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The Beauty And The Brain - Episode 9 - Serial With Weekly Episodes

Discussion in 'The Beauty And The Brain - Serial Story' started by varalotti, May 5, 2006.

  1. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks, Sunitha

    I posted the episode just 12 hours early and because of the time difference you were able to see it a whole day early.

    I am very happy that I bring so much happiness to you. Please read it and post your comments at your convenience. I shall reply them.
  2. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Relieved, Prathi!

    Dear Prathi,
    I feel now relieved and happy because this episode has not fallen into the "run of the mill" types.
    The most strenuous part of the episode was Sethu's feelings towards Swetha. He had lived a wholsome life with his wife Raji and after that kind of a life, to fall in love with another woman, even if that woman happens to be the world's most beautiful woman will be difficult.
    But Sethu has a soft corner for Swetha because he wants to help her come out of trouble.
    As to Swetha, she is reaping what she sowed. Falling in love with a person who doesn't deserve her love.
    In fact the great difficulty I face every time is the stopping point. I do want to stop at the righ time but then the size gets changed. One episode is 1900 words and another is 3000 words. Then either I had to cut the size or increase it or add one more scene.
    I am very happy that you liked that stopping point.
    thanks once again,
  3. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Thanks Vidya!

    Hi Vidya,
    Many people subscribe to the view that not only accounts but also accountants are boring. One of my young clients says that the only thing more boring than talking to an accountant is to listen to his talking.
    When I dress in a bright colour dress, the first reaction I get is "Sridhar, you don't dress like an accountant; you dress like a Marketing Manager."
    When handled in the right way by the right person, even Accounts can be interesting. Though I don't have the rich experience my hero has I have had my own share of forensic audits. Found out cash misappropriation in Pune, unearthed a fraud in a Sivakasi company and assessed the extent of fraud in a Singapore firm. While handling these assignments (and several others) I get so excited that I can't even sleep in the night.
    The central core of this serial was taken from the case diary of a Mumbai Chartered Accountant. I got only the facts. I introduced Swetha, Sharada and Khan to make it more palatable.
    Thanks for everything,

  4. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    The Best Is Yet To Come or atleast I think so!

    Dear Chitra,
    Thanks for the kind words. To use your own Mission Statement, the best is yet to come. Or atleast I think so.
    While writing the Raji Sethu conversation, I had tears in my eyes.
    I have described about NI's demonstrative culture. But now when I go to Bangalore or Chennai, I find the same thing. I think the difference that existed between Bombay and Madras in those days, is now there between Chennai and Madurai.
    A few years back I saw a girl smoking in Airlines Hotel. I have seen many girls smoking. But the way this girl held her cigarrette and the way she tipped the ashes and her stylish pose - it was defly not a turn on, but I had a cultural shock in the same way Sethu had when his beautiful client kissed him.
    My regret now is that I don't have any women clients. ha ha ha
    Thanks for the wonderful words, Chitra.
  5. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    Thank You Usha

    Thanks for the nice words. There's no need to rack your professional brains lest reading this serial should become a professional assignment for you.
    Actually I lifted the forensic audit part from the case diary of a Mumbai Chartered Accountant.
    I have also not worked on ACL. But saw the demo version which they gave to us as part of the ISA course here in Madurai.
    But now we have a much cheaper product CAATlyze which is as good as ACL. Just now training on that.
    Using an audit software is not rocket science. You should know how to query a database. If you know basics of SQL it's pretty easy. But it's very powerful.
    I loaded my clients data - a 20 crores- textile retailer and by the first glance could point out the varieties where his margins are low. He has more than 5000 items in his inventory and his sales book for one financial year contains five lakhs records. The software took just 10 seconds to give a list of low margin items.
    Thanks once again,
  6. sudhavnarasimhan

    sudhavnarasimhan Silver IL'ite

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    Dear Sridhar,
    I had read the story but could not get down to writing comments till now. Had some mixed reactions, so took my time to read again, ut felt the same,so.....

    I liked the beginning .....with Sethu's clever thinking he saved another life! And the stirrings of romantic feelings in Swetha was understandable...after all she has just been through an emotional trauma herself .
    But sincerely after that i felt the dialogues between Sethu and Raji to be a bit melodramatic...:tongue..and also thereafter the explanations about theN I culture etc, kind of took away the tempo.

    Thank god Sharada has arrived and is taking the rail back on to its track...ha ha...

    Now i am awaiting for some real action and drama in the next few episodes and not some Mills and Boon romances:thumbsup ....

