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Thats Why!

Discussion in 'Stories (Fiction)' started by rgsrinivasan, Nov 19, 2013.

  1. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Arun wished back several students of that college as he entered his room. He worked as a part-time counselor in that college and used to be there half day a week. He was a professional psychologist and offered this as a service. Besides, his younger sister studied in the same college and he used to pick her up occasionally after his time there. Being rich by ancestry, he did not even have to work, but he made himself busier and this was a great opportunity for him to get to know the problems of the 'young minds'.He heard the bell and asked the person to come in.

    A shy individual came in and addressed himself as Ilango. "Tell me whats your problem Ilango!", Arun asked. Ilago hesitated a lot and Arun had to ask a lot of questions to elicit the information. Ilango was a poor boy who only had his mother and was thriving on an educational scholarship. Of late, he was not able to concentrate on anything other than the girl in his class. He simply seemed to be mad about her, but was so afraid of revealing it to her, though he talked to her daily. She seemed to 'like' him, he felt. And his grades had been down resulting in a threat to his scholarship which had the condition that his grade should not fall below 70%. "Can you please tell me how to overcome this, Sir?". he asked.

    Arun eased him first and asked questions about the girl. "She is a rich one and has only a brother, who, she says, is very affluent. But I don't know anything other than that!", he said. Arun advised him about the ill effects of this problem. "It could just be a physical attraction, buddy!", he said and added, "If I were you, I will not risk my scholarship. I will finish the studies first, ear a job and look after my family. Please do not get side-tracked. Ok?". The poor boy seemed to be crestfallen, but understood that and nodded.

    Arun left the college saying to himself, "Had he been after someone else...".

  2. Pallavi4me

    Pallavi4me Platinum IL'ite

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    Good one rgs as usual. so had he been after someone else, would arun's advise have been different??
  3. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    I leave it to the reader's imagination, Pallavi. Thanks for the feedback. -rgs

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