Hi ladies, Could someone out there help me out. I need the lyrics of the old Telugu film (If I remeber right, the film name is "BADI PANTULU") song '"BUCHA DAMMA BUCHADDU, BULLI PETTELO VUNNADU, KALLA KEPUDU KANABADADU KABURULENNO CHEBUTADU". I want the lyrics for this song. Please can someone post the Telugu lyric typed in English. I will be greatful to whomever could help me out. Thanks and regds, Durga Ravi
Try in this site... Hi Durga, I used to listen to lots of telegu songs (both new & old) in the below site. http://www.telugubiz.net/ I have noticed that they have lyrics of many songs (mostly in English). You may want to check for the song you had mentioned. If you don't find it existing, you can request for the song giving details like name of the movie, singer's name, lyricist name, etc. Hope you find it there! Good luck! - Roja