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Thankful! Grateful! Blessed!

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by Srama, Nov 25, 2023.

  1. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    So sorry to be posting one snippet after another, but there is this compulsion to just....write!
    The hard sand as the waves splash against the legs, well has been enjoyed enough! I have chosen to walk on the sand away from the water on the beach. I allow my feet to sink as continue to put one foot in front of the other. This is a new experience for me - well certainly on this trip. DH even while relaxing, relaxes walking a mile a minute usually the same distance ahead of me. Today we have decided to go our own way!


    He wants to go faster and run, and well I want to go slower on my walks and we have chosen opposite directions too inadvertently!

    I have a notepad like that, on which i usually write notes to my students to inspire them. I am reminded of that notepad as I start walking, but I start smiling soon as I realize that the earth is round and we are bound to meet no matter what direction we take, a fact I never mention to my students or to my DH this morning for that matter.

    As I lift one foot at a time and plant another down in mindfulness, it feels like i am allowing the earth to carry my weight. The sinking feeling is so uplifting :kissingsmiling:. I stay planted waiting for a photographer to finish taking pictures of a bride and groom as the sun rises. The Indian bride is beautiful, but her outfit...mwaah. I haven't seen another one as lovely. Her choice of color - black makes it even more royal! I know, i know but I walk up to her complimenting her and wishing the couple a ton of happiness! I like that she is choosing to go her own way!

    As I stand watching a crab here and there burrow in to their holes, I am aware of the sound of the waves in the background. Having meditated to the rising sun, I cannot help but feel that the rushing waves to the shore are like thoughts rushing into one's mind, making a splash, sometimes louder than the others. But then I also realize the silence, feel its presence as the waves recede and realize that recede they must. It is that moment of silence between the two splashing waves that makes all the difference. The silence is beautiful and even as i am aware that there is another wave coming, it makes me realize that no matter how many waves keep coming, there are as many moments of quiet too.....if we just allow ourselves to feel.

    Call it a quinkydink, but just the previous day, I had come across a quote that said "Silence is not an absence, but a presence. Not an emptiness but repletion, a filling up"....Anne D LeClaire. That is how I feel as the soft sound of a wave at a distance tries hard to make me feel its presence, but all it can do is just that - try! And the only presence I feel is silence! Thankful! Grateful! Blessed!

    Now that you have made it to the end, here are a couple of pictures from my morning, with nothing but gratitude! Thank you!



  2. MalStrom

    MalStrom IL Hall of Fame

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    Such a treat reading your flurry of snippets, @Srama! You have a way of elevating even the mundane to the sublime. Lovely pictures too!
    I have always found the ocean to be hypnotic. I can sit there for hours just watching the waves. My favorite place after all these years is still Marina Beach, which evokes childhood memories of when my grandfather would sneak us grandkids off to eat thenga-manga-pattani sundal away from the disapproving gaze of my grandmother.
    Srama likes this.
  3. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @MalStorm,

    Thank you for that assurance.
    and for your words of encouragement.

    Memories, happy memories can lighten our hearts in no time. I am so glad you have those with your grandparents. You are fortunate to have grown up by the ocean. You are right - the joy of just sitting down and resting the body and mind is second to none. I have always been drawn to water and just looking at the ocean from a distance soothes me. while I do wonder how I would be if I lived close to the ocean, I am grateful for these little get aways for now!

    Thank you for reading all my snippets and liking them. It means a lot. Hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving. Enjoy what's remaining of the weekend!
    MalStrom likes this.
  4. Viswamitra

    Viswamitra Finest Post Winner

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    Dear Sabitha,

    Never ever apologize for too many snippets as we can't have enough of your snippets and enjoy reading everyone of them. Lovely photographs and thanks for sharing them!

