The Law of Karma - Part 2

Discussion in 'Chitvish on Hindu Culture & Vedanta' started by Chitvish, Feb 8, 2007.

  1. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Understanding and assimilating the law of karma has the following advantages:

    1 – The law of karma alone explains the disparities in the living beings from birth. We wonder why often innocent children are born handicapped. The law of karma attributes this to the negative actions or deeds in previous janmas. Physical or mental disparities can be explained only through this law. If it is not accepted, life becomes a mere accident.

    2 – Even though I have not done any mistakes, why do I suffer in this janma? – this question is always asked. I tend to blame the Lord. The law of karma tells me that I have to accept my suffering because I have acquired such an “invisible result” (called adhrshta phalam) by my misdeeds in the past janmas. I learn to accept the problems without blaming others.

    3 – Now, I can take charge of my future. If my present situation is because of my past, the future situation in my life will be determined by my present actions. As a “doer”, I can direct the course of my life. I learn that neither the world nor God determines my future, but my own actions alone determine my future. Therefore, I accept a free will.
    The present which is determined by the past is called Fate. But the future which is determined by the present is governed by my free will. As a “doer”, I have a choice to determine my future; though as an “enjoyer” I have no choice over my present.

    4 – The universal question ”why do good people suffer and bad people enjoy” is answered. Corrupt people are enjoying wealth today as a result of the fructification of their past good actions or deeds. But they will definitely pay the price in future for their present corrupt practices. The same way, we can argue for the good people suffering.
    Without the law of karma, our society will be rid of all morals and youngsters might conclude that dharma does not pay and adharma alone pays. Thus this law is necessary to teach and ensure morals in the society. We must accept Lord, who is mercy personified, is never unjust. I realise sufferings as an exhaustion of my negative deeds. I am becoming more and more pure since they are removed . Thus acceptance of this law reinforces my faith in the Lord, strengthens my respect for dharma, explains my difficult situations and gives me hopes for my future.

    Only if you accept the Laws of Karma, faith in God will be restored. In the assimilation of this law alone, we understand that the Lord can never be unjust. If a devotee suffers, he is paying the price for the actions done in the past. His punya-karmas will help him to get a better future. He learns to accept sufferings as an exhaustion of his papam. As he suffers, his papams are washed off.

    Thus, we conclude, every action produces results. According to Hindu religion, man cannot escape re-birth since he has to experience the fruit of his actions. Hence the Law of Karma is inexorable (unrelenting) and immutable (not subject or susceptible to change). Accepting this law, my devotion to the Lord will remain intact. It reinforces my faith in Him, strengthens my respect for dharma, explains my difficult situations and gives me hope for my future.

    So, we realise that the whole universe is based on an invisible moral order. This is called Adhrshtam , literally meaning, “that which cannot be seen”. Without a cause, there can never be an effect. Just because the cause is not known, it does not mean it is non-existent. Thus the acceptance and
    assimilation of the law of karma is a boon.


  2. vmur

    vmur Silver IL'ite

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    Dear ChitVish,

    "I realise sufferings as an exhaustion of my negative deeds. I am becoming more and more pure since they are removed . Thus acceptance of this law reinforces my faith in the Lord, strengthens my respect for dharma, explains my difficult situations and gives me hopes for my future."

    Such wise and pragmatic view of the sufferings that we undergo. If everybody were to realize this, (quoting MahaPeriava again here) there will be no jealousy, competition, fighting and conspiracies in this life of ours.

    I am looking forward to the "Prashnothar" of this thread. Like Kamla mentioned in another thread, it is these questions and commentaries that makes it more interesting and easier to absorb.

    Thanks again for such a wonderful Thursday post.

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  3. Eljaype

    Eljaype Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Chithra,

    As you have said we always raise the question, 'Even though I have not done any wrongs/mistakes this janma why should I suffer?'.
    What I understand from this is that tthe rights we think we are doing are wrongs in the eyes of GOD. Maybe we cannot like and accept some people when they do something. For us it is right but for GOD it is wrong. What GOD always tells usbe good and do not talk ill of others. So that is counted as wrong in GOD's book. Do not get angry and shout at people. Keep calm is GOD's another rule, Can we ever keep it ?
    Yes, What you say is right As a doer we have choice, doing either good or bad , but enjoying in this life that is determined by GOD according to what you have done in the past and in the present.
    Another thing about the 'good people suffering and the bad people enjoying'. I have heard from my father that GOD gives along rope to bad people, try to correct yourself as soon as possible. That's GOD's message. He is patient and waiting for you to change. That's all. For good people suffering is there only when we do mistakes. We won't even recognise our mistake but GOD will give you a warning. 'No don't do that, it is wrong' like a mother. If we can correct ourselves then and there GOD will help you. If you don't then he'll start counting your misdoings. I have had this experiance and found out many times when I have gone wrong and corrected myself.
    I started to write a small post and has got to a big one.
    Sorry I didnot mean to hurt you Chithra. I told you what I learnt from my childhood from my parents.
    You have a nice way of coming out the most difficult problems. After I read your Law of Karma Part 1 I started thinking. This is the result. You made me think Chithu. Thank you.
    Latha :wave
  4. jothi

    jothi Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra Madam,

    You have explained the Law of Karma so beautifully and eloquently. Than vinai thanai sudum... if not in this janamam definitley next. If people undertand this and start realising that their actions have repercussions then the world will be a better place.
    I know people who follow kundalini yoga and meditation, who try to attain mukti thru meditaion and dont believe in adutha janamam. What about them, chitra madam do they have punar janmam...I am just wondering about this. pls dont get me wrong.
    I totally believe that there is a God, and we defitnitely are answerable to the Almighty for our good and bad deeds. I just pray that GOD leads me thru a path of dharma.

