In what is seen as India Inc's biggest takeover, Tatas outbid Brazilian rival to acquire Corus Group. The $12bn deal would make the new entity world's fifth largest steelmaker. More...
Hip Hip Hooray for Tata ! I was reading about the take over in detail all morning. Boy ! The man has guts ! He's biting off more than he can chew, but I suppose he knows what he is doing. When Mittal took Arcelor, it was a nice feeling, but still, he being NRI, we couldn't participate in that euphoria becos. the man had made himself not thanks to India, but thanks to the conducive climate outside the country. But Tata is 100% "Made in India" so we can truly feel proud. In the recent Davos meet, western powers had to concede that now India and China are on equal footing with any first world power and can no longer be treated condescendingly as third world underdogs. German Chancellor Angela Merkel's speech was more than just a nod of acknowledgement. She made it explicitly clear that the old , all- white fiefdoms can no longer afford to labour under the delusion that they are still leaders of the world. Now the name Tata is all over the world ! So heres raising a big cheer for Tata :yes: Hum Honge Kaamyaab ! Manjula
:exactly:It once again shows India's power to the world as an emerging leader. Big Kudos to Ratan Tata for his bravery. Varudhini