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The Ganesha Riddles

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Balajee, Sep 6, 2016.

  1. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    The curtains rose yesterday on a nearly two week long fest of noise pollution ending with water pollution marked by a wee bit of fun and some real great goodies to gobble up . I am talking about the Ganesh festival.

    Now the Ganesha story has always puzzled me. Granted that the puranic tales have as many holes as a Bollywood potboiler but the Ganesha tale is virtually a mythological sieve. It leaks real bad. It has more questions than answers.

    First about the creation of Ganesha. Looks like his mom –to-be wanted to have a bath one day and to ensure that nobody barged in while she is bathing, she created a boy to guard the house. That boy is Ganesha.

    Now, the first unsolved riddle. If Parvati was washing herself in a bathroom, didn’t the bathroom have doors? Or was she afraid that someone would knock them down? And secondly, was it the first time she was having a bath? If so how come she didn’t need a guy to check unwarranted entries into the house earlier?

    The other theory is she was bathing in an open swimming pool. That could have been trouble. We Indians are a nation of voyeurs. (Once I saw a whole lot of guys standing in queue and taking turns to peer through a bamboo fence over the wall of a five star hotel in Delhi. It turned out they were ogling at white women having a swim. Since we create gods in our own image they could be voyeurs too. Let us assume the wall around her pool had a bamboo fence through which people could peer, May be she needed a guard to dissuade them. Boards like NO ENTRY or VOYEURISM CAN BE INJURIOUS TO HEALTH just wouldn’t have been enough to keep the oglers at bay. They are a stubborn tribe.

    Aw come on! Parvati was a goddess. She could have put a cloak of invisibility around the whole place with her divine powers. After all if Harry Potter can have a cloak of invisibility a goddess can create one. No that was not to be. She had to create a boy, a real tough one at that to guard the place. In her divine forgetfulness, she failed to make an exception even for her hubby dearest. (Now doesn’t the tale really leak like a sieve or look very Bollywoodish?)

    Now this is how, the scene will pass in a Bollywood movie.

    And so who turns up when the boy was guarding the gates. The hubby notorious for his short fuse himself. So the boy blocked the path.

    Shiva: Hey don’t know who I am?

    Boy: Who are you? I think introductions are in order. For me you look like a very uncouth chap will ashes all over your body and snakes in your neck. No one told you how to dress properly?

    Shiva: Hey everyone knows I am Shiva!

    Boy: Is that supposed to mean something?

    (Shiva’s ego is hurt and he controls with difficulty a strong urge to open his third eye)

    Shiva: I am the owner of this house!

    Boy: You got ID proof or something?

    Shiva: And what is your ID?

    Boy: I am my mother’s son.

    Shiva: That everybody is. Who is your mom?
    Boy: Parvati devi.

    Camera shows a shocked expression on Shiva’s face as the music directors minions jack up the decibel levels. The string section wais. Drums thunder and the woodwinds and brass go bonkers. Parvati’s son! And I didn’t even kick in the genes, thinks a dazed Shiva..

    Let us fast forward a bit here. The boy is stubborn in his no entry mode and an enraged Shiva cuts of his head and burns it. Parvati goes ballistic when she comes to know what has happened. And her going ballistic is no joke. She can morph into Kali or some other ferocious being and rain destruction.(She wouldn’t have had to go ballistic if she had used some divine spell to make her bathing place invisible. But as I have already said myths are like Bollywood plots full of holes.) And so an elephant head is transplanted on the kiddo’s neck (Obviously there was no SPCA then). And sonny boy becomes a god. And all is well that ends well.)

    And why Elephant’s head? Couldn’t the gods have revived the burnt head? Or was there a shortage of heads in Brahma’s baby factory? Ah questions, questions. Haven’t I already said myths leak like sieves. Take the story of Krishna. How come Kansa didn’t have the good sense to lock up Devaki and Vasudeva in separate cells, so that they couldn’t procreate? Krishna’s villainous uncle seems to have been as dumb as Bollywood baddies.

    Ah let us not break our heads anymore over our gods and their myths . Just pass on the modaks, will you?
    Last edited: Sep 6, 2016

  2. ashima10

    ashima10 Platinum IL'ite

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    Agree with pollution rising during all our festivals. We must be empathetic towards nature.

    Rest finding logic with mythology isn't very logical approach. Few emotions are above logic. My two cents !
  3. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Balajee,

    I agree with you that all religious practices should be confined to the four walls inside the homes and Ganesh is not asking anyone to take him in a procession and immerse him in the water bodies. Noise pollution is the worst during those celebrations.

    Regarding having shower inside the artificial barrier and changing the head with that of elephant, how does it matter? It is a family matter. It has attracted so much attention from other religions because at least one religion has a God with elephant head. It is a big industry to make sculptures, paintings, statues, etc. So many children increase their self belief by praying to this elephant God that he would take care of their exams. I can't find the rationale for Trump's campaign to get rid of 11 million people out of the US when they contribute $11 billion to social security, pay their taxes and take care of labor shortages in so many industries? I couldn't even find the logic of my neighbor repairing his roof so often spending almost $20,000 while the whole roof could have been replaced for the same value. How can I find the Lords' reasoning for their actions?

  4. sindmani

    sindmani Platinum IL'ite

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    Op sir , ur questions are correct. But It is mythology. We can take good points lf any from mythology and move on. Actually I have lot of questions in Ramayana and Mahabharata.from young age I have read Amar chithra Katha stories on mythology and have went to Geetha classes . but still I question things which are little unrealistic or not so pleasant. I don't want to write more about my questions. When I ask my mom these questions , she has no answer. She states to take the good points and leave.
  5. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    All the mythologies are abound in questions for most of which we have no satisfactory answers.
    jayasala 42
  6. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Ashima thanks for accepting that myths are illogical.
    Last edited by a moderator: Sep 8, 2016
    kaniths likes this.
  7. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Viswa I really pity Ganesha's lot Of all the gods he is the one who is treated like a babu in government office waiting for his itching palms to be greased. Everyone promises him a bribe if he fulfills their wishes. As someone said if there is a God he would find atheism a lesser insult than religion. I agree we are not always (say about 98%) logical. Reason is a faculty Homo Sapiens developed rather late in their evolution Its roots are less deeper than other extra rational faculties like emotions, instincts, appetities, phobias etc.
  8. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Sindmani we can take good points from anywhere and move on. May be the fun part of mythology is its lack of logic.L
    kaniths and sindmani like this.
  9. Balajee

    Balajee IL Hall of Fame

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    Jayasaka42, it is better to have questions that cannot be answered than answers that cannot be questioned.
    kaniths and sindmani like this.
  10. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Balaji,
    Yes the pollution is too much , first the noise part, and then the sea pollution.Very well written, just loved it Balaji.
    sindmani likes this.

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