I dont know where to post this exactly so i am just starting it here if there is a place where this thread can be moved, please do so.... Pregnancy time most most precious and amazing time one go thru before becoming MOM.This time everyone treat you very very special and they try to cook you the desires of your cravings and serve you.Time everyone treasure all thru their life.. During my first pregnancy my husband use to get my bfast ready everymorning during the working days..he got me what all i want to eat mostly fruits as i went thru somuch of morning sickness and didnt eat much almost half of the pregnancy time. he use to take care of me so preciously.. finally he brought tears to my eyes with a fabulous and very memorable baby shower..usually its done by parents but my husband did it for me got all the sweets,clothes from india planned it very good and everyone was happy and i was over joyed and i cried out.... we are blessed with a boy then.... Then 2nd pregnancy during the peak time of Zombie COVID, I mistook my morning sickness to be of COVID symptoms and was very worried until i found out i was pregnant again.. we are happy,anxious...for its not planned but ITS GOD'S plan..He took care of me good but now its 2nd time its little different still care is there. he use to cut my toenails..i never in my dream thought he is going to do that,wow BUT cant have baby shower as my little one has to come out the day before my baby shower because of my blood Pressure...we are blessed with a angel now...., my husband end up staying with my in the hospital for 3 days because of covid restrictions.. guy staying at one place without going here and there for 3 days, that too with a WIFE.... , after he saw all the pain we go thru he is like ladies go thru somuch pain... which is so very true Its obvious that when we look at someone thats pregnant automatically all the comes back in our mind. All those staying in USA lucky in a way as husband can stay with wife and help unless in india husband just come by as a visitor and see the baby and leave,(maybe they have a reason for that too i dont know).. Fellow Ilties share you sweet memories from those days....
Kudos to your jottings here. Simple sweetshort narration. Enjoyable read for sure. Such timely service rendering possible only when the couple are away from their kins and in laws. Hubbys naturally feel to remain reserved in presence of or amidst their parents and can’t shed their inhibitions. You were born lucky with DH to be away in US away from India to enjoy whole hearted attention paid to you during your pregnancy taking good care that includes preparation for baby shower etc. You are expecting responses from lady folks here . Here a lady writes her plight when she was in the family way. I hope this story would fit the bill here. I DID NOT JUMP “Fire in I class ladies’ compartment of Kurla -Mankurd train. Few hurt and one admitted in hospital.” It was news item in the morning edition of Times of India. A sudden chill went up my spine. I began brooding over of my previous afternoon. It was a day in pre-mobile era the year 1976. Partial solar eclipse supposed to commence around 3 O’clock. I was in erstwhile Bombay. Only few months back, I got transferred from Chennai to Bombay branch of the bank. This was just after my wedding to Rajan. Being Saturday, It was half day working for me at the bank at Dockyard Road from where I was returning via suburban train to Chembur. As the train halted at in-between stations, I was counting number of stations the train yet to halt before I reach destination Chembur, where my darling would be waiting to pick me. I was replaying wonderful and blissful moments that I had enjoyed with him since time he tied the nuptial-knot. He would always have some pleasant surprise for me for the weekend. He used to plan well in advance to ensure that I share a great deal of joy with him in every aspect. Ah.The train was moving unusually in snail’s pace. I felt as if every minute was expanding to an eternity. My baby was kicking inside and gynec had forecasted due date around following month end. Now only three more stations, the train will halt before it reaches Chembur. Rajan on his way from his defence office would be waiting at the platform exactly where my compartment would halt. The train is now speeding up and only one more station left to be halted before it reaches Chembur. Yes, I could see the station written in black in yellow background metal-name board KURLA. The train now halted at Kurla would leave for Chembur. After 5-7 minutes, it is the station that I would alight? I will be holding hand of Rajan. The thought of his rubbing shoulders through the milling crowd, up the foot over-bridge, holding my hand with our fingers entwined, being escorted in OG jeep, brings inexplicable joy. The train now left Kurla picking up speed. I was brooding over events of morning rush hour before I left for office; and the talk of solar eclipse and that pregnant lady to be protected from exposure to sunlight during all phases of eclipse. My parents and other elders advised me to be at home well before the commencement of eclipse. In the morning itself, flat-owner and his three daughters were competing with each other with my hubby to block the sunlight from entering through the windows of our living cumkitchen cum bedroom. After a kilometer or so the speeding train came to a screeching halt. Co-passengers, in my ladies’ compartment were loudly discussing what had caused the train to halt. A stout lady stood from my side hurried to the entrance/exit portion of the compartment, peeped out for a while and returned to me telling “bijili cut hogaya. Gaadi abhi nahi nikalayghee. Sub logh gaadi say jump karke jathay hai. My thum ko madhat karoon?”