The Emotional Path of Devotion called Bhakti.

Discussion in 'Chitvish on Hindu Culture & Vedanta' started by Chitvish, Jul 3, 2008.

  1. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Bhakti Marga is devotion and the path to the Lord. It is Bhakti which we see as the golden thread running through all the avataras of the Lord in Bhagavatha. The text is a string of beads which is like a Japamala and helps you to realise the Lord and reach Him.

    Bhakti yoga is the path of devotion designed for persons in the emotional category. We must understand that Bhakti is not merely a fanatic attachment to personal God to the exclusion of other Gods. Devotion arises when the intellect fails to comprehend an unknown realm. Where the mind surrenders to the area of ignorance. To this vast realm of ignorance of an unseen hand functioning, you must surrender! An acute awareness of the infinite blessings showered everywhere followed by gratitude would constitute the fundamentals of devotion. So devotion is to identify and merge with the Omniscient Reality.

    Bhakti is the easiest path to God. All the other paths also lead to the feet of the Lord, but are harder. The praises of the Lord, even if the words are wrong and even if sung out of tune, assure man of the grace of God. In constant devotion to the Lord, all the evil in him will come out on to the surface and be washed away. Ultimately, the true Satvic nature in him will be brought out, burn the bondages of Karma and grant him permanent salvation.

    Let us assume that a man has failed in his duties and has transgressed all rules of conduct. Even then if there is love in his heart and devotion to the Lord, he will be dear to Him.

    Action which is performed in the world with a desire for returns involves man further in the coils of Maya (bondage). The same actions, performed without desire, with a dedicated frame of mind, will only hasten to break the bonds of Maya. Knowledge of the Absolute mingled with the path of devotion will help man to perform actions dedicated to the Lord. Very soon, the conditioned Soul will find freedom from Maya and will merge with the Infinite. This is achieved though Bhakti Marga.

    The technique is this. Men who are full of bhakti in their minds will think of Him all the time. They perform all actions with salutations to Him and calling His various names. This is also a path to Moksha (liberation), freedom from the bondage of karma.

    We can say that Bhakti yoga is the name of the entire three-course discipline known as karma yoga, upasana yoga and jnana yoga.
    Karmayoga+Upasanayoga+Jnanayoga = Bhakthiyoga

    Bhakti is the common atmosphere in which all these three yogas are practised.

    Karma yoga has to be imbued with Bhakti. Here, the attitude that one enjoys is that of dedicating all actions to the Lord and accepting without resistance, all the consequences of the actions. So a karma yogi should have Bhakti.

    In Upasana yoga, one has to meditate upon the Lord for developing mental discipline and integration. This takes place in the atmosphere of Bhakti alone.

    Jnana yoga also involves Bhakti. The study of scriptures is started with a prayer and we end with a prayer. Not only that. In jnana yoga, we are enquiring into our own real nature discovering the identity of our real nature with the nature of God. Henca jnana yoga involved Self-discovery which is none other than God-discovery.

    So the first meaning of Bhakti is devotion towards Lord and the second meaning of Bhakti is a course of discipline consisting of karma-yoga, upasana-yoga and jnana-yoga to attain the goal of liberation.

    It is relevant to read the following post:
    What is Bhakti ?

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  2. Cheeniya

    Cheeniya Super Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    Remember the old movies in which the inimitable M.R.Radha donning the role of a scheming villain would always appear as a devout believer with holy ash (vibhuthi) smeared all over his body? He always had this profound message for all of us that Bhakti did not lie in external manifestations. It is not Bhakti but sheer mockery of God.
    To quote <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:place><st1:placeName>Archbishop</st1:placeName><st1:placeType>Temple</st1:placeType></st1:place>, “The right relation between prayer and conduct is not that conduct is supremely important and prayer may help it but that prayer is supremely important and conduct tests it”

    The aim and purpose of human life is the unitive knowledge of God. Among the most indispensable means to that end is the right conduct. Our devotion to God must be visible in our righteous conduct. In a word, the tree is known by its fruits. Bhakti accompanied by intemperate conduct is just mockery of God. We must remember that ostentatious display of Bhakti hardly impresses the Divine. There have been many parables that establish this view very clearly. The one that comes to my mind is about the Bhakti of Arjuna and Bhima. Arjuna is known for his glittering worship of the Lord while Bhima is quite simple in his worship. One day, the Lord conducts Arjuna through the portals of the Heavens when Arjuna observes cart loads of fresh flowers being carried to the Abode of Lord. A little while later, he sees an old man carrying a small basket of withered flowers to the same destination. Arjuna naturally concludes that the cart loads of fresh flowers must be his own offering while the single basket of withered flowers must be Bhima’s. But the Lord surprises Arjuna saying the withered flowers are his offering while the loads of fresh flowers are offerings of Bhima. It is at that defining moment that Arjuna realises that Bhakti consists of total surrender of the heart and not the floral offerings.