    [And i am wondering DO JOBS/WORK (You keep defending Accountants....)REALLY MAKE/INFLUENCE A MAN OR WOMAN'S PERSONALITY?! Maybe this is another topic we can discuss seperately..no?]
  7. meenaprakash

    meenaprakash Silver IL'ite

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    emotion packed drama -

    Hello Sridhar,

    This episode was an emotional one - especially Raji's words.
    I also thought we, women become a bit too emotional after a beautiful love making. But again, her words are true & practical.

    Let this serial be an eye-opener to all those like shwetha, who put their emotions in their driving seat and judgement in the backseat. Unless the judgement comes to the driving seat & the emotions backseat, the drive (our life) will never be safe & smooth.

    Sethu definitely looks a hero now - what with his clever manipulation saving Swetha. We do hope he finds something, some figures, some nos., some transaction that would lead him forward. With two intelligent brains to bank upon, sure Shwetha would be saved somehow.

    And again, the episode ends suddenly when our minds are still working overtime about the next step. was a bit difficult to apply a sudden brake, Sridhar.
  8. Sharada

    Sharada Senior IL'ite

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    Accountant's life

    An accountant's brain is unique in that it can juggle, correlate and predict the outcome. Sethu is living up to that expectation. Initially when he and the guard laughed (after the acid bulb was thrown), I thought he had switched sides - truly a Judas kiss!
    Yeah, accountants have got a reputation of being dull and boring - but Varalotti, you are the very opposite - exception to the rule as it were. Sethu's dilemma is well -etched in this. The difference in NIs and SIs is like between an extrovert and introvert - NIs are far more demonstrative and bold.
    Medium-paced and readable,
  9. varalotti

    varalotti IL Hall of Fame

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    I Appreciate The Candour, Sudha!

    Dear Sudha,
    I am happy to have got a chance to explain those two scenes a) the dialouge between Sethu and Raji and b) the NI culture.
    I have tried to portray Sethu in the most realistic fashion. Sethu has been a faithful husband and a man of character, no doubt. But he is not a saint. So seeing the world's most beautiful woman falling in love with him he is also disturbed. Any man in his place will have some feelings of guilt and think about some intimate moments he had shared with his wife. After love making many husbands and wives feel very close to each other and it's at that time they speak out what's in the deepest parts of their hearts.
    This serial is a love story and not a crime thriller. It's not even a spooky thriller like the haunted house where I have to maintain a fast paced story movement. So I am taking the liberty of bringing out what's there in the minds of the hero and the heroine.
    Even now many South Indian families are not demonstrative in their show of affection. But NIs are a different lot. I had to bring in the cultural differences to make Sethu understand that Swetha flying into his arms is not her declaration of love for him.
    Work to some extent affects one's personality.
    When we go as a group and check out of a hotel I would be the only person to verify the bill. And if the bill is not computerised I will even check the totals. People have called me stingy; but I can't help it. At times I find that the hotel staff had omitted to add something. I honestly report that also and get chided by my friends.
    But when I find out an obvious error and save money for my friends then they praise me.
    That exactly is the fate of the present day accountants especially in India. When we find out something and save money for our clients they simply hug us as Sethu's NI client did. But many a time we have to tell our clients that they are going in the wrong direction. And when that happens they just change their accountant.
    As I said in my reply to one of the accountant members of IL, I am dedicating this serial to the Indian Accounting profession which is grossly underrated.
    So please indulge when I sing praises about my profession. After all this is the only forum I can do that. Elsewhere people won't listen.
    Thanks for the honest comments. If you are not saitsfied with this reply please do tell. I'll try again.
  10. Kamla

    Kamla IL Hall of Fame

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    At laaast....

    ....got to read it!
    Yes, as soon as the internet connections got fixed, the first thing I did was to read your serial Sridhar!
    The toss was between spiritual forum and the serial! But as I believe in having a quiet mind while thinking of Almighty, I decided on your/our continuing thriller. Maybe it says something about maturity of my mind. Nevermind:)
    One thing I really want to know is where can I find an accountant like Sethu?! The ones we have dealt with are a discussion for another forum! Let me hasten to add that we never dealt with Madurai accountants:)
    This episode was crisp and moving forwards. The feelings of Sethu and Swetha for each other were written with a lot of thought. It is not easy to jump into a new romantic liason for Sethu after going through the tragedy that he went through. Swetha's experience was totally different, although tragic. It was nice that you stressed about outward beauty having nothing to do with the matters of heart.
    .." he now had a completely different mission in life for which marriage with any woman would be a hindrance." ..This line particularly endears Sethu as it shows that he has not forgotten his noble goal for gal!
    It will be interesting to know how Sethu is going to remove the tangles of Swetha's mess and how can Swetha escape the public humiliation as per wishes of Sharada. Once that is done, love may follow..I'll wait.


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