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Taken For Granted?

Discussion in 'Snippets of Life (Non-Fiction)' started by rgsrinivasan, Nov 7, 2012.

  1. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Here I come again to write about yet another thing that I'm contemplating about.

    We take many things for granted and only start noticing a bit seriously when there is a change. I can quote numerous examples for this, right from the milkman, newspaper boy, servant / maid, the delivery boys from big groceries / medical shops, the gas cylinder deliverer and so on. Yes, I accept the fact that they are not doing free service and we pay them, though complaining that they charge a lot these days for what they do.

    Some days back, when rain was lashing the city hard, I was up, due to power cut, very early in the morning. After hearing the frogs orchestra with the rhythmic drumming of the rains, I felt it could be better to have a coffee. By Murphy's law, there was no milk packet in fridge. Our milkman delivers milk packets before 05.15 A.M. [God bless him]. And I haven't seen him even once. I was doubting whether he would come on time that day, as it was raining hard. I just went out and found the milk packets already there in the bag that we'd tied. One look at the watch told me that it was 04.45 A.M. As I looked up, I saw him for the first time. He was old [must be in sixties], lean, unshaven and was very wet. He just had a polythene cover that covered his head and shoulders. He was cycling away to another street. I thought of thanking him, but did not.

    And, in the place where we live now, we get newspapers delivered late. I had the habit of reading it while having my first coffee, so, was often frustrated and complained to the agent about it. From the next week onwards, the paper was promptly delivered before 06.45 A.M. And as you guessed, I had never seen the one who did it. On that same day, I was sitting in the living room, keeping the door open and watching the rain. A boy, not more than 17 came. Unlike many others who threw the paper from road and wheel away, this boy kept the paper in the window sill and after ensuring that it wouldn't get wet, was about to leave. I stopped him, asking for the weekly magazine that was due that day. He hesitated, apologized and said that he forgot and asked me if it was ok to give it the next day. When I was not convinced, he said that he had no time then, as he had to read for exams. I nodded. Later, my wife told me that he had given the magazine in the afternoon.

    Again, there is a little chance of me seeing either the milkman or the paper boy. But they do have their sense of commitment which warms me and teaches me something. Though they are mostly ignored, they still do their job and do not complain. And that can't be just equated with money. I wondered how many of us would be having the same attitude, when we are ignored at work or even while in home. Suddenly it dawned to me.

    Am I not ignoring my dear ones and taking them for granted?

    Everything whether it is big or small
    Done on time makes a big difference.
    Let us be grateful to one and all
    Who do them without being indifferent.

    Be it a little recognition
    Or a gentle smile and a pat
    It sure will reduce the friction
    And may even trigger a start

    Of a rewarding relationship
    Which may last for years.
    Though we may not be worshipped
    We will be held as dear.

    Lets not take things for granted,
    As we won't like ourselves to be.
    If we do, we will sure be granted
    Something that keeps all, happy.
    Last edited: Nov 7, 2012
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  2. Mindian

    Mindian IL Hall of Fame

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    Good one RGS and you are right... as usual :)

    My father actually taught us that all these people deserve to be acknowledged for their services because, but for them, our daily life can never go smoothly. he used to always enquire about their families and general well being.
    I got the habit from him but unfortunately I did not get his patience:hide: if I like their services I am very sweet to them otherwise they get to hear from me.:)

    Yes, we take our family too for granted sometimes though we shouldn't but I hope acknowledging once in a while how much they mean to us is enough hahha
    6 people like this.
  3. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Wow! Thats too quick Mindi. Thanks a lot for your first and fast feedback. And yes, I too am in the same boat. And pranams to your father.

    May be, this verse might help repair the bridge later on :) .
    Patience is a virtue
    Which only a few have
    I don't hence please excuse
    Me and kindly serve!

  4. kiranavvari

    kiranavvari Gold IL'ite

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    Yes, very often we tend to take our family for granted. But I see that acknowledging their effort does wonders. I experienced that relationships got better when I started to acknowledge the effort taken by my dear ones. Though a long way for me to recognise everyone, at least glad that I started my baby steps.
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  5. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thats fantastic to hear, Kiranavvari. You are already one step ahead of me. Very glad to receive your feedback. And what you said just warms me a lot. -rgs
  6. Arunarc

    Arunarc Moderator Staff Member IL Hall of Fame

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    That was a beautiful post Srinivasan.
    Reading this I remembered 2 months back when I shifted to my new house there was a small boy of 20 or so years old almost my son's age who came home to mount my TV set on the wall. He was doing his job so well, out of curosity I asked him his age and what he was doing he told me he is studing engg. during morning time, and by afternoon he does this job till night.
    He was saying that he had 5 more siblings and only he and his dad are the working members in the house, as his mother is no more. I went to offer him extra money but he did not take it.
    I sometimes wonder why poor people have so many kids....later they struggle so much to give them good education
    and life.

    Most of the time we never bother to go in detail to see about the service these people do for us, I know these type of people don't wait for our appreciation showed for the service they provide us. But once in a while we should do it, which might be they will feel happy about it.
    7 people like this.
  7. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thats exactly the point Aruna! Though they don't wait for our appreciation, we should still do it. Am extremely happy to receive your feedback and to know about your kind act Aruna. And kudos to his self respect too.
    Thanks a lot. And, for the question you asked - Its ironical that you always lack something in life, whether
    rich or poor. -rgs
  8. Megalife

    Megalife Platinum IL'ite

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    A boy with a spine!
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  9. iyerviji

    iyerviji IL Hall of Fame

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    RGS dear thought provoking post. We should not take for granted and acknowledge the deeds done by these people. Now a days I make it a point to thank the Rikshawallas after getting down. Whenever the boys come for computer repair , washing machine repair or for any electric problems I offer them Coffee. These small gestures make them happy and make their day. True we should not take for granted our family members too
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  10. rgsrinivasan

    rgsrinivasan IL Hall of Fame

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    Thats so nice of you Viji Madam. Very happy to receive your feedback. Thanks a lot. -rgs
    1 person likes this.

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