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The deadliest shock in our life!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by PushpavalliSrinivasan, Jul 1, 2007.

  1. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    The deadliest shock in our life

    We never know what is in store for us in our life! The year 1996 I lost all my jewels that would have valued to nearly one lakh rupees which we had purchased with our hard earned money little by little. It was the blackest day in our life. As we couldn’t get a bank locker we had kept my jewels at my daughter’s house when we shifted to our house at Pallikarani. Later we took a locker from a private finance company. But we couldn’t take the jewels on the day we got the locker. Malathi told us that she would be going to Ooty on holidays and so it would be better if we could keep our jewels in the locker.
    Just a day before the incident we went to Singaperumal Koil in our Luna and had darshan of Lord Narasimha. It is around 23 kilometers from our house. We started early in the morning and reached the temple within an hour and a half. We just stopped for about fifteen to twenty minutes on the way just to cool down the machine. We really enjoyed the ride. We felt exhilarated as this was the longest trip we had in our luna. We returned home happily after having a good darshan at the temple.
    The next morning we got up as usual. My hubby told me that he would go to Malathi’s house and take my jewels from her house and keep them in the locker as Malathi was to go to Ooty at the weekend, I told him that he would be feeling tired due to the long drive of previous day and so I wouldn’t like him to go. But he told me that he would go by bus. I still felt hesitant, but told him to bring the jewels to our house and some other day we both would go together and keep them in the locker. So he left for Malathi’s house. But I had a feeling that some thing bad was going to happen and was feeling restless. So I wanted to keep myself engaged in some work. I prepared Thenkuzal batter and started making it. Even after finishing it there was no sign of my hubby returning home. He told me that he would return as quickly as possible. I thought of calling Malathi from my neighbour’s house and request her to accompany him if he went to keep the jewels in the locker. But I droppd that idea thinking that she might not have the time. Then I was praying to God that my hubby should follow my advice and return home directly from Malathi’s house. Alas! My premonition had come true! He returned home around <?xml:namespace prefix = st1 ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:eek:ffice:smarttags" /><st1:time Hour="13" Minute="0">1 p.m.</st1:time> and as soon as I opened the door for him, he told me, “ Gone! all the jewels were robbed! I lost all the jewels!” At first I thought just he was joking. Then after looking at his face I knew it was true. Then I immediately asked him whether he lodged a complaint with the police. He told me that he didn’t lodge a complaint because it was futile. Then I asked him whether Malathi knew about it. He told me that he didn’t tell her.
    I asked him how he lost the jewels. He told me that after taking the jewels from Malathi , he kept the box in his valet. He put the valet in a bag and also on top of it jack fruit given by Malathi. Then he boarded a bus to go to Broadway where we had the locker. All along he was just clutching the bag at his chest very carefully and entered the finance company where we got our locker. The manager told him that the bag was cut. When he opened the bag he found the jewel box mixing. He was in a bizarre state and couldn’t think clearly. I could not find words to describe my feelings. But some how I gathered my wits and told him that we both would go to Malathi’s house and then decide what to do. So we went to Malathi’s house. She was also very much shocked to hear the news. But she preferred to give a police complaint. She took him to the police station to file an F.I..R. But at first they refused to register the complaint telling that he lost the jewels after boarding the bus and so it didn’t come under their jurisdiction. But Malathi pleaded with him and succeeded in filing the F.I.R. After returning home my hubby’s condition was very bad. Neither he could eat anything nor could he get sleep. Malathi called her doctor friend She examined him and gave him an injection to sleep. Malathi and myself were worried about my hubby’s condition the whole night. The next day we returned home.
    . It was our bad luck that the assembly elections took place and the police force was engaged fully in election duty. Within a week we had to attend the Gruhapravesam function of two of our close relatives. But we had not revealed our loss to any one. I felt my ninety year old mother would die of shock if she came to know about this. Hence I kept it a secret until her death. We had not even told my sister for a long time even though we used to share our joys and sorrows with each other. I had written a personal letter to the Chennai Police commissioner, but to no avail. Though we followed up the matter for some time, we gave up. I had consoled myself, thinking that I might have done something wrong in my previous birth and God had punished me for that.
    Later my hubby told me that after knowing that all the jewels were lost, he felt that he was a very useless person to live and could not face me and tell that he had lost all the jewels. He felt like committing suicide and walked towards the beach. Then he heard an inner voice telling him to think about me and how I could withstand the tragedy. God had saved me from the irreparable greater loss and I am ever thankful to Him. Life is valuable than material things. I had faced lot of critical situations like this and God had given me the inner strength to be cool and collected. Though I have a weak heart, God had bestowed me with stronger will power and I am ever thankful to Him for this. I’m sharing this with you all, which I had kept a secret with my friends and relatives for a long time, hoping that it would help someone at some time to face life with courage at adverse situations.
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  2. Chitvish

    Chitvish Moderator IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Pushpavalli,

    Is it because we both are senior citizens that we have similar anecdotes in life to write here?

    This happened in 1970 jan. We were living in a ground floor flat. We had not switched on the AC that night since the weather was pleasant.