    I used that reference about the earth is round to my students to mention that no one is a stranger in this world and we are bound to meet them if we journey in this planet. One of the smart students asked me, "You said not to leave our phones unattended even when we go to the restroom as strangers could access it. Who is that stranger?" I replied respectfully to that student that those strangers are devils and not fit to be in this planet where we meet other good souls again and again.

    The mind is a cauldron of thoughts and when the fire of emotions is lit up, thoughts in the mind start boiling. When the fire is subsided, thoughts remain dormant. Like the waves, they exist only peripherally and not in the depth of who we are. We are an ocean of love.

    Thoughts are like subatomic particles and they appear only when they are observed. When we live in unreal world inside our head, we spend the entire life to seek silence whereas when we live in reality, we realize that our inherent nature is silence.
    Srama likes this.
  5. shyamala1234

    shyamala1234 Platinum IL'ite

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    To me silence in between two noises (is it the right word!) or two activities or meaning between two sentences.... take us to a sort of meditative state. Brain takes a gap and we ponder to think beyond the two things and that is what is conveys to us the reality. Many of Bach's ideas convey this and that is the beauty of them.
    I am unable to convey exactly what I mean... but I hope you can understand.
    Srama likes this.
  6. jayasala42

    jayasala42 IL Hall of Fame

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    Smt Rama's snippet on appreciatioon of slow walking on sands was superb.
    Her every step reminds me of some talams of carnatic music.
    Especially her conclusion about silence was exemplary.
    This being music season, most of my time is being spent in listening to kutcheris.
    At the end of each performance , it makes me think " What is music?"
    All sounds cannot be called music. But definitely all music is a cluster of sounds.
    Then how do we differentiate sound from music?Let alone the aspect of aestheic sense,
    Bhakthi, emotion,elevating us to higher plane etc etc be there.
    Music is not just sound.It is the minute 'gap' between sounds that creates music.
    When sounds are put in harmony, it is music.
    What is harmony? It is 'silence' between two sounds.The sound creates a 'depth' to
    the 'silence' & 'silence' creates a depth to the
    ' sounds'.So 'silence' and' sound' start interplaying with each other to form a
    symphany called MUSIC.Depending on the intervel of silence and the impact it creates
    on various types of sounds , the whole world of music is created -
    we have a sea of ragas in Karnatic, Hindustani & Western Classical & all other types of music
    in the entire world.Rhythmic patterns and jatis are also produced similarly.
    Without silence, there will be no music.

    Music has popularly been defined as the harmonious blending of sounds, aimed at giving contentment, solace and happiness to people. However, some of our greatest Carnatic music geniuses have contended this definition and offered their own conception of music. Let me delve into my memories and try to re-live the process of one such re–definition.
    Before that, let me explain why the popular definition of music as a blending of harmonious sounds, which seems quite reasonable, could possibly be contended. Here, let me call linguistics, the scientific study of languages, to my aid.
    One of the principal tenets of linguistics is that language acquires the capacity to communicate because it deals with ‘differentiation’. For example, what is meant in English by the word ‘cat’ is that which is not ‘not cat’.
    When this analogy is transferred to music, we naturally find that music or musicality necessarily resides in the possibility of ‘non music’ or to use a better and a more succinct term, musicality is one of the functions of ‘silence’! Many are the stalwarts of Carnatic music who have recognized the enormous implications of this possibility and worked upon it to build up glamorous and spacious edifices of music.This we can realise when we listen to Thani Aavathanam of percussion instruments.
    The tempo, weight and grace of the program were enhanced many times over by the inimitable accompaniment of Mani iyer. How ever, what still lingers in my memory is Mani Iyer’s impromptu lecture in the middle of the concert.
    What started out as an emotional out pouring against the wide spread dependence on the microphone at the expense of full throated singing, soon turned into an intellectual exposition of how silence becomes the golden frame that adds to the value of good music.
    In essence, Mani Iyer’s argument was that the corridors of silence, consciously crafted by vaggeyakaras of the old was what differentiated music from sound. It is the juxtaposition of sound against silence that makes or mars music.
    You see my five fingers, but somebody can see the five gaps between my fingers.