    Thanks Chitra Madam,
  5. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chitra,

    You are forever churning out vedanta for us IL'ites as best as only you can. I admire you for it and my respects.
    Your write up on Karma, part 2, is very lucid. You have used extremely simple words and sentences to get straight through to our minds and hearts.
    Alas, I am a cynic as far as the laws of Karma are concerned. Does that make me a bad Hindu or does it lessen my love for my God??...I do not think so. Atleast, not in my own mind!
    I have no wish to antagonize anyone by airing my views. Besides, I am still in contemplation about this.
    As a matter of fact, your first paragraph ( nr 1) itself leaves me appalled. Can that be true, is that right? Can our God who is a personification of Love meet out such severe lessons to His hapless creations? Or, can it be that it is us humans in our feverish quest to reason out the discrepancies of life logically have created this concept of Karma?
    I have infuriated many by my questionings and doubts even in my Gita class! My teacher has sort of given up on me and is hoping that I will be convinced one day. Believe me, it would also make me happy. But something within me will not agree.
    Sorry if I disturbed you with my thoughts. That is not my intention.
    If life was only simple and perfect..........:)

    L, Kamla
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  6. honeybee

    honeybee Gold IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra
    A very enlightening post.Thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

    I have a basic doubt..
    We are currently in the kaliyuga right?In this yugam aren't we supposed to reap the fruits of our good and bad deeds in the same janmam itself ? :confused:

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  7. Eljaype

    Eljaype Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Kamala,

    Sorry for butting in. But have you thought like this?? Don't our mothers who are the personification of love and selflessness, scolded us for the wrongs we have done??
    Then what will you say?? that your mother is not loving /not kind etc.No isn't it?
    Likewise GOD also punishes us for the mistakes we commit.

    If it is unknowingly, then he warns us and if it is knowingly and intentionally we'll get punished, just like our parents did, in this or the next janma.

  8. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Vidya,
    Thankyou for being the first one to post the f b - I think, you have read a lot of Mahaperiyaval's teachings. That is why you feel comfortable in this thread.

    The law of destiny deals with our past & present status. Whereas, the law of karma covers our past, present & future also. It covers the law of destiny & goes beyond, into the future to explain life in its entire aspect. By thoroughly grasping the logic & reason, it supports, we can steer our personality to the highest order of life. This is where "free will" plays its role.

    You are right, Vidya. Already 4 feedbacks have come besides yours. I am prayerfully gathering all my knowledge resources, to give the right answers.
    I enjoy doing this "prashnothara" session with a prayer that I must be able to give the apt answers, with trust in the Lord & my Guru.

  9. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Lata,
    I welcome you to this forum & to this thread. I am very happy that you are joining us here.
    I hope you will understand my giving a (slightly??!!) l...o...n...g answer - I have to do it, please be with me. I am taking some ideas from Vedanta Treatise by Guru A. Parthasarathy.
    Spiritual ignoramuses believe that God does everything. That whatever happens, happens with the will of God. That God has created the world & determined the course of each one's life therein. And consider a human being a victim of God's determination. They do not believe, the man has any part in moulding his own life. What a fallacy ?
    Now, an atheist believes that human effort is everything & there is nothing else to it.
    Here vedanta comes in & resolves the difference in the two points of view.
    God is, no doubt, the substratum, the prime mover of all activities. As petrol is to the movement of all cars. But does the petrol determine the mode & course of motion of the car ? NO. It is the engine that provides the power & the driver, the direction. In the same way, the human mind and intellect determine the nature and direction of activities. And they, in turn, fabricate his destiny. Definitely not God.
    You are the creator of your destiny. There is no extraneous power controlling your life. No God shaping your destiny. God has nothing to do with the type of thought, desire & action emanating from you ! He does not determine their nature. No doubt, God is the supreme power which enables you to think, desire & act. But the quality of your activities is entirely your making. You are the architect of your life.
    Entertain positive thought and feeling, perform positive action. You meet with fortune.
    With negative thought, feeling & action, you bring about misfortune upon yourself.
    You mould your destiny. It is an unfailing law. Let me quote a saying, which I have noted down
    The stone that is fit for the wall is not left in the way.
    You are welcome to ask me, Lata, if still doubts persist! Ifind it very challenging, answering these questions.
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  10. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    My dear Jothi,
    Thanks for your F B.
    According to Hindu religion, life is an endless cycle of birth & death. To think, we have defied punarjanma , is totally wrong.
    Birth & death are 2 sides of a coin. They are like morning & evening. They coexist. This chain of birth & death is perennial. Creation & destruction are the warp & woof of the world.
    I am not competent to talk about people who do not believe in punarjanmam by practising what you have mentioned.
    Please read my reply to Eljaype.
    You are right Jothi. Follow the path of Dharma steadfast & this is how you shape your future.

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