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The Great Train Robbery Memory Of Another Day

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by sunkan, Aug 1, 2007.

  1. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    It was the usual morning, mom was platting my hair, and I had my break fast in my hand, it was the most exciting day I was getting ready to go to the flower show at lalbaugh in Bangalore as it was flower show time and all the flowers well arranged inside the glass house is a sight to see….

    An ambassador car came and stopped in front of our house, all were curious as to who it could be, as none had any cars in our house those days, only a cycle owned by my father who went to work in that.

    Mr.Kedarnath Agarwal the owner of the shiphouse in kolkata got down from the car and informed my people that he was the friend of Mr. Subramanian my foster parent in kolkata, who took care of most in the family, being the head of the family of 6 brothers and their family we had to immediately pay attention to whoever has been sent by him.

    He met my grandfather and on his way back out said, he wanted to drop me in school, I was too bewildered as to why I should be dropped to a place which is walkable distance,
    but as he insisted my mother said, look u cannot annoy him so better go along and get urself dropped at the school, though I was 16yrs young I knew when men looked at you in a funny manner, and my mother was unable to see this, damn angry I got into the car, what foolish elders and cursing my way to the school, on the way he would suggest, why don’t u come to the hotel, we could have cococola and something to eat then I would drop u back, but I simply refused, I was damn scared of all this, asked me to be dropped and ran inside the school to get hold of one of my friend usha maroli, asked her to inform him that I would not be able to join him, and she told him, that she is the leader and now that I was in the school I had no permission to go anywhere, so he said ok then I will pick you up in the evening from the lal baugh and my lalbaugh trip went up in fire, I was all the time scared this guy going to turn up, and the beautiful flowers seem to be consoling me with no effect, somehow I reached home and told my mother what a foolish move it was on her part to send me with some unknown…

    The next day he rang up and my grand father picked up the phone, when mr agarwal came online, my grandfather called me and said he wanted to speak, I just showed him the sign I was not interested, and grandpa my great pal came to my rescue, asked him what is it and that he would pass on the message to me..

    Mr.Agarwal said he wanted to take me to the movie THE GREAT TRAIN ROBBERY which was a very wonderful one, then grandpa said but we cannot send her alone you see, she can go if he allowed her to be escorted and he agreed readily, then he asked grandpa, how many tickets and grandpa without flinching said fifteen. Even then he brought and all in the family went with me sitting in one end and Agarwal in the other end, the entire family enjoyed with chips and popcorn, I could not even remember what movie it was and how the plot went on….to day to think of it could only make me happy I had grandpop who immediately solved the issue which none else could…regards sunkan

  2. Shanvy

    Shanvy IL Hall of Fame

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    Nice to know u had a nice understanding grandpop. btw the great train robbery is a nice movie.
  3. sunkan

    sunkan Gold IL'ite

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    dear shanthi,
    i know it is a classic movie but with my predicament, though so many were with me i was not sure what might happen even if one agree to make me sit next to him...yes today i could laugh, i could had put up a tantrum but nothing i had to walk the way they were planning...regards sunkan
  4. Malathijagan

    Malathijagan Silver IL'ite

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    I am sure every woman would have a story like this to tell about her teenage days. From ages this has been happening and will continue to happen unless the smart and shrewd girls of today show these wicked men a piece of their mind.


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