    If we need to understand true Bhakti, we must read the stories of Meera and Radha. Their lives were spent in total devotion to God. Though their Bhakti came out in different styles, the effect was the same. We also come across cases of self annihilation in the cause of Bhakti. Many of the 63 Nayanmars (Devotees of Siva) belong to this category. One of them cooks his own son’s flesh and offers to Siva who merely wanted to test the intensity of his devotion to Him. Kannappar offers both his eyes to a bleeding Siva Linga. A modern mind may find it difficult to comprehend such intense devotion but no one can dismiss these tales as fiction.

    Bhakti is the mindset that comprehends the presence of God in every activity. In the words of Eckhart, Nature’s intent is neither food, nor drink, nor clothing, nor comfort, nor anything else from which God is left out. Nature always seeks and ferrets out the track in which God may be found. There have been great souls who have lived a life of total surrender to the Divine. A mere reading of their lives would set us on the right track.
    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
  3. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Sri,
    Being a "Bhakthiman" has elevated you to the higher level in IL ! I am happy you "did it" in my thread!!
    I am very happy for you.
  4. corallux

    corallux Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Chithraji & Cheeniyaji,

    Thursdays are now extra special for me. One because I get to drink in the Nectar of the Holy Gita & second, I get to read Sai's sayings.

    If Gita is getting easier to understand, the credit goes to you my Gurus.

    The easiest way to attain divinity is by Bhatki marga, say the wise. Your explanation of this week's Gita Updesh proves it.

    Sages of yore declared "Akashat paritantoyam yata gachchatti sagara, sarva deva namaskara, Keshavam pratigachchati" (apologies for any errors).

    Long before Europe discovered Secularism, Hinduism declared " God is one, we call him by different names"

    In Kalyug, it is difficult to retire to a forest like the Rishi-Munis in ancient times. Some of us have left our motherland for a various reasons. The question arises how can I do a pooja without a photo/idol? My hubby's family priest gave me a practical answer. Worship a mirror WITH BHAKTI. The mirror shows that God is within you. Bhakti is the most important part of any pooja.

    Stories of Pundalik, Ajimala show how Bhakti transforms a hopeless sinner into a pure soul.

    A Bhakt never differenciates. For him all creatures big and small are but manifestations of his chosen form of God.

    Bhakti for God irrespective of religion will help solve many problems ailing the world today.

    With respects,

  5. LakNar

    LakNar Senior IL'ite

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    Dear Chitra mam

    Thank you so much. The verses on Bhakti was really soothing my perturbed heart which is pounding with worries. I am too sensitive when it comes to my kid, I always feel scary for his life though he is in KG class.

    I keep on thinking Lord as thought I am in great dismay and like "yedha thinna pitham theliyum" sort of..

    Even now I have been searching for Hayagriva sthothram to add it to my everydays sloka list.

    Out of strange fear in life, I do my pujas and I know not how to get rid of those fears and tears..I wash the holy feet of Lord with tears through my prayers and still I am not able get rid of my fears in life..

    I recite karavalambam, hanumaan chaleesa, adhitya hridayam, lalitha sahasranamam and the list goes long, but what should I do to get rid of disturbed mind with fear..

    Even now I cant type more as I feel extremely fearful..

    Will Lord help me..

  6. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Lux,
    Thanks for promptly "flagging off" the feedbacks!
    Bhakti yoga is the Path of Devotion designed for persons in the emotional category.
    We must understand bhakti is not a
    path of blind faith
    superstitious belief
    mechanical ritual.
    It is only strong devotion to God inspite of all adverse situations we go through in life.
    Just accepting that there is a power beyond our comprehension, making us operate in this universe is what we must start with. Belief and conviction are more important.
    This is an easy path to establish a near and dear relationship with the Lord.

    Yes, it is sad that in today's world, religion plays a more important role than bhakti! How sad!!

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
    sindmani likes this.
  7. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Lakshmi,
    Your letter is quite disturbing. I wonder what makes you scary wbout your kid's life.
    You give a list of shlokams that you chant. If you chant them with full faith (which is most important), how can you lose faith and start fearing or worrying?
    Also remember this "fear energy" of you for no apparent reason, will be transmitted to your child, unknowingly, in your interaction with him or her. Remember, Lakshmi, it is not going to be beneficial for the child in the long run!
    As a responsible mother, it is your duty to bring up your child with right values in life, help him with studies, pray for him, besides teaching him to pray and be more a friend to him.
    Just have more faith in God - your fears will vanish.

    Last edited: Jul 3, 2008
    sindmani likes this.
  8. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chithra
    Is the Gita interpretations over? sorry for asking...
    Thanks for writing about another important aspect in Devotion.
  9. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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  10. Anandchitra

    Anandchitra IL Hall of Fame

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    dearest chithra
    I do NOT subscribe to threads and as a result missed this important announcement.. sorry to have troubled you with my dumb question.. knew I had missed something as you are always so perfect.
    So you are going through some topics as a curtain raiser for chapter 3. I could do with such topics and thus try and become a better student or be prepared as a better student.
    Thank you so much for writing on all these tough topics. The curtain raiser seems more like soul raiser to me.. Thank you again .

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