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The Cholewala and his Loot

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Kamalji, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    The Cholewala and his Loot

    Secret is between two people

    Secret can be kept between three people if one of them is dead.

    I am sure you all have read about Ashok Malhotra, the Cholewala, who has been raided,and a 100 cars of the imported cariety,and at least papers of 5000 plots and kilos of Gold and God knows what has been unearthed from him.The Guy is absconding.His cars have the premium Nos like 0001 0007 and the likes.You name the Car and he has it.

    India is a great country,much better than the Western countries that we admire.In the USA, they put Martha Steward behind bars,and confiscated her money, so also the Enron and World Com CEO's, when they were tried and found guilty.But here in India things are so nice,that one feels like heaven here,as compared to the Hell in the States.Here's How

    1) Everyone must have known what the cholewala had, you cant hide 100 cars,can you? The 5000 plots, the kgs of gold,what can u hide.It was an open secret,known to Hundreds,and now the CBI and IT happen to come to know now.This is like the Hindi movies, where the police comes right in the end,after everything is over.

    2) Telgi - Hired hundreds of people,who knew what was going on.the police officers knew too, the top guns.Telgi was caught in his Colaba Flat, and let off.Everyone shared the loot.And when he was finally caught, the rough estimated loss to the exchequer was close to 30,000 crores, thats 7 billion dollors and still counting.

    3) Mumbai Blasts - See how many thousands were involved, the landers of the RDX, the planters, the police team which caught them and let them off for a bribe of a few lakhs.

    4) Harshad Mehta - used Banks money to play the stock market.And dozens of Banks were involved and thousands of their officers.But it took the collapse of the stock market to bring him to Book.And the Govt gave him Z security,for reasons best known to them.

    These examples show us that the old faggards who made the sayings of Secret being kept between two people were horribly wrong.We can keep secrets in India between Thouands and make merry.Such a beautiful country this.There is enough for everyone

    And we can afford to let theives loot this country for Billions of Dollors, and still the country has enough Billions in reserve.The pit is endless for the theives and the Govt.

    In fact, as my export business is in the slump, I am thinking of buying a handcart and shifting to Delhi,where i will set up near the Parliament. I will outsorce the choles and Baturaes,and the Tikiyas I will be blogging all day,on my laptop,and i will be different that the other Thelewalas.I know very soon Pratibha Patil and others like her, will come to my stall and i will make my contacts,and very soon have imported Cars all around me.Wish me luck Guys and Gals.

    And all ILites be rest assured, when u come to Jaipur, I will take u around in my imported Cars,and give u a treat of the Golden Chole Battures that u will be privileged to have from the one and only Kamalji.Jai Hind.Mera Bharat Mahaan.

    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 12, 2008

  2. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    OMG what a loot Kamalji...
    Cars and plots are difficult to hide if it was in cash and gold a person can hide it but but even the cash and gold is so much.....
    did this guy get kuber ka khazanaa.....hahaha
    A learned and educatd thelewalla you will be called with a laptop in hand 24/7 but now it is too late to wish you Good luck as I see you still in Jaipur and not in Delhi...haha
  3. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Aruna,

    You see, i flirted with lady luck and she deserted me, she is damn pretty and i could not help it, what to do.HAHA

    Well some day dreams will come true eh !

    i can still take u out in my khatara 4 wheeler.HAHA


  4. satchitananda

    satchitananda IL Hall of Fame

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    Ji Kamalji, Mera Bharat Mahaan. Saare Jahaan se accha, Hindusthan hamara, Hum bulbule hain iski, yeh gulsitan hamara.

    I would surely love to come to Jaipur to take a ride in an imported car, see the palaces lekin Kamalji, golden chole bhatures are ok if it only pertains to its natural colour - but if you are talking of essential mineral content, then Kamalji aapun ko hajam nahin hoga.
  5. Kamalji

    Kamalji IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Satchi,

    In case u cannot swallow the actual golden choles, i can gift u one chola as a soveneir eh ! it will be worths its weight in gold i presume.HAHA



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