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Teaching 3 Yr Old Toddler

Discussion in 'Toddlers' started by sanjuruby3, Oct 23, 2017.

  1. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    On and off I start feeling pressure that I do not spend enough time on teaching my kid. I do not sit with her and ask her to paint or draw. Then I meet kids her age ( indian) and I feel they draw/ write and basic maths ( yes true) and also they like to sit and study everyday.
    My toddler is so active that she won't sit for 5 minutes and by that time I lose my patience. Morever, I have to do household work so I feel like time wasted. I know, its completely wrong to compare kids and I do not want my kid to be genius in class or become maths wiz at the age of 5. But sometimes her school gives home work. And because she is not trained to sit/listen at home, she won't sit and learn for that homework also. Also once in her school evaluation, I was told, she does not know paper cutting, numbers only this much ..etc. How would I know that its me who has to put effort to teach her? Thats why we send her to school at age of 3 so she learn there. Ofcourse she learns.
    At home, I can not make her do anything, clean up or help in home. May be 1-2 shapes she will draw.
    What to do? How to engage her.

  2. ashneys

    ashneys Platinum IL'ite

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    Every child progresses differently.

    There are some moms who engages the child too much, like they study something every free hour, many tuitions, classes, coaching, n a lot more.

    N There are some moms who are happy with just the learning at school, n nothing extra.

    Depending on the path you are taking, your child's progress will be similar too - because if a child learns extra, it knows extra too. According to me, both are neither right nor wrong, it's jus the parents n childrens choice. So no point comparing a child that is studying extra stuff to a child that doesn't. They are jus different.

    If you want to engage.. there's no denying that you would have to initiate n go thru that struggle too..

    Where's ur hubby in all this ? During the homework days, ask him to either help you with household work or teach the daughter.

    If his help is not possible, why not keep that day's chores to minimal during the homework days, like push it to the next day or the previous day or even finish when she's at school.

    Or can start the habit of doing this for 15 mins everyday, just to develop the habit. That way it won't interrupt your schedule either, n she won't get too bored either. Make it fun with both of you doing together, make it a fun competition like who does first, who wins, anything that can make it fun n interesting for her.

    Or get a tutor to come home for jus 15-30 mins everyday.

    You can still choose to let her grow n progress at her own pace.
  3. viki123

    viki123 Silver IL'ite

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    Don't compare ur kid with indian standards, they are pushed too much. My DS is also 3 almost as ur DD, even he doesn't write or draw. He will try but not perfect, sitting at one place and studying for more than 10 min is huge task.

    I would suggest give her fav activity task let her play around with that and also make sure she is able to reach it. Also place some papers, pens, etc near by and let her explore rather than forcing her.

    Since my DS is also behaving similar, my goal for now is to get used to these activities rather than perfectness. My DS likes to do all on his own, if we push him he will not do that. May be it's a age thing too.
  4. sanjuruby3

    sanjuruby3 Platinum IL'ite

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    Right @viki123,

    I myself do not have energy to push or make her do anything, even cleanup. But some of the activities build their personality as they grow. Like clean up crayons, putting books in place instead on floor .
    Scribbling/ Painting - If she does, she be concentrated at 1 thing atleast for couple minutes instead of opening some cabinet and taking some stuff out on floor but what animal/kid I have, can not sit static for a min. ;-)

    Then mom friends come and tell me their same age kid know this that, drawing mathematics and above that they listen, follow their moms and eat themselves and well and clean up too. :anguished:
    Difference is their moms are at home, and toddlers go to school only a day or so.
  5. viki123

    viki123 Silver IL'ite

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    Did you get your health checked on ur energy levels ? I am concerned about it and would suggest work on ur energy first. As moms we tend to ignore our health after we have kids.

    Cleanup activities she should be doing at this age. Did you talk to her teachers how she is at school ? Are you both parents are on same page on this ?

    Every kid is different irrespective of mom's or school schedule. Listening to parents it depends on their mood and how we tell them. My DS ignores me if I shout at him, Only thing that work for him is telling him softly and time outs. Me and DH follow the same procedure/schedule, so he know he has to do it no way out of it.

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