we all know time waits for no one it moves. So some how we manage that situation and get over it. Again there is happiness. Life goes on smoothly for sometime. But that mistake of mine is still there I have not corrected it. Now after some times when I face another difficult situation. Here again when I analyse yes I can see the connectivity of my small mistake, which I have not corrected. If I had the will power and the compassion to correct that mistake that time I could have avoided the new problem. So the problem comes to us to teach something or the other aspect of life. It is up to us how we make use of it. Life teaches us some thing or the other every minute, every second.

    I have explained whatever which is within my limited knowledge. Thank you Chitra for coming up with a topic like this. You are doing a great work.


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  4. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vidhi,
    Thankyou very much for the F B.
    You are right wen you say that we must become consciously aware of the choices we make in every moment.
    Well, I can definitely insult you in words; but it is your choice to make the decision or again choice of getting insulted or not !
    Deepak Chopra says, eventhough we are infinite choice-makers, we have become bundles of conditioned reflexes that are constantly being triggered by people & circumstances into predictable outcomes of behaviour. So our reactions become triggered by people & circumstamnces & very often forget that we can make a different choice as well. We, very often, make the choices unconsciously. If only we concentrate more , the whole process of conscious choice making & witnessing is very empowering.
    You seem to be going in the right direction, Vidhi. I am very happy to read what you have written.
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  5. sudhavnarasimhan

    sudhavnarasimhan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra,
    Enjoyed your flowing explanation....was a abit heavy , but got through it again to try and assimilate a bit of it.....i know these things have to sink in and become a part of oneself , so that we a chance presents itself, we should be able to make the right choice, .......i am honestly getting to be more aware of the happenings around me .....and hopefully i will be making good karmas in future! Of course cant change my past , can i?:icon_frown:
    But like Latha, has pointed out , sometimes when people talk or evil things, which do hurt us,...isnt it difficult to be stoic and not create a stir ,at least the mind does get disturbed, how much ever we can try to control the evil thoughts from flowing out! Isnt it.....well have to rally learn to ignore such situations and get loving thoughts in our mind i guess.....but is is a learning process and we have to accept a lot and get on hopefully!

    And Kamala, i feel it is nota question of being a good hindu or not....maybe it is just learning to lead a good life as a good human being isnt it.....but at least we as Hindus can thank Chitra for being with us and guiding us on this journey!:2thumbsup:
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  6. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Sudha,
    Thankyou very much for the feedback.
    Yes, this topic is heavy, but we cannot for ever postpone assimilating it atleast, little by little. It teaches us such a valuable lesson & it is worth learning it, however much we struggle in the process.:bangcomp:

    You are right when you say that we can only take charge of the future, but we have to choicelessly pay for our past. Atleast this awareness teaches us a lesson about our choice making from this minute.

    You said it very right
    "when people talk or evil things, which do hurt us,...isnt it difficult to be stoic and not create a stir ,at least the mind does get disturbed, how much ever we can try to control the evil thoughts from flowing out! Isnt it.....well have to rally learn to ignore such situations and get loving thoughts in our mind "

    We are not saints - we do go through all emotions when we are hurt. But , remember we have hurt somebody more deeply in the past & we are getting it back ! Ofcourse, it gives us no satisfaction that they will also get it back, multifold ! We cannot prevent being upset, but I would suggest, go through the emotions and we will come out of it gradually. Is not one answerable to one's own inner voice or conscience ? That will sound the correct answer, whether we listen to it or not.
    This is where my suggestion of "blessing the person" should be adopted. Whatever goes out of us, comes back to us from the universe manyfold. This holds good for both brickbats & blessings.
    Thanks for your kind words Sudha, praay God makes me worthy of them now & always.
    sindmani and Chilledsteam like this.
  7. Hamsadhwani

    Hamsadhwani Senior IL'ite

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    Thanks for the post. The concept of Karma has to be accepted as such. It is a complex topic but with constant reading we can gradually understand the subject. With real life happenings over a period of time, sometimes some people get a better understanding of Poorva Janma punyam !

    Thanks for your time and effor t and your patience in clarifying doubts!
  8. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Radha,
    Thanks for your F B.
    No one can get anything unless he earns it, this is an eternal law. But we do not like to accept it for obvious reasons !
    I am glad you accept that it is a complex topic which can be "chewed" over a period of time & finally "digested".
  9. sihi

    sihi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear ChitVish,

    I am still "chewing" both part 1 and part 2 of this topic. While I was reading it, I was wondering then why do people do all the vrathams, yagnas etc to eliminate their karmas then? Will these aid them in any way by shortening the span of our sufferings? or is it just that by doing it, we are adding on to our good deeds as a future investment?

    According to what you have said

    The law of karma tells me that I have to accept my suffering because I have acquired such an “invisible result” (called adhrshta phalam) by my misdeeds in the past janmas. I learn to accept the problems without blaming others.

    So irrespective of whether one does vrathams, yagnas or not they must go through their whole cycle of suffering and then come out their bad deeds?

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  10. anjana

    anjana Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra,
    I read part 1 and 2 together and this is what comes to my mind.Please feel free to correct me.
    I can think of the saying and it perfectly describes the law of Karma'what goes around comes around'.
    Our trials,tribulations,sickness,depression are a reflection of unexpressed and unresolved issues from the past of this lifetime as well as previous lifetimes.
    The results of our actions circle around either as rewards,obstacles,losses or difficulties. I use to think karma was an eye for an eye but it seems that it is the end result of energies established long ago to fulfill the need for developing new soul qualities.
    No actions go unnoticed. For example if we sow good seed for our kids like kind thoughts etc they will become loving kind individuals.
    Hope I am not confused and in the process not confusing you too.Now everything makes sense to me.

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