(Power cut. Train won't move. Everyone jumping out of compartment. May I help you?) I was yet to become fluent in Hindi, yet I could understand. “There is no power supply and therefor.. This message caused great distress. Someone else was telling that train halted close to Kurla station and by jumping out and walking to other side over the tracks, one can get into Mankurd local train that goes via Chembur which is to start in a few minutes. The lady, who offered me help to jump out of the compartment, got annoyed when I politely declined. The ground between parallel tracks with gravels tracks was about 6 to 7 feet below. She reluctantly left me, muttering something in Marathi.But for me, compartment was vacant in a couple of minutes. I was fearful, yet hopeful that power supply would restore and the journey too. Minute by minute, I was gripped with fear and anxiety;then I reminded myself that I should have positive thoughts which would help baba in the womb & me. I repeatedly chanted slokas which my beloved mother taught me since my schooldays. An hour has gone by.During this halt,I was wondering what Rajan would be doing at the other end. It is past his usual lunch time. He cannot endure hunger. He must have sensed something amiss. By this time, he would have found (!) the reason. I was trying to guess what he would do next. Did he know that I am stranded inbetween stations? He would probably ascertain status from Chembur station master. Would he be driving to Kurla? I thought of various options for him. I mentally played positive scenes as shown in movies. I imagined, Rajan sprinting over the wooden sleepers on the curved track between Chembur and Kurla, waving red turbancloth borrowed from a railway coolie! I even spoke to the baby in the womb “baba - everything is fine for your arrival into our world; daddy is coming to pick us up in a jiffy”. As if in response baba was kicking. I just heard the whirr of the generator car in adjacent compartment bringing the train to life; what a coincidence. Baba kicked in my stomach and train started kicking; and I could hear movement of pantograph and the hooter sound.But alas! Train was moving backwards and that too slowly. Oh God! What will happen further to compound the situation? But seeing group of urchins and hooligans walking along the track, I told myself, moving backward or forward – it is somewhat safer than train remaining stationary. The train back to Kurla station but on to a different platform- not the one from which it had left. Before it halted, numerous passengers rushed into the compartment frightening me; jampacked in a jiffy. I heard the distance voice of Raj, shouting repeatedly “his”own name “Rajan”. My eyes filled with sweet tears. I am sure it was he, my hubby. He shouted his own name so that I would hear and be comfortable at once; and He rushed into the compartment, pushed through crowd, located me, seen glint in my moist eyes, held my right hand, and in a jiffy out from the station to the OG jeep and drove on to Eastern Express High Way. My parents and house owner’s family were waiting at the gates and on seeing our arrival shouted in joy. As we entered, the clock in our room just began chiming three times. Yes. It was just commencement of the solar eclipse; and much to the relief of all, I was already into the darkened (!) room.
Thank you for your response sir this story just remind me of those similar days while I was pregnant both times my mil from India and other relatives, my close friends telling me not to go outside ….. Very well written..
Thanks from bottom of my heart for the short & sweet comments. Though not in the type of response you look forward, yet it would provide insight to modern celebration of baby shower. Ba Ba Ba Ba Baby Shower Turned Borrowed Shower Adjacent my home my new friend doing his bachelor degree was holding a baby of few months old. When i asked him whether baby was his sister’s, he put me in bewilderment by his answer- “ she is my sister”. I remember to have seen few months ago his elder was in family way. Later i learnt that two pregnant ladies should not see each other andso friend’s mother was sent for confinement to her parents’ home.! Life is like that for some!
Hahahaaaa oh sir you have to see people at my work while moms younger son is 5,6 yr old moms daughter gives birth to baby so both nephew and uncle comes to see same doctor it will be very wonder for us but not for them I will read baa baa baby shower tomorrow
Is that from your own experience sir???? After I saw this question then I got doubt that it might be your own experience, am I right sir????
Thanks to sister @mbharani for clicking like to my feedback at #2. I cherish it. I remember her story in wordpress published few years ago when she was TTC. I WISH SHE HAD PROVIDED THE LINK HERE THAT DESCRIBES HER TRYST IN getting pregnant. I trust she is enjoying motherhood.