    Ordinarily you will not see the gaps, you will see five fingers. But the gaps are more real:
    fingers may come and go, gaps will remain.

    Between sounds of music there are gaps of silence. The authentic music consists not of sounds,
    but of the gaps. Sounds come and go; those gaps remain. And music can make you aware
    of those gaps more beautifully than anything else; hence I have to say that music comes
    next to silence. But it is possible even the musician may not be aware of it, unless his music
    is his meditation too. Then, soon, the shift from sounds to silence.

    The ancient Chinese story is that whenever a musician becomes perfect, he throws
    away his instruments; whenever a swordsman becomes perfect, he throws away his sword.

    When a musician starts shifting his attention from sounds to silence, his music becomes
    almost perfect; when he starts listening only to the silence and forgets all about sounds,
    his music is perfect.

    Madam,my response might have shifted your intention behind this snippet.
    I am really sorry for this diversion. This being music season, I can't but keep silent.

    Jayasala 42

    Jayasala 42

    In the East, music has been always accepted as a spiritual phenomenon. If your music cannot create silence in the people who are listening, it is not music. If your music does not become an unmoving no-mind in the people of your audience, it is not music. It is just making noise.

    Music can be understood only by those who have a musical ear. And those who have a musical ear should think themselves fortunate because beyond music, just one step more, they enter the world of meditation, silence.

    Silence is the ultimate music.
    Srama likes this.
  7. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear V Sir,

    Thank you for that assurance.
    It means a lot to me.

    Surprisingly, I am learning that no matter what else is happening, thankfully I am able to sneak in those moments of solitude and joy, and feel very fortunate and grateful for that. Waves being only on the periphery is an excellent thought. Something to remember.

    Indeed sir. If our real world is maya, imagine the world in our heads! Silence is indeed very blissful! Thank you as always for that wonderful response.
    Viswamitra likes this.
  8. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear Syamala!

    Love your response! I get you perfectly my friend.
    Dr.Wells calls it actually "Getting in the Gap" and has written an entire book on the same subject. Oh! Bach I tell you! I cannot tell you how inspired I am by the book still. I read Illusions again on my vacation. Part of how I felt on the beach is thanks to the book! You conveyed perfectly and I understood perfectly too - something to be said about friendships! Thank you for your response.
    shyamala1234 likes this.
  9. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear JS Ma'm,

    I am truly touched and I really do not know how to respond to this fabulous feedback. It is so beautiful that I have read it and re-read it so many times. This below is so beautiful!
    The interplay of light and darkness, sound and silence creates the feeling of oneness, which can be interpreted as bliss I feel. Communication through or because of differentiation is such a fascinating idea. I am truly blown away and have been thinking about many ideas you speak of in the response. For example
    That last sentence ma'm!! Beautiful! We have to practice a meditative lifestyle as an observer to really enjoy all the beauty we have around us.

    One of my regrets has been not learning music in my younger days. Instead of living in that regret, I am doing my best to learn now. Somehow, I have always been a 'rather try than lament' kind of person. But, I claim myself a rasika, and the joy, the silence you describe is often enjoyed in the limited chances I get. The truth is no matter, we can all find that joy if we care enough to look in the gaps.

    You only added value to what I have felt ma'm. Please, don't apologize. You are such a treasure trove of knowledge that I find it my fortune that you chose to respond here with so much passion and clarity.
    A response like this can only enhance what I have tried to convey. Thank you from the bottom of my heart for such valuable feedback.
  10. Srama

    Srama IL Hall of Fame

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    Dear @Rihana,

    Late latif there on FP forum Finest Post Nominations - November 2023, so quoting you here to thank you! I do hope you find time to respond only because I cannot wait to read your poetic response! You know how much I love your style of writing! Thank you, my friend!

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