    During my sleep, suddenly I felt somebody was strangling me ! In my sleepiness, I could not relate to what was happening. But in a few secs, I could sense that a hard and rough hand was holding my throat ( later I realised, it was to prevent me from shouting !) and the other hand was snatching my chain, the thalikodi ! The grip loosened & I could hear the noise of a person hurriedly jumping across the wall. By the time, I gathered my senses & woke up my husband, he had fled and my chain was gone. We were sleeping near the window & the thief did all these putting his hand inside – must have been a tall hefty fellow. This happened at 3 AM. V immediately phoned to the police who arrived on the scene with a police dog. Well, no fruitful result.

    I was more upset sentimentally because it was a Thai vellikizamai that I had lost my thali. My neck was bruised badly. My parents-in-law were returning that morning from a trip to Kerala and I was feeling ashamed that they will think of me as irresponsible !

    Crying, I went to have a bath. As I was removing my saree, fell my thirumangalyam which had fallen inside my blouse and hence was saved ! I felt greatly relieved that only the chain was gone and the thirumangalyam which has greater significanc, was safe. Immediately, I dipped a twine in haldi water & tied it around my neck with the thirumangalyam.

    My parents-in-law, though shocked went on saying that they were relieved, the thief did not use a knife to cut the chain which could have hurt me badly. They were so magnanimous that they got me another chain the same day knowing how depressed I was !

    After this incident, I refused to live in a ground floor flat ! In our Madurai house, if I have to sleep downstairs, I close all the windows & then only sleep !

  3. meenu

    meenu Bronze IL'ite

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    Dear Pushpavalli,
    I read your post with great interest. It would have been a verybad time for your husband, Perhaps losing the jewels made himfeelguilty. I havealso on many occasionshad premonitions of an impendingdisaster.You did the best under the circumstance. Yes ,indeed , your husbands health is much more important than the materialistic things.
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  4. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Chitra madam,
    As you have mentioned, we both were undergoing similar experiences in our lives. Snatching of thalikodi also happened to me. In the year 1993 my hubby and myself were returning to Jamshedpur after performing the engagement of my first son. When the train was about to leave Ichapuram station at AP and Orissa border, the station was in complete darkness. I was bending to take our basket to take out the tiffin carrier, one fellow snatched my thali kodi. I immediately started shouting and at the same time caught hold of the kodi. But the ruffian gave me a severe blow at my shoulder that caused me a bloodclot for a week. But I managed to hold the kodi, but the thread that I used to wear in between got snapped. My thirumangalyam, a coral and a lakshmi kasu I was wearing, all were lying on the windowsil, except on gundu of thali. In the melee, though I was holding it in my hand, I thought that he had snatched away the kodi. Thus God had saved me that time.
  5. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Meenu,
    As you have written we do expect that something bad is going to happen when we have our premonition, but we are unable to control the disaster. I have the strong belief in karma. So we have to bear everything with a grin.:biggrin2:
  6. vmur

    vmur Silver IL'ite

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    Dear ChitVish, Pushpavalli, Meenu,

    It was heart-wrenching to read your experiences. My mother had a similar experience too. She was going for her early morning walk in the August of 2005, when a thief came from behind, kept a knife on her neck, and pulled her Mangalasutra and thaali and ran away. She went shreiking to the nearby police station (Ironically, this happened a few yards away from the police station). However, none of the constables or police woke up. She came home crying, not because of the loss of the thaali, but because she was scared and sentimental that something might happen to my dad more because he was turning 60 soon.

    They filed police complaints and went to a couple of temples. But my mother's fears came true. Exactly on my dad's 60th birthday, my mom had cooked a big meal after coming back from the temple and doing archanai for my dad. But my dad did not come home from his factory. A factory worker comes running home saying my dad met with an accident and has been taken away in an ambulance. He did not know which hospital or any other details.

    My mom at once took an auto and went to all the known hospitals in Trichy that have ambulances and at last found my dad with his head in bandages and unconscious in the hospital emergency. He had fallen off his bike, while applying brakes to avoid hitting a dog on the road. He had suffered an internal brain haemorrage and other minor injuries on face, hands and legs. Luckily somebody on the road found him and at once called an ambulance and saved his life.

    Those five months from August to December 2005 were very traumatic on my parents' and our lives. Reading your experiences made me go through the whole thing all over again.

    However, it also gives us more things for us to introspect like why do we have to live far away from our parents, esp when they are getting older?, is it just enough that we celebrate Gandhi Jayanthi. Didn't he say the day a woman is able to walk safe alone in the night, that day is when India has truely achieved it's independence? (1970, 1993, 1996, 2005).

    Like Pushpavalli says, we have to bear everything by putting the blame on our past Karma. hmmm.. Food for thought!

    Last edited: Jul 2, 2007
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  7. PushpavalliSrinivasan

    PushpavalliSrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Vidya,
    Very sad to hear about your mother's chain snatching incident and your father's accident. But very much relieved to know that your father's life was saved. The way things are happening around, we could never even dream about what Gandhiji wished. But still there are good people to keep the world spinning.Day by day the situation is going on deteriarating. We can only keep praying for our near and dear ones if we are forced to live far off from them.
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