Dear Induslady ( and man!)...... Suddenly, the background of our forum is aglow with a lovely green with its intricate designs. Thanks for providing this treat to all your IL'ites. They say green is good for eyes. As we spend so much time staring at our screens, it sure is a blessing. Thanks for improving the aesthetics of our site. L, Kamla
Yipee!!! IL in all its Green Grandeuer. It looks wonderful to have the green background on all pages instead of the Blah White. Thanks M and J. Wonerful job. V
Yeh the background is very pleasant with some minute antique design and face. GOOD JOB:2thumbsup: Ramya
Yes,Kamla, The green colour and the Kamla? on top are a welcome surprise and bring a happy bright feeling. REgards, Purnima